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// KingfisherOptionsInfo.swift
// Kingfisher
// Created by Wei Wang on 15/4/23.
// Copyright (c) 2018 Wei Wang <>
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#if os(macOS)
import AppKit
import UIKit
* KingfisherOptionsInfo is a typealias for [KingfisherOptionsInfoItem]. You can use the enum of option item with value to control some behaviors of Kingfisher.
public typealias KingfisherOptionsInfo = [KingfisherOptionsInfoItem]
let KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo = [KingfisherOptionsInfoItem]()
Items could be added into KingfisherOptionsInfo.
public enum KingfisherOptionsInfoItem {
/// The associated value of this member should be an ImageCache object. Kingfisher will use the specified
/// cache object when handling related operations, including trying to retrieve the cached images and store
/// the downloaded image to it.
case targetCache(ImageCache)
/// Cache for storing and retrieving original image.
/// Preferred prior to targetCache for storing and retrieving original images if specified.
/// Only used if a non-default image processor is involved.
case originalCache(ImageCache)
/// The associated value of this member should be an ImageDownloader object. Kingfisher will use this
/// downloader to download the images.
case downloader(ImageDownloader)
/// Member for animation transition when using UIImageView. Kingfisher will use the `ImageTransition` of
/// this enum to animate the image in if it is downloaded from web. The transition will not happen when the
/// image is retrieved from either memory or disk cache by default. If you need to do the transition even when
/// the image being retrieved from cache, set `ForceTransition` as well.
case transition(ImageTransition)
/// Associated `Float` value will be set as the priority of image download task. The value for it should be
/// between 0.0~1.0. If this option not set, the default value (`NSURLSessionTaskPriorityDefault`) will be used.
case downloadPriority(Float)
/// If set, `Kingfisher` will ignore the cache and try to fire a download task for the resource.
case forceRefresh
/// If set, `Kingfisher` will try to retrieve the image from memory cache first. If the image is not in memory
/// cache, then it will ignore the disk cache but download the image again from network. This is useful when
/// you want to display a changeable image behind the same url, while avoiding download it again and again.
case fromMemoryCacheOrRefresh
/// If set, setting the image to an image view will happen with transition even when retrieved from cache.
/// See `Transition` option for more.
case forceTransition
/// If set, `Kingfisher` will only cache the value in memory but not in disk.
case cacheMemoryOnly
/// If set, `Kingfisher` will wait for caching operation to be completed before calling the completion block.
case waitForCache
/// If set, `Kingfisher` will only try to retrieve the image from cache not from network.
case onlyFromCache
/// Decode the image in background thread before using.
case backgroundDecode
/// The associated value of this member will be used as the target queue of dispatch callbacks when
/// retrieving images from cache. If not set, `Kingfisher` will use main queue for callbacks.
case callbackDispatchQueue(DispatchQueue?)
/// The associated value of this member will be used as the scale factor when converting retrieved data to an image.
/// It is the image scale, instead of your screen scale. You may need to specify the correct scale when you dealing
/// with 2x or 3x retina images.
case scaleFactor(CGFloat)
/// Whether all the animated image data should be preloaded. Default it false, which means following frames will be
/// loaded on need. If true, all the animated image data will be loaded and decoded into memory. This option is mainly
/// used for back compatibility internally. You should not set it directly. `AnimatedImageView` will not preload
/// all data, while a normal image view (`UIImageView` or `NSImageView`) will load all data. Choose to use
/// corresponding image view type instead of setting this option.
case preloadAllAnimationData
/// The `ImageDownloadRequestModifier` contained will be used to change the request before it being sent.
