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// FileManager+ZIP.swift
// ZIPFoundation
// Copyright © 2017-2020 Thomas Zoechling, and the ZIP Foundation project authors.
// Released under the MIT License.
// See for license information.
import Foundation
extension FileManager {
typealias CentralDirectoryStructure = Entry.CentralDirectoryStructure
/// Zips the file or direcory contents at the specified source URL to the destination URL.
/// If the item at the source URL is a directory, the directory itself will be
/// represented within the ZIP `Archive`. Calling this method with a directory URL
/// `file:///path/directory/` will create an archive with a `directory/` entry at the root level.
/// You can override this behavior by passing `false` for `shouldKeepParent`. In that case, the contents
/// of the source directory will be placed at the root of the archive.
/// - Parameters:
/// - sourceURL: The file URL pointing to an existing file or directory.
/// - destinationURL: The file URL that identifies the destination of the zip operation.
/// - shouldKeepParent: Indicates that the directory name of a source item should be used as root element
/// within the archive. Default is `true`.
/// - compressionMethod: Indicates the `CompressionMethod` that should be applied.
/// By default, `zipItem` will create uncompressed archives.
/// - progress: A progress object that can be used to track or cancel the zip operation.
/// - Throws: Throws an error if the source item does not exist or the destination URL is not writable.
public func zipItem(at sourceURL: URL, to destinationURL: URL,
shouldKeepParent: Bool = true, compressionMethod: CompressionMethod = .none,
progress: Progress? = nil) throws {
let fileManager = FileManager()
guard fileManager.itemExists(at: sourceURL) else {
throw CocoaError(.fileReadNoSuchFile, userInfo: [NSFilePathErrorKey: sourceURL.path])
guard !fileManager.itemExists(at: destinationURL) else {
throw CocoaError(.fileWriteFileExists, userInfo: [NSFilePathErrorKey: destinationURL.path])
guard let archive = Archive(url: destinationURL, accessMode: .create) else {
throw Archive.ArchiveError.unwritableArchive
let isDirectory = try FileManager.typeForItem(at: sourceURL) == .directory
if isDirectory {
let subPaths = try self.subpathsOfDirectory(atPath: sourceURL.path)
var totalUnitCount = Int64(0)
if let progress = progress {
totalUnitCount = subPaths.reduce(Int64(0), {
let itemURL = sourceURL.appendingPathComponent($1)
let itemSize = archive.totalUnitCountForAddingItem(at: itemURL)
return $0 + itemSize
progress.totalUnitCount = totalUnitCount
// If the caller wants to keep the parent directory, we use the lastPathComponent of the source URL
// as common base for all entries (similar to macOS' Archive
let directoryPrefix = sourceURL.lastPathComponent
for entryPath in subPaths {
let finalEntryPath = shouldKeepParent ? directoryPrefix + "/" + entryPath : entryPath
let finalBaseURL = shouldKeepParent ? sourceURL.deletingLastPathComponent() : sourceURL
if let progress = progress {
let itemURL = sourceURL.appendingPathComponent(entryPath)
let entryProgress = archive.makeProgressForAddingItem(at: itemURL)
progress.addChild(entryProgress, withPendingUnitCount: entryProgress.totalUnitCount)
try archive.addEntry(with: finalEntryPath, relativeTo: finalBaseURL,
compressionMethod: compressionMethod, progress: entryProgress)
} else {
try archive.addEntry(with: finalEntryPath, relativeTo: finalBaseURL,
compressionMethod: compressionMethod)
} else {
progress?.totalUnitCount = archive.totalUnitCountForAddingItem(at: sourceURL)
let baseURL = sourceURL.deletingLastPathComponent()
try archive.addEntry(with: sourceURL.lastPathComponent, relativeTo: baseURL,
compressionMethod: compressionMethod, progress: progress)
/// Unzips the contents at the specified source URL to the destination URL.
/// - Parameters:
/// - sourceURL: The file URL pointing to an existing ZIP file.
/// - destinationURL: The file URL that identifies the destination directory of the unzip operation.
/// - skipCRC32: Optional flag to skip calculation of the CRC32 checksum to improve performance.
/// - progress: A progress object that can be used to track or cancel the unzip operation.
/// - preferredEncoding: Encoding for entry paths. Overrides the encoding specified in the archive.
/// - Throws: Throws an error if the source item does not exist or the destination URL is not writable.
public func unzipItem(at sourceURL: URL, to destinationURL: URL, skipCRC32: Bool = false,
progress: Progress? = nil, preferredEncoding: String.Encoding? = nil) throws {
let fileManager = FileManager()
guard fileManager.itemExists(at: sourceURL) else {
throw CocoaError(.fileReadNoSuchFile, userInfo: [NSFilePathErrorKey: sourceURL.path])
guard let archive = Archive(url: sourceURL, accessMode: .read, preferredEncoding: preferredEncoding) else {
throw Archive.ArchiveError.unreadableArchive
// Defer extraction of symlinks until all files & directories have been created.
