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// TransformOperators.swift
// ObjectMapper
// Created by Tristan Himmelman on 2016-09-26.
// The MIT License (MIT)
// Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Tristan Himmelman
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import Foundation
// MARK:- Transforms
/// Object of Basic type with Transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Transform.Object, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let value = transform.transformFromJSON(map.currentValue)
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Transform.Object, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let value: Transform.JSON? = transform.transformToJSON(left)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(value, map: map)
/// Optional object of basic type with Transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Transform.Object?, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let value = transform.transformFromJSON(map.currentValue)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Transform.Object?, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let value: Transform.JSON? = transform.transformToJSON(left)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(value, map: map)
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly unwrapped optional object of basic type with Transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Transform.Object!, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let value = transform.transformFromJSON(map.currentValue)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
/// Array of Basic type with Transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout [Transform.Object], right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let values = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform)
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: values)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: [Transform.Object], right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON{
let values = toJSONArrayWithTransform(left, transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(values, map: map)
/// Optional array of Basic type with Transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout [Transform.Object]?, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let values = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: values)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: [Transform.Object]?, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let values = toJSONArrayWithTransform(left, transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(values, map: map)
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly unwrapped optional array of Basic type with Transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout [Transform.Object]!, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let values = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: values)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
/// Dictionary of Basic type with Transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout [String: Transform.Object], right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let values = fromJSONDictionaryWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform)
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: values)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: [String: Transform.Object], right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == . toJSON {
let values = toJSONDictionaryWithTransform(left, transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(values, map: map)
/// Optional dictionary of Basic type with Transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout [String: Transform.Object]?, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let values = fromJSONDictionaryWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: values)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: [String: Transform.Object]?, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let values = toJSONDictionaryWithTransform(left, transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(values, map: map)
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly unwrapped optional dictionary of Basic type with Transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout [String: Transform.Object]!, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let values = fromJSONDictionaryWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: values)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
// MARK:- Transforms of Mappable Objects - <T: BaseMappable>
/// Object conforming to Mappable that have transforms
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Transform.Object, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let value: Transform.Object? = transform.transformFromJSON(map.currentValue)
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Transform.Object, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let value: Transform.JSON? = transform.transformToJSON(left)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(value, map: map)
/// Optional Mappable objects that have transforms
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Transform.Object?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let value: Transform.Object? = transform.transformFromJSON(map.currentValue)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Transform.Object?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON{
let value: Transform.JSON? = transform.transformToJSON(left)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(value, map: map)
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly unwrapped optional Mappable objects that have transforms
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Transform.Object!, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let value: Transform.Object? = transform.transformFromJSON(map.currentValue)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
// MARK:- Dictionary of Mappable objects with a transform - Dictionary<String, T: BaseMappable>
/// Dictionary of Mappable objects <String, T: Mappable> with a transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Dictionary<String, Transform.Object>, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .fromJSON && map.isKeyPresent,
let object = map.currentValue as? [String: Any] {
let value = fromJSONDictionaryWithTransform(object as Any?, transform: transform) ?? left
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: value)
} else if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
left >>> right
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Dictionary<String, Transform.Object>, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let value = toJSONDictionaryWithTransform(left, transform: transform)
ToJSON.basicType(value, map: map)
/// Optional Dictionary of Mappable object <String, T: Mappable> with a transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Dictionary<String, Transform.Object>?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .fromJSON && map.isKeyPresent, let object = map.currentValue as? [String : Any]{
let value = fromJSONDictionaryWithTransform(object as Any?, transform: transform) ?? left
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: value)
} else if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
left >>> right
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Dictionary<String, Transform.Object>?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let value = toJSONDictionaryWithTransform(left, transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(value, map: map)
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly unwrapped Optional Dictionary of Mappable object <String, T: Mappable> with a transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Dictionary<String, Transform.Object>!, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .fromJSON && map.isKeyPresent, let dictionary = map.currentValue as? [String : Any]{
let transformedDictionary = fromJSONDictionaryWithTransform(dictionary as Any?, transform: transform) ?? left
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: transformedDictionary)
} else if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
left >>> right
/// Dictionary of Mappable objects <String, T: Mappable> with a transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Dictionary<String, [Transform.Object]>, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if let dictionary = map.currentValue as? [String : [Any]], map.mappingType == .fromJSON && map.isKeyPresent {
let transformedDictionary = { (arg: (key: String, values: [Any])) -> (String, [Transform.Object]) in
let (key, values) = arg
if let jsonArray = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(values, transform: transform) {
return (key, jsonArray)
if let leftValue = left[key] {
return (key, leftValue)
return (key, [])
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: transformedDictionary)
} else if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
left >>> right
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Dictionary<String, [Transform.Object]>, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let transformedDictionary = { (arg: (key: String, value: [Transform.Object])) in
return (arg.key, toJSONArrayWithTransform(arg.value, transform: transform) ?? [])
ToJSON.basicType(transformedDictionary, map: map)