/// This is the last chance you can modify the request. You can modify the request for some customizing purpose,
/// such as adding auth token to the header, do basic HTTP auth or something like url mapping. The original request
/// will be sent without any modification by default.
case requestModifier(ImageDownloadRequestModifier)
/// Processor for processing when the downloading finishes, a processor will convert the downloaded data to an image
/// and/or apply some filter on it. If a cache is connected to the downloader (it happens when you are using
/// KingfisherManager or the image extension methods), the converted image will also be sent to cache as well as the
/// image view. `DefaultImageProcessor.default` will be used by default.
case processor(ImageProcessor)
/// Supply an `CacheSerializer` to convert some data to an image object for
/// retrieving from disk cache or vice versa for storing to disk cache.
/// `DefaultCacheSerializer.default` will be used by default.
case cacheSerializer(CacheSerializer)
/// Modifier for modifying an image right before it is used.
/// If the image was fetched directly from the downloader, the modifier will
/// run directly after the processor.
/// If the image is being fetched from a cache, the modifier will run after
/// the cacheSerializer.
/// Use `ImageModifier` when you need to set properties on a concrete type
/// of `Image`, such as a `UIImage`, that do not persist when caching the image.
case imageModifier(ImageModifier)
/// Keep the existing image while setting another image to an image view.
/// By setting this option, the placeholder image parameter of imageview extension method
/// will be ignored and the current image will be kept while loading or downloading the new image.
case keepCurrentImageWhileLoading
/// If set, Kingfisher will only load the first frame from a animated image data file as a single image.
/// Loading a lot of animated images may take too much memory. It will be useful when you want to display a
/// static preview of the first frame from a animated image.
/// This option will be ignored if the target image is not animated image data.
case onlyLoadFirstFrame
/// If set and an `ImageProcessor` is used, Kingfisher will try to cache both
/// the final result and original image. Kingfisher will have a chance to use
/// the original image when another processor is applied to the same resource,
/// instead of downloading it again.
case cacheOriginalImage
precedencegroup ItemComparisonPrecedence {
associativity: none
higherThan: LogicalConjunctionPrecedence
infix operator <== : ItemComparisonPrecedence
// This operator returns true if two `KingfisherOptionsInfoItem` enum is the same, without considering the associated values.
func <== (lhs: KingfisherOptionsInfoItem, rhs: KingfisherOptionsInfoItem) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.targetCache(_), .targetCache(_)): return true
case (.originalCache(_), .originalCache(_)): return true
case (.downloader(_), .downloader(_)): return true
case (.transition(_), .transition(_)): return true
case (.downloadPriority(_), .downloadPriority(_)): return true
case (.forceRefresh, .forceRefresh): return true
case (.fromMemoryCacheOrRefresh, .fromMemoryCacheOrRefresh): return true
case (.forceTransition, .forceTransition): return true
case (.cacheMemoryOnly, .cacheMemoryOnly): return true
case (.waitForCache, .waitForCache): return true
case (.onlyFromCache, .onlyFromCache): return true
case (.backgroundDecode, .backgroundDecode): return true
case (.callbackDispatchQueue(_), .callbackDispatchQueue(_)): return true
case (.scaleFactor(_), .scaleFactor(_)): return true
case (.preloadAllAnimationData, .preloadAllAnimationData): return true
case (.requestModifier(_), .requestModifier(_)): return true
case (.processor(_), .processor(_)): return true
case (.cacheSerializer(_), .cacheSerializer(_)): return true
case (.imageModifier(_), .imageModifier(_)): return true
case (.keepCurrentImageWhileLoading, .keepCurrentImageWhileLoading): return true
case (.onlyLoadFirstFrame, .onlyLoadFirstFrame): return true
case (.cacheOriginalImage, .cacheOriginalImage): return true
default: return false
extension Collection where Iterator.Element == KingfisherOptionsInfoItem {
func lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(_ target: Iterator.Element) -> Iterator.Element? {
return reversed().first { $0 <== target }
func removeAllMatchesIgnoringAssociatedValue(_ target: Iterator.Element) -> [Iterator.Element] {
return filter { !($0 <== target) }
public extension Collection where Iterator.Element == KingfisherOptionsInfoItem {
/// The target `ImageCache` which is used.
