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公司电脑 59ff5df1bf 第一次提交 2 years ago
ECellBluetooth 第一次提交 2 years ago
ECellBluetooth.framework 第一次提交 2 years ago
ECellBluetoothDemo 第一次提交 2 years ago
ECellBluetoothDemo.xcodeproj 第一次提交 2 years ago 第一次提交 2 years ago


ECellBluetooth applies to all bluetooth devices, provides the connection management, quick and convenient and OTA upgrade instructions sent.

Project configuration

  • Reference header file
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellBluetooth.h>
  • Project demo directory Scan 扫描连接外设demo | Scan the connected peripherals demo Function 所有指令发送demo | All instructions sent the demo Firmware 固件升级指引 | Firmware upgrade guide DialPush 表盘推送demo | Dial push demo
  • Project configuration Targets -> Info->Privacy -> Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description Targets -> Capabilities -> Background Modes -> Uses Bluetooth LE accessories Targets -> Embedded Binaries -> add IOSDFULibrary.framework and Zip.framework
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
#ifdef DEBUG
    [[ECellBluetoothManager shareInstance] registrationServices:YES IsReconnect:YES];
    [[ECellBluetoothManager shareInstance] registrationServices:NO IsReconnect:YES];
    return YES;


#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellBLEEnum.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellBLENotify.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellPeripheralModel.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellDeviceInfoModel.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellBluetoothManager.h>
#import <ECellBluetooth/ECellCommandProvider.h>


======= Get Command =======
/// 获取固件版本信息 | Get firmware information
+ (void)getFirmwareInfoCommand:(void(^_Nullable)(ECell_BLE_COMMAND_ERROR_TYPE errorType, NSDictionary *_Nullable json))callback;
    adapterNumber = 1001;
    deviceName = "ZW12";
    firmwareVersion = "1.0.5";
    macAddress = "EE:DB:22:17:61:A2";
    platform = 0;
    protocolVersion = "1.0";

/// 获取电量 | Get attery
+ (void)getBatteryCommand:(void(^_Nullable)(ECell_BLE_COMMAND_ERROR_TYPE errorType, NSDictionary *_Nullable json))callback;
status: (0: 未充电 1: 充电完成 2: 正在充电 | 0: not charged 1: charging completed 2: charging in progress)
    power = 100;
    status = 0;

/// 获取配置信息 | Get configuration information
+ (void)getProfileCommand:(void(^_Nullable)(ECell_BLE_COMMAND_ERROR_TYPE errorType, NSDictionary *_Nullable json))callback;
cycle: 重复 0:表示仅一次 1:表示每天重复(bit0 - bit6分别表示周一到周日的重复设置,所有位都为0时,表示只提醒一次) | Repeat 0: only once 1: every day (bit0-bit6 is the repeat setting from Monday to Sunday, and when all bits are 0, it is only reminded once)
label: 0:闹钟 1:会议 | 0: Alarm clock 1: Meeting
hand 0:左手 1:右手 | 0: left hand 1: right hand
raise 0:抬手亮屏关闭  1:抬手亮屏开启 | 0: turn off the bright screen 1: turn on the bright screen
flip 0:翻腕亮屏关闭  1:翻腕亮屏开启 | 0: turn wrist bright screen off 1: turn wrist bright screen on
drinkRemind(interval): 间隔(分钟)| interval(min)
heartRateCheck(interval): 间隔(分钟)10的倍数 | interval(min)
remindType: 提醒方式 1:亮屏 2:震动 3:亮屏+震动 | Reminder 1: bright screen 2: vibration 3: bright screen + vibration
genger: 性别 0:女 1:男 | 0: female 1: male
sittingTime: 久坐时间(分钟)超过这个时间提醒 | Sitting time (min) Over this time reminder
sittingThreshold: 久坐阈值(步数)以小时为单位久坐时间内,步数低于这个阈值才提醒 | Sedentary threshold(Step)
sportMode: 0: 日常计步 1:走路 2: 跑步 3: 骑行 4: 爬山 | 0: daily step counting 1: walking 2: running 3: cycling 4: climbing
    alarmClock =     (
            cycle = 0;
            hour = 0;
            isOpen = 0;
            label = 0;
            min = 0;
            cycle = 0;
            hour = 0;
            isOpen = 0;
            label = 0;
            min = 0;
            cycle = 0;
            hour = 0;
            isOpen = 0;
            label = 0;
            min = 0;
            cycle = 0;
            hour = 0;
            isOpen = 0;
            label = 0;
            min = 0;
            cycle = 0;
            hour = 0;
            isOpen = 0;
            label = 0;
            min = 0;
    drinkRemind =     {
        cycle = 0;
        endHour = 21;
        interval = 120;
        isOpen = 0;
        startHour = 7;
    handUp =     {
        flip = 0;
        hand = 0;
        raise = 0;
    heartRateCheck =     {
        endHour = 13;
        interval = 30;
        isOpen = 0;
        startHour = 11;
    notDisturb =     {
        endHour = 0;
        isOpen = 1;
        startHour = 0;
    remindMode =     {
        remindType = 0;
    sedentary =     {
        cycle = 1;
        endHour = 18;
        isOpen = 0;
        sittingThreshold = 200;
        sittingTime = 60;
        startHour = 8;
    setPush =     {
        isOpen = 61;
    target =     {
        sportMode = 0;
        targetSteps = 8917760;
    userInfo =     {
        age = 30;
        gender = 0;
        goalStep = 8917760;
        height = 170;
        sportMode = 0;
        weight = 65;

