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// |
// JLModel_Device.h |
// JL_BLEKit |
// |
// Created by 杰理科技 on 2021/10/15. |
// Copyright © 2021 All rights reserved. |
// |
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
#import <JL_BLEKit/JL_TypeEnum.h> |
#import <JL_BLEKit/JLModel_Flash.h> |
#import <JL_BLEKit/JLModel_ANC.h> |
#import <JL_BLEKit/JLModel_RTC.h> |
#import <JL_BLEKit/JLModel_FM.h> |
#import <JL_BLEKit/JLModel_File.h> |
#import <JL_BLEKit/JLModel_EQ.h> |
#import <JL_BLEKit/JLDhaFitting.h> |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_DevicePlatform) { |
JL_DevicePlatformTuring = 0, //适用于【图灵】 |
JL_DevicePlatformDeepbrain = 1, //适用于【Deepbrain】 |
JL_DevicePlatformUnknown, |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_SDKType) { |
JL_SDKTypeAI = 0, //AI SDK AC692x |
JL_SDKTypeST = 1, //标准 SDK AC692x |
JL_SDKType693xTWS = 2, // |
JL_SDKType695xSDK = 3, // |
JL_SDKType697xTWS = 4, // |
JL_SDKType696xSB = 5, //696x_soundbox |
JL_SDKType696xTWS = 6, // |
JL_SDKType695xSC = 7, //695x_sound_card |
JL_SDKType695xWATCH = 8, //BR23 Watch |
JL_SDKType701xWATCH = 9, //BR28 Watch |
JL_SDKTypeUnknown, |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_FunctionCode) { |
JL_FunctionCodeBT = 0, //BT |
JL_FunctionCodeMUSIC = 1, //音乐 |
JL_FunctionCodeRTC = 2, //闹钟 |
JL_FunctionCodeLINEIN = 3, //LineIn |
JL_FunctionCodeFM = 4, //FM |
JL_FunctionCodeLIGHT = 5, //LIGHT |
JL_FunctionCodeFMTX = 6, //发射频点 |
JL_FunctionCodeCOMMON = 0xff, //通用 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_Partition) { |
JL_PartitionSingle = 0, //固件单备份 |
JL_PartitionDouble = 1, //固件双备份 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_OtaHeadset) { |
JL_OtaHeadsetNO = 0, //耳机单备份 正常升级 |
JL_OtaHeadsetYES = 1, //耳机单备份 强制升级 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_OtaWatch) { |
JL_OtaWatchNO = 0, //手表资源 正常升级 |
JL_OtaWatchYES = 1, //手表资源 强制升级 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_OtaStatus) { |
JL_OtaStatusNormal = 0, //正常升级 |
JL_OtaStatusForce = 1, //强制升级 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_BootLoader) { |
JL_BootLoaderNO = 0, //不需要下载Bootloader |
JL_BootLoaderYES = 1, //需要下载BootLoader |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_OtaBleAllowConnect) { |
JL_OtaBleAllowConnectYES = 0, //OTA 允许BLE连接 |
JL_OtaBleAllowConnectNO = 1, //OTA 禁止BLE连接 |
JL_OtaBleAllowConnectUnknow = 2, //未定义 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_BLEOnly) { //是否仅仅支持BLE |
JL_BLEOnlyNO = 0, //否 |
JL_BLEOnlyYES = 1, //是 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_FasheEnable) { //是否发射模式 |
JL_FasheEnableNO = 0, //否 |
JL_FasheEnableYES = 1, //是 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_FasheType) { //当前是否为发射模式 |
JL_FasheTypeNO = 0, //否 |
JL_FasheTypeYES = 1, //是 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_MD5Type) { //是否支持MD5校验 |
JL_MD5TypeNO = 0, //否 |
JL_MD5TypeYES = 1, //是 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_GameType) { //是否为游戏模式 |
JL_GameTypeNO = 0, //否 |
JL_GameTypeYES = 1, //是 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_SearchType) { //是否支持查找设备 |
JL_SearchTypeNO = 0, //否 |
JL_SearchTypeYES = 1, //是 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_KaraokeType) { //是否支持卡拉OK |
JL_KaraokeTypeNO = 0, //否 |
JL_KaraokeTypeYES = 1, //是 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8,JL_KaraokeEQType){ //是否禁止app调节设备音效 |
JL_KaraokeEQTypeNO = 0, //不禁止 |
JL_KaraokeEQTypeYES = 1, //禁止 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8,JL_FlashType){ //是否支持外挂Flash |
JL_FlashTypeNO = 0, //不支持 |
JL_FlashTypeYES = 1, //支持 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8,JL_AncType){ //是否支持ANC |
JL_AncTypeNO = 0, //不支持 |
JL_AncTypeYES = 1, //支持 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_AudioFileType) { //是否支持音频文件传输 |
JL_AudioFileTypeNO = 0, //否 |
JL_AudioFileTypeYES = 1, //是 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_FileSubcontractTransferCrc16Type){//文件分包传输是否支持crc16方式 |
JL_FileSubcontractTransferCrc16TypeNO = 0, //不支持 |
JL_FileSubcontractTransferCrc16TypeYES = 1, //支持 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_ReadFileInNewWayType){ //是否以新的方式读取固件文件 |
