/* Localizable.strings LekangGuard Created by ecell on 2022/10/8. */ "智慧校园" = "Ecell care"; "手机号" = "Phone"; "密码" = "Password"; "确认密码" = "Confirm password"; "登录" = "Login"; "密码不一致" = "Inconsistent passwords"; "密码不能为空" = "The password cannot be empty"; "密码为6~16位字符内" = "The password must contain 6 to 16 characters"; "微信" = "WeChat"; "微信登录" = "WeChat login"; "扫描设备背面的二维码或者手动添加设备的IMEI/MEID号" = "Scan the QR code on the back of the device or manually add the IMEI/MEID number of the device"; "扫码条" = "扫码条"; "扫码框" = "扫码框"; "无效二维码" = "Invalid QR code"; "注册" = "Registere"; "注册成功,请登录账号" = "Register success, please login account"; "注册码" = "Registr code"; "注意" = "Pay attention"; "注销用户(谨慎)" = "Logout user (Caution)"; "点击“注册”即表示你同意《用户服务协议》" = "You agree to the User service agreement by click \"Register\""; "点击刷新" = "Click refresh"; "点击注册即表示您同意" = "Click register to agree"; "点击注册即表示您同意%@和%@" = "Click register to agree to %@ and %@"; "点击登录即表示您同意" = "Click login to agree"; "点击登录即表示您同意%@和%@" = "Click login to agree with %@ and %@"; "用户协议" = "User agreement"; "隐私政策" = "Privacy policy"; "用户服务协议" = "User service agreement"; "请检查您的网络设置" = "Please check your network Settings"; "请求参数错误,错误详情见 msg 参数" = "Request parameter error, see MSG parameter for details"; "请求失败,请稍后再试..." = "Request failed, please try again later..."; "请输入6-16个字符密码" = "Please enter a 6-16 character password"; "请输入手机号" = "Please enter your phone address"; "请输入正确的手机号" = "Please enter the correct phone address"; "请输入确认密码" = "Please confirm your password"; "验证码" = "VerificationCode"; "验证码获取成功" = "The verification code is successfully obtained"; "验证码验证失败" = "Verification code invalid"; "请输入验证码" = "Please enter Verification code"; "请输入密码" = "Please enter PassWord"; "请输入6~16个字符" = "The value contains 6 to 16 characters"; "输入密码不一致" = "Enter PassWord Not the same"; "密码重置成功,请登录账号" = "The password is reset successfully, Please log in to the account"; "忘记密码" = "Forgot password"; "其他方式登录" = "Other Login Methods"; "立即注册" = "Register now"; "记住密码" = "Remember the password"; "获取验证码" = "GetCode"; "登录中" = "In the login"; "首页" = "Home"; "定位" = "Positioning"; "我的" = "My"; "添加设备" = "Add device"; "请为%@打开相机权限" = "Please open camera permissions for %@"; "设置" = "Set up the"; "二维码/条码丢失" = "QrCodeLoss"; "二维码/条码丢失?" = "QrCodeMissing?"; "提示" = "Alert"; "取消" = "Cancel"; "无效二维码" = "Invalid QR code"; "手动输入IMEI/MEID" = "Enter IMEI/MEID manually"; "请输入IMEI/MEID号" = "Please enter the IMEI/MEID number"; "将二维码/条形码放入框内中央,即可自动扫描" = "Put the QR code/barcode into the center of the frame, and it can be scanned automatically"; "扫描设备背面的二维码或者手动添加设备的IMEI/MEID号" = "Scan the QR code on the back of the device or manually add the IMEI/MEID number of the device"; "选择关系" = "Choose the relationship"; "下一步" = "Next"; "与我的关系" = "Relationship with me"; "请输入关系" = "Please enter relationship"; "我的号码" = "MyNumber"; "请输入号码" = "Please enter the number"; "选择头像" = "Choose picture"; "家人" = "Family"; "朋友" = "Friend"; "自定义" = "Custom"; "爸爸" = "Father"; "妈妈" = "Mother"; "爷爷" = "Grandpa"; "奶奶" = "Grandma"; "外公" = "Grandfather"; "外婆" = "Grandmother"; "叔叔" = "Uncle"; "阿姨" = "Aunt"; "添加" = "Add"; "添加设备" = "AddEquipment"; "头像" = "HeadPortrait"; "名称" = "Name"; "性别" = "Gender"; "设备电话号码" = "Device Telephone Number"; "生日" = "Birthday"; "身高(cm)" = "Height (cm)"; "体重(kg)" = "Weight (kg)"; "请输入设备电话号码" = "Please enter the device phone number"; "男" = "Male"; "女" = "Girl"; "确定" = "Ok"; "添加手表" = "AddWatch"; "请输入姓名" = "Please enter your name"; "请选择生日" = "Please enter your birthday"; "申请关注" = "To apply