/// 获取当前实时数据 | Get the current real-time data
/// @param type 1:睡眠 2:心率 3:计步 4:运动模式 | 1: sleep 2: heart rate 3: count steps 4: exercise mode
+ (void)getRealTimeDataCommandType:(NSInteger)type
                         callback:(void(^_Nullable)(ECell_BLE_COMMAND_ERROR_TYPE errorType, NSDictionary *_Nullable json))callback;
type: 3                         
    stepCalorie = 0;
    stepDistance = 0;
    stepNumber = 0;
    timestamp = 1591637040;
type: 2
    heartRate = 80;
    timestamp = 1591637160;

/// 获取指定日期健康数据 | Gets health data for the specified date
/// @param type 1:睡眠,2:心率,3:计步,4:运动 5:血压 6:血氧 | 1: sleep, 2: heart rate, 3: step counting, 4: exercise 5: blood pressure 6: blood oxygen
/// @param year 年
/// @param month 月
/// @param day 日
/// 设备最多保存七天数据 | The device holds data for up to seven days
+ (void)getHealthDataCommandType:(NSInteger)type
                        callback:(void(^_Nullable)(ECell_BLE_COMMAND_ERROR_TYPE errorType, NSDictionary *_Nullable json))callback;
class StepModel {
    // mac地址
    var macID: String = ""
    /// 计步日期(2017-01-16)
    var dataDate: String = ""
    /// 步数
    var stepNumber: Int = 0
    /// 计步距离(米)
    var stepDistance: Int = 0
    /// 计步卡路里(千卡)
    var stepCalorie: Float = 0
    /// 计步时长(分钟)
    var stepDuration: Int = 0
    /// 计步详情(step|cal|m|时段,...)
    var stepDetails: String = "0|0.0|0.0|0,0|0.0|0.0|1,0|0.0|0.0|2,0|0.0|0.0|3,0|0.0|0.0|4,0|0.0|0.0|5,0|0.0|0.0|6,0|0.0|0.0|7,0|0.0|0.0|8,0|0.0|0.0|9,0|0.0|0.0|10,0|0.0|0.0|11,0|0.0|0.0|12,0|0.0|0.0|13,0|0.0|0.0|14,0|0.0|0.0|15,0|0.0|0.0|16,0|0.0|0.0|17,0|0.0|0.0|18,0|0.0|0.0|19,0|0.0|0.0|20,0|0.0|0.0|21,0|0.0|0.0|22,0|0.0|0.0|23"

class SleepModel {
    // mac地址
    var macID: String = ""
    /// 睡眠日期(2018-06-20)
    var dataDate: String = ""
    /// 深睡时长
    var deepSleepDuration: Int = 0
    /// 浅睡时长
    var lightSleepDuration: Int = 0
    /// 清醒时长
    var awakeDuration: Int = 0
    /// 总睡眠时长
    var totalSleepDuration: Int = 0
    /// 入睡时间(2020-04-16 21:04)
    var fallingSleepTimes: String = ""
    /// 醒来时间
    var awakeTimes: String = ""
    /// 醒来次数
    var awakeNumber: Int = 0
    /// 睡眠详情数据(睡眠类型|开始时间戳|持续时长|结束时间戳,..) 睡眠类型:0: 未进入睡眠 1:轻度睡眠 2:深度睡眠
    var sleepDetails: String = ""
    func getToatlSleepTimeStr() -> String {
        return "\(totalSleepDuration / 60)h \(totalSleepDuration % 60)m"

