You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Bag.swift
// Platform
// Created by Krunoslav Zaher on 2/28/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.
import Swift
let arrayDictionaryMaxSize = 30
struct BagKey {
Unique identifier for object added to `Bag`.
It's underlying type is UInt64. If we assume there in an idealized CPU that works at 4GHz,
it would take ~150 years of continuous running time for it to overflow.
fileprivate let rawValue: UInt64
Data structure that represents a bag of elements typed `T`.
Single element can be stored multiple times.
Time and space complexity of insertion and deletion is O(n).
It is suitable for storing small number of elements.
struct Bag<T> : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// Type of identifier for inserted elements.
typealias KeyType = BagKey
typealias Entry = (key: BagKey, value: T)
private var _nextKey: BagKey = BagKey(rawValue: 0)
// data
// first fill inline variables
var _key0: BagKey?
var _value0: T?
// then fill "array dictionary"
var _pairs = ContiguousArray<Entry>()
// last is sparse dictionary
var _dictionary: [BagKey: T]?
var _onlyFastPath = true
/// Creates new empty `Bag`.
init() {
Inserts `value` into bag.
- parameter element: Element to insert.
- returns: Key that can be used to remove element from bag.
mutating func insert(_ element: T) -> BagKey {
let key = _nextKey
_nextKey = BagKey(rawValue: _nextKey.rawValue &+ 1)
if _key0 == nil {
_key0 = key
_value0 = element
return key
_onlyFastPath = false
if _dictionary != nil {
_dictionary![key] = element
return key
if _pairs.count < arrayDictionaryMaxSize {
_pairs.append((key: key, value: element))
return key
_dictionary = [key: element]
return key
/// - returns: Number of elements in bag.
var count: Int {
let dictionaryCount: Int = _dictionary?.count ?? 0
return (_value0 != nil ? 1 : 0) + _pairs.count + dictionaryCount
/// Removes all elements from bag and clears capacity.
mutating func removeAll() {
_key0 = nil
_value0 = nil
_pairs.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
_dictionary?.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
Removes element with a specific `key` from bag.
- parameter key: Key that identifies element to remove from bag.
- returns: Element that bag contained, or nil in case element was already removed.
mutating func removeKey(_ key: BagKey) -> T? {
if _key0 == key {
_key0 = nil
let value = _value0!
_value0 = nil
return value
if let existingObject = _dictionary?.removeValue(forKey: key) {
return existingObject
for i in 0 ..< _pairs.count where _pairs[i].key == key {
let value = _pairs[i].value
_pairs.remove(at: i)
return value
return nil
extension Bag {
/// A textual representation of `self`, suitable for debugging.
var debugDescription : String {
return "\(self.count) elements in Bag"
extension Bag {
/// Enumerates elements inside the bag.
/// - parameter action: Enumeration closure.
func forEach(_ action: (T) -> Void) {
if _onlyFastPath {
if let value0 = _value0 {
let value0 = _value0
let dictionary = _dictionary
if let value0 = value0 {
for i in 0 ..< _pairs.count {
if dictionary?.count ?? 0 > 0 {
for element in dictionary!.values {
extension BagKey: Hashable {
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
func ==(lhs: BagKey, rhs: BagKey) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue == rhs.rawValue