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# TableViewDragger
[![Carthage compatible](](
This is a demo that uses a `TableViewDragger`.
#### [Appetize's Demo](
## Requirements
- Swift 4.2
- iOS 8.0 or later
## How to Install TableViewDragger
#### CocoaPods
Add the following to your `Podfile`:
pod "TableViewDragger"
#### Carthage
Add the following to your `Cartfile`:
github "KyoheiG3/TableViewDragger"
## Usage
### TableViewDragger Variable
weak var delegate: TableViewDraggerDelegate?
* Delegate of `TableViewDragger`.
weak var dataSource: TableViewDraggerDataSource?
* DataSource of `TableViewDragger`.
var isHiddenOriginCell: Bool
* It will be `true` if want to hide the original cell.
* Default is `true`.
var zoomScaleForCell: CGFloat
* Zoom scale of cell in drag.
* Default is `1`.
var alphaForCell: CGFloat
* Alpha of cell in drag.
* Default is `1`.
var opacityForShadowOfCell: Float
* Opacity of cell shadow in drag.
* Default is `0.4`.
var scrollVelocity: CGFloat
* Velocity of auto scroll in drag.
* Default is `1`.
### TableViewDragger Function
init(tableView: UITableView)
* `UITableView` want to drag.
### TableViewDraggerDataSource Function
optional func dragger(_ dragger: TableViewDragger, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UIView?
* Return any cell if want to change the cell in drag.
optional func dragger(_ dragger: TableViewDragger, indexPathForDragAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> IndexPath
* Return the indexPath if want to change the indexPath to start drag.
### TableViewDraggerDelegate Function
func dragger(_ dragger: TableViewDragger, moveDraggingAt indexPath: IndexPath, newIndexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool
* If allow movement of cell, please return `true`. require a call to `moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath:` of UITableView and rearranged of data.
optional func dragger(_ dragger: TableViewDragger, shouldDragAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool
* If allow dragging of cell, prease return `true`.
## Author
#### Kyohei Ito
- [GitHub](
- [Twitter](
Follow me 🎉
Under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.