/// Optional Dictionary of Mappable object <String, T: Mappable> with a transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Dictionary<String, [Transform.Object]>?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if let dictionary = map.currentValue as? [String : [Any]], map.mappingType == .fromJSON && map.isKeyPresent {
let transformedDictionary = { (arg: (key: String, values: [Any])) -> (String, [Transform.Object]) in
let (key, values) = arg
if let jsonArray = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(values, transform: transform) {
return (key, jsonArray)
if let leftValue = left?[key] {
return (key, leftValue)
return (key, [])
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: transformedDictionary)
} else if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
left >>> right
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Dictionary<String, [Transform.Object]>?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let transformedDictionary = left?.map { (arg: (key: String, values: [Transform.Object])) in
return (arg.key, toJSONArrayWithTransform(arg.values, transform: transform) ?? [])
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(transformedDictionary, map: map)
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly unwrapped Optional Dictionary of Mappable object <String, T: Mappable> with a transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Dictionary<String, [Transform.Object]>!, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if let dictionary = map.currentValue as? [String : [Any]], map.mappingType == .fromJSON && map.isKeyPresent {
let transformedDictionary = { (arg: (key: String, values: [Any])) -> (String, [Transform.Object]) in
let (key, values) = arg
if let jsonArray = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(values, transform: transform) {
return (key, jsonArray)
if let leftValue = left?[key] {
return (key, leftValue)
return (key, [])
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: transformedDictionary)
} else if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
left >>> right
// MARK:- Array of Mappable objects with transforms - Array<T: BaseMappable>
/// Array of Mappable objects
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Array<Transform.Object>, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
if let transformedValues = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform) {
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: transformedValues)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Array<Transform.Object>, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let transformedValues = toJSONArrayWithTransform(left, transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(transformedValues, map: map)
/// Optional array of Mappable objects
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Array<Transform.Object>?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let transformedValues = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: transformedValues)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Array<Transform.Object>?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let transformedValues = toJSONArrayWithTransform(left, transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(transformedValues, map: map)
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly unwrapped Optional array of Mappable objects
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Array<Transform.Object>!, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
let transformedValues = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: transformedValues)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
// MARK:- Array of Array of objects - Array<Array<T>>> with transforms
/// Array of Array of objects with transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout [[Transform.Object]], right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
guard let original2DArray = map.currentValue as? [[Any]] else { break }
#if swift(>=4.1)
let transformed2DArray = original2DArray.compactMap { values in
fromJSONArrayWithTransform(values as Any?, transform: transform)
let transformed2DArray = original2DArray.flatMap { values in
fromJSONArrayWithTransform(values as Any?, transform: transform)
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: transformed2DArray)
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: [[Transform.Object]], right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON{
#if swift(>=4.1)
let transformed2DArray = left.compactMap { values in
toJSONArrayWithTransform(values, transform: transform)
let transformed2DArray = left.flatMap { values in
toJSONArrayWithTransform(values, transform: transform)
ToJSON.basicType(transformed2DArray, map: map)
/// Optional array of array of objects with transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout [[Transform.Object]]?, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
guard let original2DArray = map.currentValue as? [[Any]] else { break }
#if swift(>=4.1)
let transformed2DArray = original2DArray.compactMap { values in
fromJSONArrayWithTransform(values as Any?, transform: transform)
let transformed2DArray = original2DArray.flatMap { values in
fromJSONArrayWithTransform(values as Any?, transform: transform)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: transformed2DArray)
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: [[Transform.Object]]?, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
#if swift(>=4.1)
let transformed2DArray = left?.compactMap { values in
toJSONArrayWithTransform(values, transform: transform)
let transformed2DArray = left?.flatMap { values in
toJSONArrayWithTransform(values, transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(transformed2DArray, map: map)
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly unwrapped Optional array of array of objects with transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout [[Transform.Object]]!, right: (Map, Transform)) {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
guard let original2DArray = map.currentValue as? [[Any]] else { break }
#if swift(>=4.1)
let transformed2DArray = original2DArray.compactMap { values in
fromJSONArrayWithTransform(values as Any?, transform: transform)
let transformed2DArray = original2DArray.flatMap { values in
fromJSONArrayWithTransform(values as Any?, transform: transform)
FromJSON.optionalBasicType(&left, object: transformed2DArray)
// MARK:- Set of Mappable objects with a transform - Set<T: BaseMappable>
/// Set of Mappable objects with transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Set<Transform.Object>, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
if let transformedValues = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform) {
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: Set(transformedValues))
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Set<Transform.Object>, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
let transformedValues = toJSONArrayWithTransform(Array(left), transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(transformedValues, map: map)
/// Optional Set of Mappable objects with transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Set<Transform.Object>?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
if let transformedValues = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform) {
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: Set(transformedValues))
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
public func >>> <Transform: TransformType>(left: Set<Transform.Object>?, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
if map.mappingType == .toJSON {
if let values = left {
let transformedValues = toJSONArrayWithTransform(Array(values), transform: transform)
ToJSON.optionalBasicType(transformedValues, map: map)
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly unwrapped Optional set of Mappable objects with transform
public func <- <Transform: TransformType>(left: inout Set<Transform.Object>!, right: (Map, Transform)) where Transform.Object: BaseMappable {
let (map, transform) = right
switch map.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where map.isKeyPresent:
if let transformedValues = fromJSONArrayWithTransform(map.currentValue, transform: transform) {
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: Set(transformedValues))
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
private func fromJSONArrayWithTransform<Transform: TransformType>(_ input: Any?, transform: Transform) -> [Transform.Object]? {
if let values = input as? [Any] {
#if swift(>=4.1)
return values.compactMap { value in
return transform.transformFromJSON(value)
return values.flatMap { value in
return transform.transformFromJSON(value)
} else {
return nil
private func fromJSONDictionaryWithTransform<Transform: TransformType>(_ input: Any?, transform: Transform) -> [String: Transform.Object]? {
if let values = input as? [String: Any] {
return values.filterMap { value in
return transform.transformFromJSON(value)
} else {
return nil
private func toJSONArrayWithTransform<Transform: TransformType>(_ input: [Transform.Object]?, transform: Transform) -> [Transform.JSON]? {
#if swift(>=4.1)
return input?.compactMap { value in
return transform.transformToJSON(value)
return input?.flatMap { value in
return transform.transformToJSON(value)
private func toJSONDictionaryWithTransform<Transform: TransformType>(_ input: [String: Transform.Object]?, transform: Transform) -> [String: Transform.JSON]? {
return input?.filterMap { value in
return transform.transformToJSON(value)