// This is necessary because we can't create links to files that haven't been created yet.
let sortedEntries = archive.sorted { (left, right) -> Bool in
switch (left.type, right.type) {
case (.directory, .file): return true
case (.directory, .symlink): return true
case (.file, .symlink): return true
default: return false
var totalUnitCount = Int64(0)
if let progress = progress {
totalUnitCount = sortedEntries.reduce(0, { $0 + archive.totalUnitCountForReading($1) })
progress.totalUnitCount = totalUnitCount
for entry in sortedEntries {
let path = preferredEncoding == nil ? entry.path : entry.path(using: preferredEncoding!)
let destinationEntryURL = destinationURL.appendingPathComponent(path)
guard destinationEntryURL.isContained(in: destinationURL) else {
throw CocoaError(.fileReadInvalidFileName,
userInfo: [NSFilePathErrorKey: destinationEntryURL.path])
if let progress = progress {
let entryProgress = archive.makeProgressForReading(entry)
progress.addChild(entryProgress, withPendingUnitCount: entryProgress.totalUnitCount)
_ = try archive.extract(entry, to: destinationEntryURL, skipCRC32: skipCRC32, progress: entryProgress)
} else {
_ = try archive.extract(entry, to: destinationEntryURL, skipCRC32: skipCRC32)
// MARK: - Helpers
func itemExists(at url: URL) -> Bool {
// Use `URL.checkResourceIsReachable()` instead of `FileManager.fileExists()` here
// because we don't want implicit symlink resolution.
// As per documentation, `FileManager.fileExists()` traverses symlinks and therefore a broken symlink
// would throw a `.fileReadNoSuchFile` false positive error.
// For ZIP files it may be intended to archive "broken" symlinks because they might be
// resolvable again when extracting the archive to a different destination.
return (try? url.checkResourceIsReachable()) == true
func createParentDirectoryStructure(for url: URL) throws {
let parentDirectoryURL = url.deletingLastPathComponent()
try self.createDirectory(at: parentDirectoryURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
class func attributes(from entry: Entry) -> [FileAttributeKey: Any] {
let centralDirectoryStructure = entry.centralDirectoryStructure
let entryType = entry.type
let fileTime = centralDirectoryStructure.lastModFileTime
let fileDate = centralDirectoryStructure.lastModFileDate
let defaultPermissions = entryType == .directory ? defaultDirectoryPermissions : defaultFilePermissions
var attributes = [.posixPermissions: defaultPermissions] as [FileAttributeKey: Any]
// Certain keys are not yet supported in swift-corelibs
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
attributes[.modificationDate] = Date(dateTime: (fileDate, fileTime))
let versionMadeBy = centralDirectoryStructure.versionMadeBy
guard let osType = Entry.OSType(rawValue: UInt(versionMadeBy >> 8)) else { return attributes }
let externalFileAttributes = centralDirectoryStructure.externalFileAttributes
let permissions = self.permissions(for: externalFileAttributes, osType: osType, entryType: entryType)
attributes[.posixPermissions] = NSNumber(value: permissions)
return attributes
class func permissions(for externalFileAttributes: UInt32, osType: Entry.OSType,
entryType: Entry.EntryType) -> UInt16 {
switch osType {
case .unix, .osx:
let permissions = mode_t(externalFileAttributes >> 16) & (~S_IFMT)
let defaultPermissions = entryType == .directory ? defaultDirectoryPermissions : defaultFilePermissions
return permissions == 0 ? defaultPermissions : UInt16(permissions)
return entryType == .directory ? defaultDirectoryPermissions : defaultFilePermissions
class func externalFileAttributesForEntry(of type: Entry.EntryType, permissions: UInt16) -> UInt32 {
var typeInt: UInt16
switch type {
case .file:
typeInt = UInt16(S_IFREG)
case .directory:
typeInt = UInt16(S_IFDIR)
case .symlink:
typeInt = UInt16(S_IFLNK)
var externalFileAttributes = UInt32(typeInt|UInt16(permissions))
externalFileAttributes = (externalFileAttributes << 16)
return externalFileAttributes
class func permissionsForItem(at URL: URL) throws -> UInt16 {
let fileManager = FileManager()
let entryFileSystemRepresentation = fileManager.fileSystemRepresentation(withPath: URL.path)
var fileStat = stat()
lstat(entryFileSystemRepresentation, &fileStat)
let permissions = fileStat.st_mode
return UInt16(permissions)