JL_ReadFileInNewWayTypeNO = 0, //不支持 |
JL_ReadFileInNewWayTypeYES = 1, //支持 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_SmallFileWayType){ //是否支持小文件传输 |
JL_SmallFileWayTypeNO = 0, //不支持 |
JL_SmallFileWayTypeYES = 1, //支持 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8,JL_CALLType) { |
JL_CALLType_OFF = 0, //空闲 |
JL_CALLType_ON = 1, //通话中 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_LightState) { |
JL_LightStateClose = 0x00, //关闭 |
JL_LightStateOpen = 0x01, //开启 |
JL_LightStateSetting = 0x02, //设置模式 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_LightMode) { |
JL_LightModeNormal = 0x00, //彩色模式 |
JL_LightModeFlash = 0x01, //闪烁模式 |
JL_LightModeScene = 0x02, //情景模式 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_LightFlashModeIndex) { |
JL_LightModeIndexColorfulFlash = 0x00, //七彩闪烁 |
JL_LightModeIndexRedFlash = 0x01, //红色闪烁 |
JL_LightModeIndexOrangeFlash = 0x02, //橙色闪烁 |
JL_LightModeIndexYeallowFlash = 0x03, //黄色闪烁 |
JL_LightModeIndexGreenFlash = 0x04, //绿色闪烁 |
JL_LightModeIndexCyanFlash = 0x05, //青色闪烁 |
JL_LightModeIndexBlueFlash = 0x06, //蓝色闪烁 |
JL_LightModeIndexPurpleFlash = 0x07, //紫色闪烁 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_LightFlashModeFrequency) { |
JL_LightFlashModeFrequencyFast = 0x00, //快闪 |
JL_LightFlashModeFrequencySlow = 0x01, //慢闪 |
JL_LightFlashModeFrequencyNormal = 0x02, //缓闪 |
JL_LightFlashModeFrequencyMusic = 0x03, //音乐闪烁 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_LightSceneMode) { |
JL_LightSceneModeRainbow = 0x00, //彩虹 |
JL_LightSceneModeHeartbeat = 0x01, //心跳 |
JL_LightSceneModeCandlelight = 0x02, //烛火 |
JL_LightSceneModeNightLight = 0x03, //夜灯 |
JL_LightSceneModeStage = 0x04, //舞台 |
JL_LightSceneModeDiffuseColourBreathing = 0x05, //漫彩呼吸 |
JL_LightSceneModeDiffuseRedBreathing = 0x06, //漫红呼吸 |
JL_LightSceneModeDiffuseGreenBreathing = 0x07, //漫绿呼吸 |
JL_LightSceneModeDiffuseBlueBreathing = 0x08, //漫蓝呼吸 |
JL_LightSceneModeGreenMood = 0x09, //绿色心情 |
JL_LightSceneModeSettingSunView = 0x10, //夕阳美景 |
JL_LightSceneModeMusicRhythm = 0x11, //音乐律动 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_FileHandleType) { //文件句柄 |
JL_FileHandleTypeSD_0 = 0, //SD_0 |
JL_FileHandleTypeSD_1 = 1, //SD_1 |
JL_FileHandleTypeFLASH = 2, //FLASH |
JL_FileHandleTypeUSB = 3, //USB |
JL_FileHandleTypeLineIn = 4, //LineIn |
JL_FileHandleTypeFLASH2 = 5, //FLASH2 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_MusicMode) { |
JL_MusicModeLoopAll = 0x01, //全部循环 |
JL_MusicModeLoopDevice = 0x02, //单设备循环 |
JL_MusicModeLoopOne = 0x03, //单曲循环 |
JL_MusicModeRandomDevice = 0x04, //单设备随机 |
JL_MusicModeLoopFolder = 0x05, //文件夹循环 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_MusicStatus) { |
JL_MusicStatusPlay = 0x01, //播放 |
JL_MusicStatusPause = 0x00, //暂停 |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_EQType) { //EQ段数类型 |
JL_EQType10 = 0, //固定10段式 |
JL_EQTypeMutable = 1, //动态EQ段 |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------// |
#pragma mark - RTC |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_RTCAlarmType) { //是否支持闹铃设置 |
JL_RTCAlarmTypeNO = 0, //不支持 |
JL_RTCAlarmTypeYES = 1, //支持 |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------// |
#pragma mark - LINEIN |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_LineInStatus) { |
JL_LineInStatusPause = 0x00, //暂停 |
JL_LineInStatusPlay = 0x01, //播放 |
JL_LineInStatusUnknown, |
}; |
//---------------------------------------------------------// |
#pragma mark - FM |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_FMStatus) { |
JL_FMStatusPause = 0x01, //播放 |
JL_FMStatusPlay = 0x02, //暂停 |
JL_FMStatusSearching = 0x03, //搜索中 |
JL_FMStatusUnknown, |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8, JL_FMMode) { |
JL_FMMode875Mhz = 0x00, //87.5-108.0Mhz |
JL_FMMode760Mhz = 0x01, //76.5-108.0Mhz |
JL_FMModeUnknown, |
}; |
typedef NS_ENUM(UInt8,JL_ReverberationType) { |
JL_ReverberationTypeNormal = 0, //混响 |
JL_ReverberationTypeDynamic = 1, //限幅器 |
}; |