for attention"; "申请关注成功" = "Application for Attention Succeeded"; "添加成功" = "Add success"; "电话本" = "PhoneBook"; "微聊" = "SmallTalk"; "打电话" = "Call"; "更多" = "More"; "心率" = "Heartbeat"; "体温" = "BodyTemperature"; "更多服务" = "MoreService"; "次/分" = "under/minutes"; "开始测量" = "StartMeasuring"; "视频" = "video"; "今天" = "today"; "前一天" = "DayBefore"; "后一天" = "LastDay"; "上报评率" = "Reporting rate"; "开关" = "switch"; "上限" = "UpperLimit"; "下限" = "LowerLimit"; "当前位置未知,点击进行定位" = "The current location is unknown, click to locate"; "视频通话" = "VideoCall"; "设备闹钟" = "DeviceClock"; "上课禁用" = "ClassDisable"; "SOS号码" = "SOSNunber"; "定时开关机" = "TimeSwitch"; "查找设备" = "FindDevice"; "计步" = "StepGauge"; "设备资料" = "DeviceData"; "常用功能" = "Common function"; "设备设置" = "Device setup"; "定位模式" = "Location mode"; "拒接陌生电话" = "Do not answer cold calls"; "拨号盘开关" = "Dial switch"; "远程关机" = "Remote shutdown"; "解除与设备的绑定" = "Unbind the device"; "正常模式" = "Normal mode"; "省电模式" = "Saving mode"; "高频模式" = "High frequency mode"; "保存" = "Save"; "温馨提示:建议选择省电模式!\n高频模式:定位频率较高\n正常模式:定位频率适中\n省电模式:定位频率较低" = "Warm tip: It is recommended to choose the power saving mode!\nHigh-frequency mode: The positioning frequency is high\nNormal mode: The positioning frequency is moderate\nPower saving mode: The positioning frequency is low"; "加载中" = "Loading"; "远程关机成功" = "Remote shutdown successful"; "解绑成功" = "Unbind successfully"; "\n解除绑定后,将无法对设备进行监护,设备将重启,其他绑定该设备的用户,将自动解绑" = "\nAfter the device is unbound, the device cannot be monitored and restarts. Other users bound to the device are automatically unbound"; "\n您是设备的管理员,如果您进行解绑,其他绑定该设备的用户,将自动解绑,确认解除绑定吗?" = "\nYou are the administrator of the device. If you unbind the device, other users bound to the device will be automatically unbound. Do you want to unbind the device?"; "\n设备将会远程关机,”是否“确认" = "\nThe device will be shut down remotely. Yes confirm"; "(我) 管理员" = "(I) administrator"; "(我)" = "(I)"; "管理员" = "administrator"; "家庭成员(%ld人)" = "Family member(%ldpeople)"; "联系人(%ld人)" = "Contact person(%ldpeople)"; "全选" = "All"; "全不选" = "NoAll"; "设置为管理员" = "Set as administrator"; "编辑联系人" = "Edit contact"; "确认将管理员转给" = "Confirm to transfer the administrator"; "请选择要删除的联系人" = "Select the contact you want to delete"; "确认要删除" = "确认要删除"; "个联系人" = "Confirm to delete"; "删除成功" = "Deleted succes"; "通讯录导入" = "Address book import"; "手动添加" = "Manual addition"; "温馨提示:\n电话本最多保存50个号码(有短号的号码需要把长短号都保存)" = "Warm tip :\n phone book can save up to 50 numbers (with short numbers need to save both short and long numbers)"; "未添加闹钟" = "No alarm clock added"; "未添加上课禁用时段" = "The class disabled period is not added"; "温馨提示:\n禁用时设备除可以呼出SOS号码外,设备仅可以查看时间,同时拒接所有电话和信息." = "Warm tip: When \n is disabled, the device can only check the time and reject all calls and messages except for the SOS number."; "添加闹钟" = "Add an alarm clock"; "编辑闹钟" = "Edit alarm clock"; "标签" = "Tag"; "时间" = "Time"; "星期" = "Week"; "一" = "one"; "二" = "two"; "三" = "three"; "四" = "four"; "五" = "five"; "六" = "six"; "日" = "day"; "选择时间" = "Selection time"; "标签不能为空" = "The tag cannot be empty"; "请选择星期" = "Please select the week"; "修改成功" = "Modified success"; "新增成功" = "Added success"; "选择开始时间" = "Select start time"; "选择结束时间" = "Select end time"; "提示:可设置上课时段禁用,禁用时段开启后,设备将只有SOS呼救功能可使用,其他功能不能使用." = "Tip: You can disable the class period. After the disabled period is enabled, only the SOS call function can be used, and other functions cannot be used."; "添加上课禁用" = "Add class disable"; "编辑上课禁用" = "Edit class disabled"; "亲情号" = "kinship"; "温馨提示:\n禁用时设备除可以呼出SOS号码外,设备仅可以查看时间,同时拒接所有电话和信息." = "Warm