class func fileModificationDateTimeForItem(at url: URL) throws -> Date {
let fileManager = FileManager()
guard fileManager.itemExists(at: url) else {
throw CocoaError(.fileReadNoSuchFile, userInfo: [NSFilePathErrorKey: url.path])
let entryFileSystemRepresentation = fileManager.fileSystemRepresentation(withPath: url.path)
var fileStat = stat()
lstat(entryFileSystemRepresentation, &fileStat)
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
let modTimeSpec = fileStat.st_mtimespec
let modTimeSpec = fileStat.st_mtim
let timeStamp = TimeInterval(modTimeSpec.tv_sec) + TimeInterval(modTimeSpec.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0
let modDate = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: timeStamp)
return modDate
class func fileSizeForItem(at url: URL) throws -> UInt32 {
let fileManager = FileManager()
guard fileManager.itemExists(at: url) else {
throw CocoaError(.fileReadNoSuchFile, userInfo: [NSFilePathErrorKey: url.path])
let entryFileSystemRepresentation = fileManager.fileSystemRepresentation(withPath: url.path)
var fileStat = stat()
lstat(entryFileSystemRepresentation, &fileStat)
return UInt32(fileStat.st_size)
class func typeForItem(at url: URL) throws -> Entry.EntryType {
let fileManager = FileManager()
guard url.isFileURL, fileManager.itemExists(at: url) else {
throw CocoaError(.fileReadNoSuchFile, userInfo: [NSFilePathErrorKey: url.path])
let entryFileSystemRepresentation = fileManager.fileSystemRepresentation(withPath: url.path)
var fileStat = stat()
lstat(entryFileSystemRepresentation, &fileStat)
return Entry.EntryType(mode: fileStat.st_mode)
extension Date {
init(dateTime: (UInt16, UInt16)) {
var msdosDateTime = Int(dateTime.0)
msdosDateTime <<= 16
msdosDateTime |= Int(dateTime.1)
var unixTime = tm()
unixTime.tm_sec = Int32((msdosDateTime&31)*2)
unixTime.tm_min = Int32((msdosDateTime>>5)&63)
unixTime.tm_hour = Int32((Int(dateTime.1)>>11)&31)
unixTime.tm_mday = Int32((msdosDateTime>>16)&31)
unixTime.tm_mon = Int32((msdosDateTime>>21)&15)
unixTime.tm_mon -= 1 // UNIX time struct month entries are zero based.
unixTime.tm_year = Int32(1980+(msdosDateTime>>25))
unixTime.tm_year -= 1900 // UNIX time structs count in "years since 1900".
let time = timegm(&unixTime)
self = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(time))
var fileModificationDateTime: (UInt16, UInt16) {
return (self.fileModificationDate, self.fileModificationTime)
var fileModificationDate: UInt16 {
var time = time_t(self.timeIntervalSince1970)
guard let unixTime = gmtime(&time) else {
return 0
var year = unixTime.pointee.tm_year + 1900 // UNIX time structs count in "years since 1900".
// ZIP uses the MSDOS date format which has a valid range of 1980 - 2099.
year = year >= 1980 ? year : 1980
year = year <= 2099 ? year : 2099
let month = unixTime.pointee.tm_mon + 1 // UNIX time struct month entries are zero based.
let day = unixTime.pointee.tm_mday
return (UInt16)(day + ((month) * 32) + ((year - 1980) * 512))
var fileModificationTime: UInt16 {
var time = time_t(self.timeIntervalSince1970)
guard let unixTime = gmtime(&time) else {
return 0
let hour = unixTime.pointee.tm_hour
let minute = unixTime.pointee.tm_min
let second = unixTime.pointee.tm_sec
return (UInt16)((second/2) + (minute * 32) + (hour * 2048))
#if swift(>=4.2)
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
// The swift-corelibs-foundation version of NSError.swift was missing a convenience method to create
// error objects from error codes. (
// We have to provide an implementation for non-Darwin platforms using Swift versions < 4.2.
public extension CocoaError {
public static func error(_ code: CocoaError.Code, userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]? = nil, url: URL? = nil) -> Error {
var info: [String: Any] = userInfo as? [String: Any] ?? [:]
if let url = url {
info[NSURLErrorKey] = url
return NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: code.rawValue, userInfo: info)
public extension URL {
func isContained(in parentDirectoryURL: URL) -> Bool {
// Ensure this URL is contained in the passed in URL
let parentDirectoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: parentDirectoryURL.path, isDirectory: true).standardized
return self.standardized.absoluteString.hasPrefix(parentDirectoryURL.absoluteString)