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// Date+Formatter.swift
// HPlusFit
// Created by lemo. on 2019/9/15.
// Copyright © 2019 lemo. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
extension Date {
// MARK:-
func year() -> Int {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let com = calendar.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day], from: self)
return com.year!
// MARK:-
func month() -> Int {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let com = calendar.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day], from: self)
return com.month!
// MARK:-
func day() -> Int {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let com = calendar.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day], from: self)
// MARK:-
func hour() -> Int {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let com = calendar.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day, .hour], from: self)
return com.hour!
// MARK:-
func minute() -> Int {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let com = calendar.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day, .hour, .minute], from: self)
return com.minute!
// MARK:-
func weekDay() -> Int {
let interval = Int(self.timeIntervalSince1970)
let days = Int(interval/86400) // 24*60*60
let weekday = ((days + 4)%7+7)%7
return weekday == 0 ? 7 : weekday
// MARK:-
func countOfDaysInMonth() -> Int {
let calendar = Calendar(identifier:Calendar.Identifier.gregorian)
let range = (calendar as NSCalendar?)?.range(of:, in: NSCalendar.Unit.month, for: self)
return (range?.length)!
// MARK:-
func firstWeekDay() -> Int {
//1.Sun. 2.Mon. 3.Thes. 4.Wed. 5.Thur. 6.Fri. 7.Sat.
let calendar = Calendar(identifier:Calendar.Identifier.gregorian)
let firstWeekDay = (calendar as NSCalendar?)?.ordinality(of: NSCalendar.Unit.weekday, in: NSCalendar.Unit.weekOfMonth, for: self)
return firstWeekDay! - 1
// MARK:-
func isToday() -> Bool {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let com = calendar.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day], from: self)
let comNow = calendar.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day], from: Date())
return com.year == comNow.year && com.month == comNow.month && ==
// MARK:-
func isThisMonth() -> Bool {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let com = calendar.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day], from: self)
let comNow = calendar.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day], from: Date())
return com.year == comNow.year && com.month == comNow.month
// MARK:- 2018-01-01,,
func getCounts(type: Int) -> Int {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let startDate = "2018-01-01")
var count: Int = 0
if type == 0 { //
let comps = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day], from: startDate!, to: self)
count =!
if type == 1 { //
let comps = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day], from: startDate!, to: self)
count =!/7
if type == 2 { //
let comps = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month], from: startDate!, to: self)
count = comps.month!
return count
func startOfThisWeek() -> Date {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let commponets = calendar.dateComponents([.yearForWeekOfYear, .weekOfYear], from: self)
let startOfWeek = commponets)
return startOfWeek!
func startOfCurrentMonth() -> Date {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month], from: self)
let startOfMonth = components)!
return startOfMonth
/// - Parameter offset:
func getDateFromCurrentMonth(offset: Int) -> Date? {
let calendar = Calendar.current
var coms = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: self)
coms.month = coms.month! - offset = 1
return coms)
/// - Returns:
func getMonthHowManyDay() -> Range<Int> {
return Calendar.current.range(of: .day, in: .month, for: self)!
/// - Returns:
func getMonthFirstDay() -> Date? {
let calendar = Calendar.current
var com = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month,.day], from: self) = 1
return com)
func getMonthEndDay(returnEndTime:Bool = false) -> Date {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
var components = DateComponents()
components.month = 1
components.second = -1
components.timeZone = TimeZone.current
let endOfMonth = components, to: startOfCurrentMonth())!
return endOfMonth
/// - Parameter offset:
/// - Returns:
func getDay(offset: Int) -> Date? {
let calendar = Calendar.current
var com = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month,.day], from: self) =! + offset
return com)
func date2String() -> String? {
let dateformatter = DateFormatter.init()
dateformatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
return dateformatter.string(from: self)
//20171217 00:00:00
var startOfWeek: Date {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let components = calendar.dateComponents(
Set<Calendar.Component>([.yearForWeekOfYear, .weekOfYear]), from: self)
let date = components)!
return date.getDay(offset: 0)!
//20171223 00:00:00
var endOfWeek: Date {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
var components = DateComponents() = 6
return components, to: self.startOfWeek)!
/// - Parameter format:
func tranFormDateStr(format: String) -> String {
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = format
return dateFormat.string(from: self)
func string(withFormat format: String = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") -> String {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
return dateFormatter.string(from: self)
class DateClass {
// MARK:-
static func todayString() -> String {
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
return dateFormat.string(from: Date())
// MARK:-
static func todayIntegrateString() -> String {
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
let locale = Locale(identifier: "zh")
dateFormat.locale = locale
dateFormat.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
return dateFormat.string(from: Date())
// MARK:- ()
static func getNowTimeS() -> Int {
let date = Date()
let timeInterval:Int = Int(date.timeIntervalSince1970)
return timeInterval
// MARK:-
static func getCurrentTimeZone() -> Date {
let date = Date()
let zone = TimeZone.current
let interval = zone.secondsFromGMT()
let nowDate = date.addingTimeInterval(TimeInterval(interval))
return nowDate
// MARK:- 02018-5-13 160000
static func getZeroTimeZone() -> Date {
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let todayDate = DateClass.todayString())
return todayDate!