@interface JLModel_Device : NSObject<NSCopying> |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *mBLE_UUID; //设备UUID |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *versionProtocol; //协议版本 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *versionFirmware; //固件版本 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_SDKType sdkType; //SDK类型 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) NSUInteger battery; //电量0~9 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) NSUInteger currentVol; //当前音量 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) NSUInteger maxVol; //最大音量 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *btAddr; //经典蓝牙地址 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *license; //平台序列号 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_DevicePlatform platform; //平台类型(图灵,Deepbrain) |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_DeviceBTStatus btStatus; //经典蓝牙状态 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint32_t function; //BIT(0):BT BIT(1):MUSIC BIT(2):RTC |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_FunctionCode currentFunc; //当前处于的模式 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t funcOnlineStatus; //USb,SD,LineIn,网络电台是否在线 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *versionUBoot; //uboot版本 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_Partition partitionType; //设备单、双备份 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_OtaStatus otaStatus; //OTA状态 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_OtaHeadset otaHeadset; //耳机单备份 是否需要强制升级 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_OtaWatch otaWatch; //手表资源 是否需要强制升级 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *pidvid; //厂商ID |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *authKey; //授权Key |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *proCode; //授权Code |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_BootLoader bootLoaderType; //是否下载BootLoader |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_OtaBleAllowConnect otaBleAllowConnect; //OTA是否允许BLE连接 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_BLEOnly bleOnly; //是否仅仅支持BLE |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *bleAddr; //ble蓝牙地址 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_FasheEnable fasheEnable; //是否支持发射模式 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_FasheType fasheType; //当前是否为发射模式 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_MD5Type md5Type; //是否支持MD5固件校验 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_GameType gameType; //是否为游戏模式 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) BOOL isSupportGameModel; //是否支持游戏模式 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_SearchType searchType; //是否支持查找设备 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_KaraokeType karaokeType; //是否支持卡拉OK |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_KaraokeEQType karaokeEQType; //是否禁止app调节设备音效 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_FlashType flashType; //是否外挂flash |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_AncType ancType; //是否支持ANC |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_AudioFileType audioFileType; //是否支持音频文件传输功能 |
/// 是否支持日志获取 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) BOOL isSupportLog; |
/// 是否支持辅听设置 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) BOOL isSupportDhaFitting; |
///验配信息交互:版本、通道数、通道频率 |
///Fitting information interaction: version, channel number, channel frequency |
@property (strong,nonatomic) DhaFittingInfo *dhaFitInfo; |
/// 验配中断/开启的对象,仅限于监听 |
/// Fitting interrupted/opened object, only for listening |
@property (strong,nonatomic) DhaFittingSwitch *dhaFitSwitch; |
/// 通道增益值数组,先左耳后右耳,个数和验配信息中返回的一致 |
/// Array of channel gain values, first left ear then right ear, the number is the same as the one returned in the fitting information |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSArray<NSNumber *> *dhaFittingList; |
/// 是否支持获取设备配置信息 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) BOOL isSupportDevConfigInfo; |
/// 是否支持自适应ANC |
@property (assign,nonatomic) BOOL isSupportAutoANC; |
