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// MultiLanguage .swift
// VeSync
// Created by dave on 2019/12/18.
// Copyright © 2019 Etekcity. All rights reserved.
/// key
struct MultiLanguageKey {
static let health = "健康"
static let sport = "运动"
static let device = "设备"
static let mine = "我的"
static let mineDevice = "我的设备"
static let baseInfo = "基本信息"
static let gender = "性别"
static let male = ""
static let female = ""
static let nickname = "昵称"
static let nicknameTip = "请填写昵称"
static let height = "身高"
static let weight = "体重"
static let birthday = "生日"
static let save = "保存"
static let cancel = "取消"
static let confirm = "确认"
static let tip = "提示"
static let carmaPower = "请打开相机权限"
static let goto = "前往"
static let photoSelect = "从相册中选择"
static let camera = "拍照"
static let noDeviceTip = "还未绑定设备"
static let bindingDevice = "立即绑定设备"
static let binding = "绑定设备"
static let scan = "扫描"
static let scaning = "扫描设备中"
static let searchFail = "暂无设备可绑定"
static let scanFailTip = "蓝牙未开启"
static let connectFailTip = "连接失败"
static let coonecting = "连接中..."
static let coonected = "已连接"
static let disConnected = "未连接"
static let power = "电量"
static let syncData = "同步数据"
static let syncDataTip = "同步数据中"
static let syncDataSucceed = "同步成功"
static let findDevice = "找设备"
static let handUp = "抬手亮屏"
static let notice = "应用通知"
static let remoteCamera = "远程拍照"
static let heartCheck = "心率监测"
static let dialPush = "表盘推送"
static let firmwareUpgrade = "固件升级"
static let unBinding = "解除绑定"
static let notDisturb = "勿扰模式"
static let sedentary = "久坐提醒"
static let telephoneBook = "通讯录"
static let businessCard = "名片"
static let theWallet = "钱包"
static let music = "音乐管理"
static let alarmClock = "闹钟设置"
static let drinkRemind = "喝水提醒"
static let more = "更多"
static let addAlarm = "新增闹钟"
static let editAlarm = "编辑闹钟"
static let repeatCycle = "重复"
static let monday = "周一"
static let tuesday = "周二"
static let wednesday = "周三"
static let thursday = "周四"
static let friday = "周五"
static let saturday = "周六"
static let sunday = "周日"
static let workDay = "工作日"
static let weekDay = "周末"
static let onlyOne = "仅一次"
static let everyDay = "每天"
static let allSelect = "全选"
static let smartSwitch = "智能开关"
static let startTime = "开始时间"
static let endTime = "结束时间"
static let frequency = "提醒频率(分钟)"
static let sedentaryThreshold = "久坐阈值(步数)"
static let alarmCountTip = "已达到最大闹钟设置数量"
static let callRemind = "来电通知"
static let messageRemind = "短信提醒"
static let qqRemind = "QQ"
static let wechatRemind = "微信"
static let whatsappRemind = "Whatsapp"
static let messengerRemind = "Messenger"
static let twitterRemind = "Twitter"
static let linkedinRemind = "Linkedin"
static let instagramRemind = "Instagram"
static let facebookRemind = "Facebook"
static let othersRemind = "其他"
static let lineRemind = "Line"
static let viberRemind = "Viber"
static let skypeRemind = "Skype"
static let outlookRemind = "Outlook"
static let otherRemind = "其他"
static let bleTip = "设备未连接"
static let timeTip = "开始时间应小于结束时间!"
static let setSuccess = "设置成功"
static let setFail = "设置失败"
static let unbindingTip = "确定要解绑设备吗"
static let unbinding = "解绑"
static let open = "开启"
static let cameraiTip = "开启相机权限,酷动圈才可以进行设备控制拍照"
static let photoTip = "开启相册权限,酷动圈才可以保存访问相册"
static let photo = "照片"
static let unitSet = "单位设置"
static let targetSet = "目标设置"
static let privacy = "隐私政策"
static let service = "用户协议"
static let about = "关于"
static let stepTip = ""
static let sleep = "睡眠"
static let heartRate = "心率"
static let step = "计步"
static let walk = "走路"
static let run = "跑步"
static let cycling = "骑行"
static let climb = "爬山"
static let realHeartRate = "实时心率"
static let sportTarget = "运动目标"
static let sleepTarget = "睡眠目标"
static let stepTarget = "计步目标"
static let walkTarget = "走路目标"
static let runTarget = "跑步目标"
static let cyclingTarget = "骑行目标"
static let climbTarget = "爬山目标"
static let metric = "公制"
static let british = "英制"
static let hour = "小时"
static let min = "分钟"
static let mineInfo = "我的信息"
static let head = "头像"
static let changeGender = "修改性别"
static let changeNickname = "修改昵称"
static let distance = "距离"
static let heat = "热量"
static let kcal = "千卡"
static let km = "公里"
static let inAll = "总共"
static let maxStep = "最高步数"
static let kmMileage = "公里数"
static let mileMileage = "英里数"
static let duration = "运动时长"
static let consume = "消耗"
static let avgHr = "平均心率"
static let maxHr = "最高心率"
static let minHr = "最低心率"
static let hrUnit = "次/分"
static let deepSleep = "深睡眠"
static let shallowSleep = "浅睡眠"
static let sleepDuration = "睡眠时长"
static let awakeNumber = "醒来次数"
static let awakeDuration = "清醒时长"
static let awake = "清醒"
static let updateFirmware = "立即升级固件"
static let lowPower = "电量过低,请及时充电"
static let updateFirmwareSuccess = "固件升级成功"
static let updateFirmwareFail = "固件升级失败"
static let updateFirmwareing = "固件升级中"
static let updateConfirm = "确定升级到最新版本吗?"
