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// HPlusBluetoothManager.h
// HPlusBluetooth_Example
// Created by lemo. on 2019/5/14.
// Copyright © 2019 chentingfeng. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreBluetooth/CoreBluetooth.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellBluetoothDelegate.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellPeripheralModel.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellBLEEnum.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellBLEConst.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellBLEItem.h>
@interface ECellBluetoothManager : NSObject
| Setting up the agent
@property (nonatomic,weak) id<ECellBluetoothDelegate> delegate;
| Bluetooth Management Center
@property (nonatomic,strong) CBCentralManager *centralManager;
| Peripherals
@property (nullable, nonatomic,strong) CBPeripheral *currenPeripheral;
/** 请求结果回调 */
@property (nonatomic, copy ) ResultBlock result;
| Is Bluetooth enabled?
@property (nonatomic,assign,readonly) BOOL poweredOn;
| Bluetooth is connected
@property (nonatomic,assign,readonly) BOOL connected;
| Is the current connected device bound?
@property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL isBind;
(NO,) | Is it Jerry right now
@property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL isJL;
* 80 80
* Set the device with weak scan filtering signal. Default value 80 is greater than 80 will be filtered.
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSInteger rssiNum;
* 5
* Send command timeout defaults to 5 seconds by default
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger commandTimeOutNumber;
| Start scanning
- (void)startScan;
| Stop scanning
- (void)stopScan;
* @brief | Select peripheral connection
* @param model ECellPeripheralModel | ECellPeripheralModel object
- (void)connectDeviceWithModel:(ECellPeripheralModel *)model;
() | Disconnect the current peripheral device (The device information will be cleared and will not be reconnected)
- (void)cancelCurrentPeripheralConnection;
SDK服务 | Register for SDK service
@param outputSdkLog (NO) | Whether to output the Bluetooth protocol running log (default NO)
@param isReconnect (YES) | Whether a reconnect mechanism is required (default YES)
- (void)registrationServices:(BOOL)outputSdkLog
* @brief
* Initialize the Bluetooth Management Center object
* @return HPlusBluetoothManager
+ (__kindof ECellBluetoothManager *)shareInstance;
- (void)writeWithBleItem:(ECellBLEItem *)item;
- (void)handleReceiveData:(NSData *)receiveData ParseResult:(ParseCmdResultBlock)resultBlock;
- (void)startAndStopReconnect;