// MARK:- 2018-5-13 000000
static func getCurrentInitTimeZone() -> Date {
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let zone = TimeZone.current
dateFormat.timeZone = zone
let interval = zone.secondsFromGMT()
let todayDate = DateClass.todayString())
return todayDate!.addingTimeInterval(TimeInterval(interval))
// MARK:- 13569746264 -> 2018-05-06
static func timestampToStr(_ timestamp: Int, formatStr: String) -> String {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(timestamp))
let zone = TimeZone.current
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
let locale = Locale(identifier: "zh")
dateFormat.locale = locale
dateFormat.dateFormat = formatStr
dateFormat.timeZone = zone
let str = dateFormat.string(from: date)
return str
// MARK:- 2018-05-06 -> 13569746264
static func timeStrToTimestamp(_ timeStr: String, formatStr: String) -> Int {
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = formatStr
let date = timeStr) ?? Date()
let timestamp = Int(date.timeIntervalSince1970)
return timestamp
// MARK:- 2018-05-06 -> 2018-05-06 00:00:00
static func timeStrToTimeStr(_ timeStr: String, formatStr: String, toFormatStr: String) -> String {
let timestamp = DateClass.timeStrToTimestamp(timeStr, formatStr: formatStr)
return DateClass.timestampToStr(timestamp, formatStr: toFormatStr)
// MARK:-
static func getCurrentTimeStr(formatStr: String) -> String {
let date = Date()
let zone = TimeZone.current
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
let locale = Locale(identifier: "zh")
dateFormat.locale = locale
dateFormat.dateFormat = formatStr
dateFormat.timeZone = zone
let str = dateFormat.string(from: date)
return str
// MARK:-
static func dateStringOffset(from: String, offset: Int) -> String {
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
guard let fromDate = from) else {
return from
var cmps = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: fromDate) =! + offset
let resultDate = cmps)
return dateFormat.string(from: resultDate!)
// MARK:- Date
static func getTimeStrToDate(formatStr: String, timeStr: String) -> Date {
let zone = TimeZone.current
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = formatStr
dateFormat.timeZone = zone
return timeStr)!
static func getSpecialDays(dateStr: String, count: Int) -> [String] {
var days = [String]()
let dateformatter = DateFormatter.init()
dateformatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let date = dateStr)
let calendar = Calendar.current
for i in 0..<count {
var dateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: date!) =! + i
let newDate = dateComponents)
let dateString = dateformatter.string(from: newDate!)
return days
static func timeIntervalChangeToTimeStr(timeInterval:Double) -> String {
let date:Date = Date.init(timeIntervalSince1970: timeInterval)
let formatter = DateFormatter.init()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
return formatter.string(from: date as Date)
static func startOfMonth(year: Int, month: Int) -> Date {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
var startComps = DateComponents() = 1
startComps.month = month
startComps.year = year
let startDate = startComps)!
return startDate
static func endOfMonth(year: Int, month: Int, returnEndTime:Bool = false) -> Date {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
var components = DateComponents()
components.month = 1
if returnEndTime {
components.second = -1
} else { = -1
let endOfYear = components,
to: startOfMonth(year: year, month:month))!
return endOfYear
static func singleDataTimeStr(timestamp: Int64) -> String {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(timestamp))
let nowYear = Date().year()
let hourStr = timestampToHourMinStr(timestamp: timestamp)
if date.year() == nowYear {
return DateClass.timestampToStr(Int(timestamp), formatStr: "MM/dd") + " \(hourStr)"
return DateClass.timestampToStr(Int(timestamp), formatStr: "yyyy/MM/dd") + " \(hourStr)"
// MARK:- 9:20 PM / 18:20
static func timestampToHourMinStr(timestamp: Int64) -> String {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(timestamp))
let zone = TimeZone.current
let has24 = getCurrenDateMetric()
let formatStr = has24 ? "HH:mm:ss" : "hh:mm:ss aa"
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = formatStr
dateFormat.timeZone = zone
let str = dateFormat.string(from: date)
return str
// MARK:- false12 true24
static func getCurrenDateMetric() -> Bool {
let formatStringForHours = DateFormatter.dateFormat(fromTemplate: "j", options: 0, locale: NSLocale.current)
let containsA = formatStringForHours?.range(of: "a")
let has24 = containsA != nil ? false : true
return has24
// MARK:- 9:20 PM / 18:20
static func timestampToHourMinStr(timestamp: Int) -> String {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(timestamp))
let zone = TimeZone.current
let has24 = getCurrenDateMetric()
let formatStr = has24 ? "HH:mm" : "hh:mm aa"
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = formatStr
dateFormat.timeZone = zone
let str = dateFormat.string(from: date)
return str
// MARK:- 9:20:11 PM / 18:20:11
static func timestampToHourMinSecondStr(timestamp: Int) -> String {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(timestamp))
let zone = TimeZone.current
let has24 = getCurrenDateMetric()
let formatStr = has24 ? "HH:mm:ss" : "hh:mm:ss aa"
let dateFormat = DateFormatter()
dateFormat.dateFormat = formatStr
dateFormat.timeZone = zone
let str = dateFormat.string(from: date)
return str