class HeartRateModel {
    // mac地址
    var macID: String = ""
    /// 心率日期(2018-06-20)
    var dataDate: String = ""
    /// 最大心率
    var heartMax: Int = 0
    /// 最小心率
    var heartMin: Int = 0
    /// 平均心率
    var heartAvg: Int = 0
    /// 心率详情(心率值|时间戳,...)
    var heartDetails: String = ""

class SportModel {
    /// mac地址
    var macID: String = ""
    /// 运动时间(2017-12-17 10:20:20)
    var dataDate: String = ""
    /// 版本号
    var verison: Int = 0
    /// 运动类型 1.健走 2.户外跑 3.室内跑 4.登山 5.越野跑 6.半马 7.全马 8.跳绳 9.羽毛球 10.篮球 11.骑行 12.滑冰 13.健身房 14.瑜伽 15.网球 16.兵乓球 17.足球 18.游泳 19.性爱 20.室内骑行 21.室内健走22.自由训练
    var sportType: Int = 0
    /// 运动时长(秒)
    var duration: Int = 0
    /// 距离(米)
    var distance: Int = 0
    /// 卡路里(千卡)
    var calorie: Float = 0
    /// 运动步数(划水次数,仅游泳模式使用)
    var stepNumber: Int = 0
    /// 最大心率
    var heartMax: Int = 0
    /// 平均心率
    var heartAvg: Int = 0
    /// 最小心率
    var heartMin: Int = 0
    /// 最大步频(泳池长度)
    var stepFrequencyMax: Int = 0
    /// 平均步频(游泳效率SWOLF)
    var stepFrequencyAvg: Int = 0
    /// 最小步频(泳姿)
    var stepFrequencyMin: Int = 0
    /// 最大配速(s)
    var paceMax: Int = 0
    /// 平均配速(s)
    var paceAvg: Int = 0
    /// 最小配速(s)
    var paceMin: Int = 0
    /// 开始绝对海拔
    var startAltitude: Int = 0
    /// 结束绝对海拔
    var endAltitude: Int = 0
    /// GPS个数
    var gpsCount: Int = 0
    /// 公里牌个数
    var kmCount: Int = 0
    /// 步数个数
    var stepCount: Int = 0
    /// 心率个数
    var heartCount: Int = 0
    /// 趟数详情个数
    var trainDetailCount: Int = 0
    /// GPS时间
    var gpsTimestamp: Int = 0
    /// GPS数组(时间差|纬度|经度|海拔,...)
    var gpsDeatail: String = ""
    /// 公里牌数组(时间戳|纬度|经度|步数,...)
    var kmDetail: String = ""
    /// 步数时间
    var stepTimestamp: Int = 0
    /// 步数数组(时间差|步数|距离(m),...)
    var stepDetail: String = ""
    /// HRS时间戳
    var hrsTimestamp: Int = 0
    /// HRS数组(时间差(默认为5S)|心率(未采样到为0))
    var hrsDetail: String = ""
    /// 游泳详细数组(时间戳|仰泳划水次数|蛙泳划水次数|蝶泳划水次数|自由泳划水次数|混合泳划水次数)
    var swimmingDetail: String = ""
    // MARK:- 计算属性
    /// 全程步频(步/分钟)
    var stepFrequency: Int {
        if stepNumber <= 0 {
            return 0
        let temp = Float(stepNumber) / (Float(duration) / 60.0)
        return lroundf(temp + 0.5)
    /// 全程步幅(厘米)
    var stride: Int {
        if stepNumber <= 0 {
            return 0
        return (distance * 100) / stepNumber
======= Listen Command =======
    stepCalorie = 0;
    stepDistance = 10;
    stepNumber = 18;
    timestamp = 1591637580;
    heartRate = 65;
    timestamp = 1591637580;
state: 0:退出 1:打开相机 2:拍照(只设备发手机) | 0: exit 1: open camera 2: Take photos (send mobile phone only)
    state = 0;