import Foundation import RxSwift #if !COCOAPODS import Moya #endif #if canImport(UIKit) import UIKit.UIImage #elseif canImport(AppKit) import AppKit.NSImage #endif /// Extension for processing raw NSData generated by network access. extension PrimitiveSequence where Trait == SingleTrait, Element == Response { /// Filters out responses that don't fall within the given closed range, generating errors when others are encountered. public func filter(statusCodes: R) -> Single where R.Bound == Int { return flatMap { .just(try $0.filter(statusCodes: statusCodes)) } } /// Filters out responses that have the specified `statusCode`. public func filter(statusCode: Int) -> Single { return flatMap { .just(try $0.filter(statusCode: statusCode)) } } /// Filters out responses where `statusCode` falls within the range 200 - 299. public func filterSuccessfulStatusCodes() -> Single { return flatMap { .just(try $0.filterSuccessfulStatusCodes()) } } /// Filters out responses where `statusCode` falls within the range 200 - 399 public func filterSuccessfulStatusAndRedirectCodes() -> Single { return flatMap { .just(try $0.filterSuccessfulStatusAndRedirectCodes()) } } /// Maps data received from the signal into an Image. If the conversion fails, the signal errors. public func mapImage() -> Single { return flatMap { .just(try $0.mapImage()) } } /// Maps data received from the signal into a JSON object. If the conversion fails, the signal errors. public func mapJSON(failsOnEmptyData: Bool = true) -> Single { return flatMap { .just(try $0.mapJSON(failsOnEmptyData: failsOnEmptyData)) } } /// Maps received data at key path into a String. If the conversion fails, the signal errors. public func mapString(atKeyPath keyPath: String? = nil) -> Single { return flatMap { .just(try $0.mapString(atKeyPath: keyPath)) } } /// Maps received data at key path into a Decodable object. If the conversion fails, the signal errors. public func map(_ type: D.Type, atKeyPath keyPath: String? = nil, using decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder(), failsOnEmptyData: Bool = true) -> Single { return flatMap { .just(try $, atKeyPath: keyPath, using: decoder, failsOnEmptyData: failsOnEmptyData)) } } }