# RxGesture [![Version](https://img.shields.io/cocoapods/v/RxGesture.svg?style=flat)](http://cocoapods.org/pods/RxGesture) [![License](https://img.shields.io/cocoapods/l/RxGesture.svg?style=flat)](http://cocoapods.org/pods/RxGesture) [![Platform](https://img.shields.io/cocoapods/p/RxGesture.svg?style=flat)](http://cocoapods.org/pods/RxGesture) ## Usage ![](Pod/Assets/demo.gif) To run the example project, clone the repo, in the __Example__ folder open `RxGesture.xcworkspace`. You _might_ need to run `pod install` from the Example directory first. --- __RxGesture__ allows you to easily turn any view into a tappable or swipeable control like so: ```swift view.rx .tapGesture() .when(.recognized) .subscribe(onNext: { _ in //react to taps }) .disposed(by: stepBag) ``` You can also react to more than one gesture. For example to dismiss a photo preview you might want to do that when the user taps it, or swipes up or down: ```swift view.rx .anyGesture(.tap(), .swipe([.up, .down])) .when(.recognized) .subscribe(onNext: { _ in //dismiss presented photo }) .disposed(by: stepBag) ``` `rx.gesture` is defined as `Observable` where `G` is the actual type of the gesture recognizer so what it emits is the gesture recognizer itself (handy if want to call methods like `asLocation(in view:)` or `asTranslation(in view:)`) #### On iOS, RxGesture supports: ```swift view.rx.tapGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.pinchGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.swipeGesture(.left) -> ControlEvent view.rx.panGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.longPressGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.rotationGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.screenEdgePanGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.tap(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.pinch(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.swipe(.left), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.pan(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.longPress(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.rotation(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.screenEdgePan(), ...) -> ControlEvent ``` #### On macOS, RxGesture supports: ```swift view.rx.clickGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.rightClickGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.panGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.pressGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.rotationGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.magnificationGesture() -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.click(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.rightClick(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.pan(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.press(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.rotation(), ...) -> ControlEvent view.rx.anyGesture(.magnification(), ...) -> ControlEvent ``` ℹ️ If you use a gesture recognizer alone, prefer the `view.rx.fooGesture()` syntax over `view.rx.anyGesture(.foo())` because it returns the concrete `UIGestureRecognizer` subclass and avoid you to cast it in `subscribe()`. ## Filtering State By default, there is no filter on the state of the gesture recognizer. That means that you will always receive a first event with the initial state of the gesture recognizer (almost always `.possible`). Here are the preferred states that can be used for each kind of gestures (__iOS__ and __macOS__): Kind | States ---|--- `.tap()` `.click()` `.rightClick()` `.swipe()`| `.recognized` `.longPress()` `.press()` | `.began` `.pan()` `.pinch()` `.rotation()` `.magnification()` `.screenEdgePan()` | `.began` `.changed` `.ended` You usually filter the state using the `.when()` operator: ```swift view.rx.tapGesture().when(.recognized) view.rx.panGesture().when(.began, .changed, .ended) ``` If you are observing multiple gestures at once, you can use the `.when()` operator if you want to filter against the same state for __all__ gesture recognizers, or use the tuple syntax for individual filtering: ```swift view.rx .anyGesture(.tap(), .swipe([.up, .down])) .when(.recognized) .subscribe(onNext: { gesture in // Called whenever a tap, a swipe-up or a swipe-down is recognized (state == .recognized) }) .disposed(by: bag) view.rx .anyGesture( (.tap(), when: .recognized), (.pan(), when: .ended) ) .subscribe(onNext: { gesture in // Called whenever: // - a tap is recognized (state == .recognized) // - or a pan is ended (state == .ended) }) .disposed(by: bag) ``` __The demo app includes examples for all recognizers ➡️ [iOS](Example/RxGesture/ViewController.swift), [macOS](Example/RxGesture-OSX/ViewController.swift)__. ## Delegate customization ### Lightweight customization Each gesture recognizer has a default `RxGestureRecognizerDelegate`. It allows you to customize every delegate method using a policy: - `.always` will return `true` to the corresponding delegate method - `.never` will return `false` to the corresponding delegate method - `.custom` takes an associated closure that will be executed to return a value to the corresponding delegate method Here are the available policies with their corresponding delegate method: ```swift beginPolicy -> gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(:_) touchReceptionPolicy -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldReceive:) selfFailureRequirementPolicy -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldBeRequiredToFailBy:) otherFailureRequirementPolicy -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldRequireFailureOf:) simultaneousRecognitionPolicy -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith:) eventRecognitionAttemptPolicy -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldAttemptToRecognizeWith:) // macOS only pressReceptionPolicy -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldReceive:) // iOS only ``` This delegate can be customized in the configuration closure: ```swift view.rx.tapGesture(configuration: { gestureRecognizer, delegate in delegate.simultaneousRecognitionPolicy = .always // (default value) // or delegate.simultaneousRecognitionPolicy = .never // or delegate.simultaneousRecognitionPolicy = .custom { gestureRecognizer, otherGestureRecognizer in return otherGestureRecognizer is UIPanGestureRecognizer } delegate.otherFailureRequirementPolicy = .custom { gestureRecognizer, otherGestureRecognizer in return otherGestureRecognizer is UILongPressGestureRecognizer } }) ``` Default values can be found in [`RxGestureRecognizerDelegate.swift`](Pod/Classes/RxGestureRecognizerDelegate.swift#L56). ### Full customization You can also replace the default delegate by your own, or remove it. ```swift view.rx.tapGesture { [unowned self] gestureRecognizer, delegate in gestureRecognizer.delegate = nil // or gestureRecognizer.delegate = self } ``` ## Requirements This library depends on both __RxSwift__ and __RxCocoa__. ## Installation ### [CocoaPods](https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html) Add this to `Podfile` ```swift pod "RxGesture" ``` ```bash $ pod install ``` ### [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage) Add this to `Cartfile` ``` github "RxSwiftCommunity/RxGesture" ~> 3.0 ``` ```bash $ carthage update ``` ## Thanks Everyone in the RxSwift Slack channel 💯 ## License RxGesture is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.