tip: When \n is disabled, the device can only check the time and reject all calls and messages except for the SOS number."; "添加亲情号" = "Add kinship number"; "修改亲情号" = "Modified kinship number"; "电话号码" = "Telephone number"; "请输入联系人" = "Please enter the contact person"; "请输入电话号码" = "Please enter the phone number"; "选择快捷键" = "Select shortcut key"; "快捷键" = "Shortcut key"; "删除" = "delete"; "历史轨迹" = "HistoricalTrack"; "电子围栏" = "ElectronicFence"; "定位说明" = "LocationExplain"; "消息中心" = "MessageCenter"; "清除缓存" = "ClearCache"; "关于我们" = "About us"; "常见问题" = "commonProblem"; "退出登录" = "Out Login"; "昵称" = "Nickname"; "手机号" = "PhoneNunber"; "我的资料" = "My data"; "提醒" = "reminder"; "关注记录" = "attentionRecord"; "通知" = "notice"; "通话记录" = "callRecord"; "地图查看" = "MapViewing"; "添加电子围栏" = "Add electronic fence"; "地址名称" = "Address name"; "地址" = "Address"; "有效时间" = "Effective time"; "请设置地址名称" = "Please set the address name"; "请设置详细地址" = "Please set the detailed address"; "长按地图选择地址,滑动滑块设置安全范围" = "Long press the map to select the address and slide the slider to set the safe range"; "搜索地址" = "Search address"; "设备解绑" = "Device unbind"; "开机时间" = "BootTime"; "关机时间" = "ShutdownTime"; "温馨提示:\n为了增加设备的电池续航,平台已经为你开启定时开关机功能,您可以选择关闭" = "Warm tips:\nIn order to increase the battery life of the device, the platform has turned on the timer switch function for you, you can choose to turn off"; "选择开机时间" = "Select boot time"; "选择关机时间" = "Select shutdown time"; "设置成功" = "Setting success"; "\n点击查找设备,设备接收到指令,会响铃60秒,按任意键可以取消。若设备处于关机或未联网状态,则无法向设备端发送相关指令" = "\nClick Find device, the device receives the instruction, will ring for 60 seconds, press any key can cancel. If the device is powered off or not connected to the network, you cannot send related commands to the device"; "1.请为设备设置紧急号码,设备按下SOS按键,即可拨打上方设置的号码\n2.如果您想删除SOS号码,请将号码删除,然后点击保存\n3.设备使用SOS功能时,会依次拨打下方号码,轮打3遍结束" = "1.Please set an emergency number for the device. Press the SOS button to dial the number set above\n2.If you want to delete the SOS number, please delete the number and click Save\n3.When the device uses the SOS function, the device dials the following numbers three times in turn"; "请输入SOS号码" = "Please enter the SOS number"; "保存成功" = "Save success"; "确定要清除缓存吗?" = "Are you sure you want to clear the cache?"; "确定退出登录吗" = "Are you sure you want to log out"; "警告:注销用户信息将被清空无法恢复,请确认是否注销!" = "Warning: Logout user information will be cleared and cannot be recovered, please confirm whether to logout!"; "问题分类" = "Problem classification"; "意见反馈" = "Opinion feedback"; "号码" = "Number"; "轨迹查看" = "TrackViewing"; "条轨迹" = "article track"; "卫星定位" = "Satellite location"; "支持美国GPS、中国北斗两种卫星定位,室外空旷地,最佳定位精度10米左右,但室内定位效果不佳。" = "It supports the positioning of US GPS and China's Beidou satellites. The best positioning accuracy is about 10 meters in the outdoor open space, but the indoor positioning effect is not good."; "Wi-Fi定位" = "Wi-Fi location"; "设备通过Wi-Fi模块,收集周边的Wi-Fi热点信息,来计算出自身的位置信息,定位的精准度最佳在50米以内。" = "The device uses Wi-Fi modules to collect information about nearby Wi-Fi hotspots to calculate its own location, with the best accuracy within 50 meters."; "模糊定位" = "Fuzzy location"; "设备通过电信移动运营商的网络(如GSM网),获取自身的位置信息,定位的精准度一般在500米以内。" = "The device obtains its own location information through the network of a mobile telecom operator (such as the GSM network), and the accuracy of positioning is generally within 500 meters."; "设备视频通话联系人管理(注:每次只能和一个联系人视频)" = "Device video call contact management (Note: you can only talk to one contact at a