@property (assign,nonatomic) int pitchLow; //低音 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) int pitchHigh; //高音 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) JLModel_Flash *flashInfo; //外挂flash信息 |
/// 设备信息中指明,外部SD卡/U盘引脚是否被复用 |
/// Specify in the device information, whether the external SD card/U disk pins are multiplexed |
@property (assign,nonatomic) BOOL devPinMultiplex; |
/*--- File INFO ---*/ |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_FileHandleType currentFileHandleType; //当前文件传输句柄 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_FileSubcontractTransferCrc16Type fileSubcontractTransferCrc16Type; //文件分包传输是否支持crc16方式 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_ReadFileInNewWayType readFileInNewWayType; //是否以新的方式读取固件文件 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_SmallFileWayType smallFileWayType; //是否小文件方式传输 |
/*--- 公用INFO ---*/ |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSArray *cardArray; //卡的数组 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *handleUSB; //USB handle |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *handleSD_0; //SD_0 handle |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *handleSD_1; //SD_1 handle |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *handleFlash; //Flash handle |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *handleFlash2; //Flash handle2 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSData *handleUSBData; //USB handle Data |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSData *handleSD_0Data; //SD_0 handle Data |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSData *handleSD_1Data; //SD_1 handle Data |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSData *handleFlashData; //Flash handle Data |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSData *handleFlash2Data; //Flash2 handle Data |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_EQMode eqMode; //EQ模式 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSArray *eqArray; //EQ参数值(只适用于EQ Mode == CUSTOM情况) |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSArray *eqCustomArray; //自定义EQ |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSArray *eqFrequencyArray; //EQ频率 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_EQType eqType; //EQ段数类型F |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSArray *eqDefaultArray; //EQ的预设值数组 数组元素类型-->【JLEQModel】 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *errReason; //错误原因 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint16_t fmtxPoint; //发射频点 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t mTWS_Mode; //0x00:普通模式 0x01:发射模式 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t mTWS_Status; //0x00:未连接 0x01:已连接 |
@property (copy ,nonatomic) NSString *mTWS_Addr; //发射模式中,连接的外设地址 |
@property (copy ,nonatomic) JLModel_ANC *mAncModeCurrent; //当前ANC的模式 |
@property (copy ,nonatomic) NSMutableArray *mAncModeArray; //ANC模式数组 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_CALLType mCallType; //通话状态 |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSArray *reverberationTypes; //混响所支持的类型 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) int reverberationSwitchState; //混响的开关 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) int depthValue; //深度值 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) int intensityValue; //强度值 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) int dynamicLimiterValue; //限幅值 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) long kalaokIndex; //卡拉OK 组件索引 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) long kalaokValue; //卡拉OK 组件的值 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint64_t kalaokMask; //卡拉OK 固件返回的掩码 |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSArray *mKaraokeMicFrequencyArray; //卡拉OK 频率数组 |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSArray *mKaraokeMicEQArray; //卡拉OK EQ数组 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_LightState lightState; // 0:关闭 1:打开 2:设置模式(彩色/闪烁/情景) |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_LightMode lightMode; // 0:彩色 1:闪烁 2: 情景 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t lightRed; // 