public var targetCache: ImageCache? {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.targetCache(.default)),
case .targetCache(let cache) = item
return cache
return nil
/// The original `ImageCache` which is used.
public var originalCache: ImageCache? {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.originalCache(.default)),
case .originalCache(let cache) = item
return cache
return targetCache
/// The `ImageDownloader` which is specified.
public var downloader: ImageDownloader? {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.downloader(.default)),
case .downloader(let downloader) = item
return downloader
return nil
/// Member for animation transition when using UIImageView.
public var transition: ImageTransition {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.transition(.none)),
case .transition(let transition) = item
return transition
return ImageTransition.none
/// A `Float` value set as the priority of image download task. The value for it should be
/// between 0.0~1.0.
public var downloadPriority: Float {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.downloadPriority(0)),
case .downloadPriority(let priority) = item
return priority
return URLSessionTask.defaultPriority
/// Whether an image will be always downloaded again or not.
public var forceRefresh: Bool {
return contains{ $0 <== .forceRefresh }
/// Whether an image should be got only from memory cache or download.
public var fromMemoryCacheOrRefresh: Bool {
return contains{ $0 <== .fromMemoryCacheOrRefresh }
/// Whether the transition should always happen or not.
public var forceTransition: Bool {
return contains{ $0 <== .forceTransition }
/// Whether cache the image only in memory or not.
public var cacheMemoryOnly: Bool {
return contains{ $0 <== .cacheMemoryOnly }
/// Whether the caching operation will be waited or not.
public var waitForCache: Bool {
return contains{ $0 <== .waitForCache }
/// Whether only load the images from cache or not.
public var onlyFromCache: Bool {
return contains{ $0 <== .onlyFromCache }
/// Whether the image should be decoded in background or not.
public var backgroundDecode: Bool {
return contains{ $0 <== .backgroundDecode }
/// Whether the image data should be all loaded at once if it is an animated image.
public var preloadAllAnimationData: Bool {
return contains { $0 <== .preloadAllAnimationData }
/// The queue of callbacks should happen from Kingfisher.
public var callbackDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.callbackDispatchQueue(nil)),
case .callbackDispatchQueue(let queue) = item
return queue ?? DispatchQueue.main
return DispatchQueue.main
/// The scale factor which should be used for the image.
public var scaleFactor: CGFloat {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.scaleFactor(0)),
case .scaleFactor(let scale) = item
return scale
return 1.0
/// The `ImageDownloadRequestModifier` will be used before sending a download request.
public var modifier: ImageDownloadRequestModifier {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.requestModifier(NoModifier.default)),
case .requestModifier(let modifier) = item
return modifier
return NoModifier.default
/// `ImageProcessor` for processing when the downloading finishes.
public var processor: ImageProcessor {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.processor(DefaultImageProcessor.default)),
case .processor(let processor) = item
return processor
return DefaultImageProcessor.default
/// `ImageModifier` for modifying right before the image is displayed.
public var imageModifier: ImageModifier {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.imageModifier(DefaultImageModifier.default)),
case .imageModifier(let imageModifier) = item
return imageModifier
return DefaultImageModifier.default
/// `CacheSerializer` to convert image to data for storing in cache.
public var cacheSerializer: CacheSerializer {
if let item = lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.cacheSerializer(DefaultCacheSerializer.default)),
case .cacheSerializer(let cacheSerializer) = item
return cacheSerializer
return DefaultCacheSerializer.default
/// Keep the existing image while setting another image to an image view.
/// Or the placeholder will be used while downloading.
public var keepCurrentImageWhileLoading: Bool {
return contains { $0 <== .keepCurrentImageWhileLoading }
public var onlyLoadFirstFrame: Bool {
return contains { $0 <== .onlyLoadFirstFrame }
public var cacheOriginalImage: Bool {
return contains { $0 <== .cacheOriginalImage }