/* Localizable.strings Lookfit Created by lemo. on 2020/4/27. Copyright © 2020 Sheldon. All rights reserved. */ "健康" = "Health"; "运动" = "Sport"; "设备" = "Device"; "我的" = "Mine"; "我的设备" = "My device"; "基本信息" = "Basic Information"; "性别" = "gender"; "男" = "male"; "女" = "Female"; "昵称" = "nickname"; "请填写昵称" = "Please fill in nickname"; "身高" = "height"; "体重" = "body weight"; "生日" = "birthday"; "保存" = "save"; "取消" = "cancel"; "确认" = "confirm"; "提示" = "prompt"; "请打开相机权限" = "Please open camera permissions"; "前往" = "Go"; "从相册中选择" = "Choose from album"; "拍照" = "Take a picture"; "还未绑定设备" = "Device not yet bound"; "立即绑定设备" = "Bind device now"; "绑定设备" = "Bind device"; "扫描" = "scanning"; "扫描设备中" = "Scanning device"; "暂无设备可绑定" = "No device to bind"; "蓝牙未开启" = "Bluetooth not turned on"; "连接失败" = "Connection failed"; "连接中..." = "connecting..."; "已连接" = "connected"; "未连接" = "not connected"; "电量" = "Electricity"; "同步数据" = "Synchronous Data"; "同步数据中" = "Synchronizing data"; "找设备" = "Find Equipment"; "抬手亮屏" = "Raise your hand to brighten the screen"; "应用通知" = "App Notification"; "远程拍照" = "Remote Photo"; "心率监测" = "Heart Rate Monitoring"; "表盘推送" = "Dial Push"; "固件升级" = "Firmware Upgrade"; "解除绑定" = "Unbind"; "勿扰模式" = "Do Not Disturb Mode"; "久坐提醒" = "Sedentary reminder"; "闹钟设置" = "Alarm clock settings"; "喝水提醒" = "Drink Water Reminder"; "更多" = "More"; "新增闹钟" = "Add Alarm"; "编辑闹钟" = "Edit Alarm"; "重复" = "repeat"; "周一" = "on Monday"; "周二" = "on Tuesday"; "周三" = "on Wednesday"; "周四" = "Thursday"; "周五" = "Friday"; "周六" = "on Saturday"; "周日" = "Sunday"; "工作日" = "Working day"; "周末" = "weekend"; "仅一次" = "Only once"; "每天" = "every day"; "全选" = "select all"; "智能开关" = "Smart Switch"; "开始时间" = "Starting time"; "结束时间" = "End Time"; "提醒频率(分钟)" = "Reminder frequency (minutes)"; "久坐阈值(步数)" = "Sedentary threshold (steps)"; "已达到最大闹钟设置数量" = "The maximum number of alarm settings has been reached"; "来电通知" = "Call Notification"; "短信提醒" = "SMS notification"; "QQ" = "QQ"; "微信" = "WeChat"; "Whatsapp" = "Whatsapp"; "Messenger" = "Messenger"; "Twitter" = "Twitter"; "Linkedin" = "Linkedin"; "Instagrami" = "Instagrami"; "Facebook" = "Facebook"; "Others" = "Others"; "Line" = "Line"; "Viber" = "Viber"; "Skype" = "Skype"; "Outlook" = "Outlook"; "设备未连接" = "Device not connected"; "开始时间应小于结束时间!" = "The start time should be less than the end time!"; "设置成功" = "Setup succeeded"; "设置失败" = "Setup failed"; "确定要解绑设备吗" = "Are you sure you want to unbind the device"; "解绑" = "Untie"; "开启" = "Open"; "开启相机权限,酷动圈才可以进行设备控制拍照" = "Turn on the camera permission, and the device can be controlled and photographed by Cool Motion Circle"; "开启相册权限,酷动圈才可以保存访问相册" = "Turn on the album permission, only the cool circle can save and access the album"; "照片" = "photo"; "单位设置" = "Unit Settings"; "目标设置" = "Goal Setting"; "关于" = "About"; "步" = "step"; "睡眠" = "Sleep"; "心率" = "Heart Rate"; "计步" = "Pedometer"; "走路" = "walk"; "跑步" = "Run"; "骑行" = "Ride"; "爬山" = "Mountain climbing"; "实时心率" = "Real-time heart rate"; "运动目标" = "Sports Goal"; "睡眠目标" = "Sleep Goal"; "计步目标" = "Pedometer Goal"; "走路目标" = "Walk Goal"; "跑步目标" = "Run target"; "骑行目标" = "Riding Target"; "爬山目标" = "Mountain Climbing Target"; "公制" = "Metric"; "英制" = "Imperial"; "小时" = "hour"; "分钟" = "minute"; "我的信息" = "my information"; "头像" = "Avatar"; "修改性别" = "Edit Gender"; "修改昵称" = "change username"; "距离" = "distance"; "热量" = "Calorie"; "千卡" = "Kcal"; "公里" = "Km"; "总共" = "Total"; "最高步数" = "Maximum Steps"; "公里数" = "kilometers"; "英里数" = "Miles"; "运动时长" = "Exercise duration"; "消耗" = "Consumption"; "平均心率" = "Average Heart Rate"; "最高心率" = "Maximum Heart Rate"; "最低心率" = "Minimum heart rate"; "次/分" = "Times / minute"; "深睡眠" = "Deep Sleep"; "浅睡眠" = "Light Sleep"; "睡眠时长" = "Sleep time"; "醒来次数" = "Number of Wake Ups"; "清醒" = "wide awake"; "立即升级固件" = "Upgrade Firmware Now"; "电量过低,请及时充电" = "The battery is too low, please charge in time"; "固件升级成功" = "Firmware upgrade successful"; "固件升级失败" = "Firmware upgrade failed"; "固件升级中" = "Firmware Upgrading"; "确定升级到最新版本吗?" = "Are you sure you want to upgrade to the latest version?"; "暂无数据" = "No data"; "年" = "year"; "月" = "month"; "日" = "day"; "周" = "week"; "次" = "Time"; "总里程" = "total mileage"; "总消耗" = "Total consumption"; "总次数" = "Total Times"; "总时长" = "Total duration"; "运动列表" = "Sports List"; "运动时间" = "excercise time"; "平均配速" = "Average pace"; "平均速度" = "Average Speed"; "平均步频" = "Average Cadence"; "平均步幅" = "Average Stride"; "步数" = "Step count"; "厘米" = "cm"; "步/分钟" = "Steps / minute"; "当前版本" = "current version"; "目前可供升级的版本是" = "The version currently available for upgrade is"; "网络连接异常,请稍后重试" = "The network connection is abnormal, please try again later"; "已经是最新版本" = "Already the latest version"; "请开启定位权限,获取天气数据" = "Please enable location permission to get weather data"; "固件升级完成" = "Firmware upgrade completed"; "表盘推送完成" = "Dial push complete"; "所有运动" = "All Sport"; "体温" = "Temperature"; "实时体温" = "Real-time Temperature"; "摄氏度" = "℃"; "体温监测" = "Temperature Monitoring"; "平均体温" = "Average Temperature"; "最高体温" = "Average Temperature"; "最低体温" = "Average Temperature";