灯光红色 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t lightGreen; // 灯光绿色 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t lightBlue; // 灯光蓝色 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_LightFlashModeIndex lightFlashIndex; // 闪烁模式Index |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_LightFlashModeFrequency lightFrequencyIndex; // 闪烁频率Index |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_LightSceneMode lightSceneIndex; // 情景模式Index |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint16_t lightHue; // 色调,范围0-360 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t lightSat; // 饱和度,0-100 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t lightLightness; // 亮度,0-100 |
/*--- BT INFO ---*/ |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSString *ID3_Title; |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSString *ID3_Artist; |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSString *ID3_AlBum; |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t ID3_Number; |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint16_t ID3_Total; |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSString *ID3_Genre; |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint32_t ID3_Time; |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t ID3_Status; // 0x01:播放 0x00:暂停 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint32_t ID3_CurrentTime; |
/*--- Music INFO ---*/ |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_MusicStatus playStatus; //播放状态 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_MusicMode playMode; //播放模式 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint32_t currentClus; //当前播放文件的簇号 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint32_t currentTime; //当前时间 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint32_t tolalTime; //总时长 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_CardType currentCard; //当前卡 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *fileName; //名字 |
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *typeSupport; //解码音频格式 |
/*--- RTC INFO ---*/ |
///RTC 版本 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) uint8_t rtcVersion __attribute__((deprecated ( "Use the instance property rtcVersion of the JL_AlarmClockManager class instead, this property is about to become invalid"))); |
///是否支持闹铃设置 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_RTCAlarmType rtcAlarmType __attribute__((deprecated ( "Use the instance property rtcAlarmType of the JL_AlarmClockManager class instead, this property is about to become invalid"))); |
///设备当前时间 |
@property (strong,nonatomic) JLModel_RTC *rtcModel __attribute__((deprecated ( "Use the instance property rtcModel of the JL_AlarmClockManager class instead, this property is about to become invalid"))); |
///设备闹钟数组 |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSMutableArray *rtcAlarms __attribute__((deprecated ( "Use the instance property rtcAlarms of the JL_AlarmClockManager class instead, this property is about to become invalid"))); |
///默认铃声 |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSMutableArray *rtcDfRings __attribute__((deprecated ( "Use the instance property rtcDfRings of the JL_AlarmClockManager class instead, this property is about to become invalid"))); |
/*--- LineIn INFO ---*/ |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_LineInStatus lineInStatus; //LineIn状态 |
/*--- FM INFO ---*/ |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_FMStatus fmStatus; //Fm状态 |
@property (assign,nonatomic) JL_FMMode fmMode; //Fm 76.0或87.5 |
@property (strong,nonatomic) JLModel_FM *currentFm; //当前fm |
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSArray *fmArray; //Fm列表 |
/*custom version info*/ |
/// 自定义版本信息 |
@property(strong,nonatomic) NSData *customizeInfo; |
-(void)cleanMe; |
+(void)observeModelProperty:(NSString*)prty Action:(SEL)action Own:(id)own; |
+(void)removeModelProperty:(NSString*)prty Own:(id)own; |
#pragma mark ---> 设备信息 |
-(void)deviceInfoData:(NSData*)infoData; |
#pragma mark ---> 各个模式信息 |
-(void)deviceModeInfoData:(NSData*)infoData; |
@end |