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2 years ago
// NewAddAlarmViewModel.swift
// Lookfit
// Created by lemo on 2018/8/6.
// Copyright © 2020 ecell. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class NewAddAlarmViewModel: ViewModel {
var dataVariable = BehaviorRelay<[MultipleSectionModel]>(value: [])
var dataSource: [MultipleSectionModel] = []
/// /
var alarmModel: AlarmModel = AlarmModel()
var alarms: [AlarmModel] = []
var isAdd: Bool = true
var editIndex: Int = 0
init(alarmModel: AlarmModel = AlarmModel(), isAdd: Bool = true, editIndex: Int = 0) {
self.alarmModel = alarmModel
self.isAdd = isAdd
self.editIndex = editIndex
if let alarms = GlobalDeviceProfileModel.shareInstance.alarmModels {
self.alarms = alarms
loadData(model: alarmModel)
func loadData(model: AlarmModel) {
var timeStr: String? = nil
if let hour = model.Hour, let minutes = model.Minutes {
timeStr = "\(hour):\(minutes)"
let mod1 = MultipleSectionModel.SinglePickerSection(title: "", items: [SectionItem.SinglePicker(title: nil, selectedItem: timeStr)])
let cycle = GlobalDeviceProfileModel.cycle(cycleStr: model.Cycle)
let cellModel = TableViewCellModel(title: MultiLanguageKey.repeatCycle.localized, isSwitch: false, description: cycle, isArrows: true, isOn: false, image: nil, isBottomLine: false)
let mod2 = MultipleSectionModel.SettingSection(title: "", items: [.TableViewCellModel(cellModel: cellModel)])