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// ECellBLEConst.h
// ECellBluetooth
// Created by lemo. on 2019/5/22.
// Copyright © 2019 chentingfeng. All rights reserved.
#ifndef ECellBLEConst_h
#define ECellBLEConst_h
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellBLEEnum.h>
#define IsDelegate(delegate,method) delegate != nil && [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(method)]
#define kNotification [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
/// 蓝牙数据拼接分隔符
#define DataSeparator @"!@#$"
// 蓝牙指令数据回调Block
typedef void (^ResultBlock)(ECell_BLE_COMMAND_ERROR_TYPE errorType, NSDictionary * _Nullable json);
typedef void (^ResultReportBlock)(ECell_BLE_REPORT_COMMAND reportCmd, NSDictionary * _Nullable json);
typedef void (^ResultCmdBlock)(ECell_BLE_COMMAND_ERROR_TYPE errorType);
typedef void (^ParseCmdResultBlock)(ECell_BLE_COMMAND_PARSE_ERROR_TYPE errorType, NSDictionary * _Nullable result);
// 服务UUID
#define kScanServiceUUID @"FBC0"
#define kServiceUUID @"C3E6FBC0-E966-1000-8000-BE99C223DF6A"
// 指令通道
#define kNotifyCharacteristic @"C3E6FEA2-E966-1000-8000-BE99C223DF6A"
#define kWriteCharacteristic @"C3E6FEA1-E966-1000-8000-BE99C223DF6A"
#pragma mark - Sandbox
/** 本地设备信息KEY(连接后自动保存,手动断开删除) */
#define ECellLocalDeviceInfo @"ECellLocalDeviceInfo"
#pragma mark - Log
// 默认关闭日志输出
static BOOL ECellBluetoothReportLoggerIsOpen = NO;
#define ECellLog(...) if (ECellBluetoothReportLoggerIsOpen) NSLog(@"%@\n\n",[NSString stringWithFormat:__VA_ARGS__])
#pragma mark - Cmd
/// 指令码
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ECell_BLECMD) {
ECell_BLECMD_firmware = 0x01,
ECell_BLECMD_setUp = 0x02,
ECell_BLECMD_weather = 0x03,
ECell_BLECMD_device = 0x04,
ECell_BLECMD_find = 0x05,
ECell_BLECMD_remind = 0x06,
ECell_BLECMD_heart = 0x09,
ECell_BLECMD_sync = 0x0A,
ECell_BLECMD_factory = 0x0C,
ECell_BLECMD_pushPhone = 0x0D,
ECell_BLECMD_pushDevice = 0x0E,
ECell_BLECMD_adjusting = 0x0F,
ECell_BLECMD_ecg = 0x11,
ECell_BLECMD_temperature = 0x12,
ECell_BLECMD_sendFlash = 0x14,
ECell_BLECMD_dialPush = 0x16
/// 指令KEY
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ECell_BLECMD_KEY) {
// 固件升级命令(Command 0x01)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_firmwareInfo = 0x12, //!< 固件版本信息
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_firmwareInfo_return = 0x13,//!< 固件版本信息返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_firmwareUpdate = 0x10, //!< 固件升级启动 0x10
// 设置命令(Command 0x02)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_unitSetting = 0x01, //!< 单位设置设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setIngTime = 0x20, //!< 时间设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setAlarmClock = 0x21, //!< 闹钟设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setSportTarget = 0x22, //!< 运动目标设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setUserInfo = 0x23, //!< 用户信息设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setTheLost = 0x24, //!< 防丢设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setSedentary = 0x25, //!< 久坐设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setSleep = 0x26, //!< 自动睡眠设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setSystemUser = 0x27, //!< 系统用户设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setDrinkRemind = 0x28, //!< 喝水提醒设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_setPush = 0x29, //!< 推送设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_readProfile = 0x2E, //!< 读取手环配置请求
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_readProfile_return = 0x2F,//!< 读取手环配置请求
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_breathe = 0x30, //!< 呼吸设置
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_readBraceletSet = 0x2D, //!< 读取手环设置请求
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_notDisturb = 0x2A, //!< 勿扰模式
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_remindModel = 0x2B, //!< 提醒模式
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_heartRateCheck = 0x2C, //!< 心率监测
// 天气推送(Command 0x03)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_weatherPush = 0x30, //!< 天气推送
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_ultravioletPush = 0x31, //!< 紫外线推送
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_airPressurePush = 0x33, //!< 气压推送
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_altitudePush = 0x35, //!< 海拔推送
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_AQIPush = 0x37, //!< 发送AQI数据指令
// 设备命令(Command 0x04)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_battery = 0x40, //!< 设备电量
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_battery_return = 0x41, //!< 设备电量返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_unbinding = 0x42, //!< 解除绑定
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_binding = 0x44, //!< 设备绑定
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_camera = 0x46, //!< 拍照控制
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_camera_return = 0x47, //!< 拍照控制返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_camera_preview = 0x48, //!< 拍照预览请求
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_camera_preview_return = 0x49,//!< 拍照预览请求返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_relationDisplay = 0x4B, //!< 横竖显示
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_handUp = 0x4A, /// 抬手亮屏
// 查找命令(Command 0x05)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_findDevice = 0x50, //!< 查找设备
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_findPhone = 0x51, //!< 查找手机
// 提醒命令(Command 0x06)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_remindSwitch = 0x60, //!< 提醒开关
// 心率命令(Command 0x09)
// 同步命令(Command 0x0A)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_syncHealth = 0xA0, //!< 同步健康数据指令
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_syncBack = 0xA1, //!< 同步健康返回 0xA1
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_sleep_return = 0xA2, //!< 睡眠数据
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_step_return = 0xA3, //!< 计步数据
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_heartRate_return = 0xA4, //!< 心率数据
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_sport_return = 0xA5, //!< 运动模式数据返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_bloodPressure_return = 0xA6,//!< 血压数据返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_bloodOxygen_return = 0xA7,//!< 血氧数据返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_ECG_return = 0xA9, //!< 心电数据返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_realTimesync = 0xB0, //!< 同步实时数据
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_realStep = 0xB3, //!< 实时计步数据
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_realHeartRate = 0xB4, //!< 实时心率数据
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_realBloodPressure = 0xB6, //!< 实时血压数据返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_realBloodOxygen = 0xB7, //!< 实时血氧数据返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_realTiwen_return = 0xB8, //!<实时体温数据返回
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_realECG_return = 0xB9, //!<实时体温数据返回
// 工厂命令(Command 0x0C)
// 推送数据到手机(Command 0x0D)
// 推送数据到设备(Command 0x0E)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_weatherIndex = 0xE1, //!< 气象指数推送 0xE1
// 校准命令(Command 0xa0F)
// 体温命令(Command 0x12)
// 发送FLASH数据命令(Command 0x14)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_falshSend = 0x03, //!< FLASH数据发送
// 表盘推送(Command 0x16)
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_dialPush = 0x05, //!< 推送表盘 0x05
ECell_BLECMD_KEY_restoreFactory = 0xC7, //!< 恢复出厂 0xC7
#endif /* ECellBLEConst_h */