static let noDataTip = "暂无数据"
static let year = ""
static let month = ""
static let day = ""
static let week = ""
static let time = ""
static let totalDistance = "总里程"
static let totalCalories = "总消耗"
static let totalCount = "总次数"
static let totalDuration = "总时长"
static let sportList = "运动列表"
static let sportDuration = "运动时间"
static let paceAvg = "平均配速"
static let speedAvg = "平均速度"
static let strideAvg = "平均步频"
static let cadenceAvg = "平均步幅"
static let stepNumber = "步数"
static let cm = "厘米"
static let strideTip = "步/分钟"
static let currenVerison = "当前版本"
static let newVerison = "目前可供升级的版本是"
static let networkError = "网络连接异常,请稍后重试"
static let latestVerison = "已经是最新版本"
static let locationTip = "请开启定位权限,获取天气数据"
static let firmwareComplete = "固件升级完成"
static let diapPushComplete = "表盘推送完成"
static let allSport = "所有运动"
static let temperature = "体温"
static let realTimeTemperature = "实时体温"
static let centigrade = "摄氏度"
static let temperatureCheck = "体温监测"
static let avgTemperature = "平均体温"
static let maxTemperature = "最高体温"
static let minTemperature = "最低体温"
static let temperatureCheckTip = "提示:开始时间和结束时间是指设备执行自定义检测体温功能时间段,频率是指在规定时间范围内每隔频率时间检测一次"
static let wechatSport = "微信运动"
static let wechatSportStep = "接入微信运动还需如下几步"
static let wechatSportStep1 = "No.1 保存下方的二维码到手机相册"
static let wechatSportStep2 = "No.2 打开微信扫一扫"
static let wechatSportStep3 = "No.3 点击右上角相册,选取二维码"
static let wechatSportStep4 = "No.4 点击“绑定设备”,接入微信运动"
static let saveQrCode = "保存二维码"
static let saveQrCodeSuccess = "二维码保存成功"
static let saveQrCodeFail = "绑定二维码获取失败,请稍后重试"
static let firmwareTip = "注意:升级过程中请勿关闭APP,并设备与APP保持在有效的蓝牙距离内,避免升级失败"
static let bloodPressure = "血压"
static let bloodOxygen = "血氧"
static let realTimeBloodPressure = "实时血压"
static let realTimeBloodOxygen = "实时血氧"
static let minBloodPressure = "最低血压"
static let maxBloodPressure = "最高血压"
static let minSBP = "最低收缩压"
static let avgSBP = "平均收缩压"
static let maxSBP = "最高收缩压"
static let minDBP = "最低舒张压"
static let avgDBP = "平均舒张压"
static let maxDBP = "最高舒张压"
static let minBloodOxygen = "最低血氧"
static let avgBloodOxygen = "平均血氧"
static let maxBloodOxygen = "最高血氧"
static let bloodPressureUnit = "mmHg"
static let bloodOxygenUnit = "SpO2"
static let checkInterval = "测量间隔(分钟)"
static let weChatPayCode = "微信"
static let weChatPayCodeG = "微信个人收款码"
static let aliPayCode = "支付宝"
static let payPalCode = "Paypal"
static let selectNoPhone = "请选择电话号码"
static let paymentCode = "收款码:"
static let invalidQrCode = "无效二维码"
static let attention = "注意事项:\n1、建议上传黑白颜色的二维码;\n2、请务必保持网络畅通;\n3、绑定过程中请将手表靠近手机,请勿操作手机和手表;\n4、确保手表电量充足;"
static let bindingSteps_1 = "绑定步骤:\n1、打开"
static let bindingSteps_2 = ",去我的二维码页面保存到手机本地;\n2、打开FireBoltt,进入设备-名片-"
static let bindingSteps_3 = ";\n3、点击上方二维码区域,添加或更换"
static let bindingSteps_4 = "二维码;\n4、点击下方绑定按钮,将名片绑定到手表;"
static let bindingQrCode = "绑定"
class OCLanguage: NSObject {
@objc static func LocalizedString(_ key: String) -> String {
return Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: key, value: "", table: nil)