time)"; "请在iPhone的\"设置-隐私-麦克风\"选项中,允许智慧校园访问你的麦克风" = "Please allow in the Settings - Privacy - Microphone \ option on iPhone Ecell care Access your microphone"; "请在iPhone的\"设置-隐私-相机\"选项中,允许智慧校园访问你的相机" = "Please allow in the Settings - Privacy - Camera \ option on iPhone Ecell care Access your camera"; "正在发起通话请求..." = "Initiating a call request..."; "通话已结束" = "The call has ended."; "免提" = "hands-free"; "转换摄像头" = "Conversion camera"; "%@ %@ 邀请您视频通话" = "%@ %@ You are invited to make a video call"; "%@ %@ 邀请您语音通话" = "%@ %@ You are invited to make a voice call"; "设备 %@ 邀请您通话未接通" = "Device %@ Your call has not been connected"; "正在等待 %@ 接听..." = "wait %@ answer..."; "宝贝长时间未接听,请稍后再试" = "Baby has not answered for a long time, please try again later"; "为防止设备温度过高,即将结束通话,稍后可正常使用" = "To prevent the device temperature from overhigh, the call is about to end. You can use it normally later"; "与%@的对话" = "with %@ the dialogue"; "温馨提示:每天累计步数,到24点清零" = "Warm tip: The number of steps accumulated every day, to 24 o 'clock zero"; "时间(日)" = "Time (day)"; "今日步数" = "StepOfTheDay"; "最近一周记步数" = "recently A week Number of steps"; "%@分钟/次" = "%@minutes/times"; "上报频率" = "Reporting frequency"; "请输入上报频率(分钟/次)" = "Please enter the reporting frequency(minutes/times)"; "请输入正确的数值" = "Please enter the correct value"; "拍照" = "Take pictures"; "从相册选择" = "Select from album"; " 手机登录" = " Phone Login"; "手机登录" = "Phone Login"; "重置密码" = "Reset Password"; "您还未绑定设备,请先绑定设备!" = "You have not bound the device. Bind the device first!"; "有新消息,是否前往查看" = "There is new message, whether to go to view"; "设备 %@ 邀请您通话未接通" = "Device %@ Invite you call is not connected"; "有新的系统消息,是否前往查看" = "There is a new system message, whether to go to view"; "收到关注 %@(%@)的请求,是否前往消息中心审核" = "Received %@ (%@) request, whether to go to the message center audit"; "同意" = "agree"; "拒绝" = "refuse"; "管理员%@你关注设备(%@)" = "Administrator %@ You follow the device (%@)"; "您的账号已在其他设备登录!" = "Your account has been logged in on another device!"; "【%@】触发SOS" = "[%@] Triggers SOS"; "【%@】触发SOS!" = "[%@] Trigger SOS!"; "【%@】%@安全区域【%@】" = "[%@] %@ Security Zone [%@]"; "【%@】的管理员将管理员身份转让给你" = "The administrator of [%@] transfers the administrator to you"; "【%@】设备低电量,当前电量%@%%" = "[%@] Low power of the equipment, current power %@%%"; "你申请关注【%@】设备,管理员未及时处理,申请已失效,请重新申请并联系管理员处理" = "You applied for attention to [%@] device, the administrator did not handle it in time, the application is invalid, please re-apply and contact the administrator for processing"; "用户(%@)申请关注【%@】设备,记录未及时处理,已失效" = "The user (%@) applied for attention to the device [%@], but the record was not processed in time and became invalid"; "【%@】设备【%@】的管理员取消您关注设备" = "The administrator of [%@] device [%@] unfollows the device"; "没有提醒消息" = "No reminder message"; "点击刷新一下" = "Hit Refresh"; "已为你加载最新数据~" = "No reminder message"; "确认要清空提醒消息?" = "Sure you want to clear alerts?"; "%@\n当前位置:%@" = "%@\n Current location :%@"; "【%@】进入安全区域 %@" = "【%@】 Enter the security zone %@"; "【%@】设备当前电量%@%%" = "【%@】 Current power of the device %@%%"; "【%@】上传图册" = "【%@】 Upload the photo album"; "求救报警" = "Distress alarm"; "%@\n当前位置:%@" = "%@\n Current location :%@"; "低电报警" = "Low current alarm"; "【%@】设备当前电量%@%%" = "【%@】 Current power of the device %@%%"; "图册上传" = "Album upload"; "【%@】上传图册" = "【%@】 Upload the photo album"; "体温异常报警" = "Abnormal body temperature alarm"; "心率异常报警" = "Abnormal heart rate alarm"; "【%@】设备当前监测心率为%@次/分" = "【%@】 The current heart rate monitored by the device is %@ times/minute"; "没有关注记录" = "No record of attention"; "确认要清空关注消息?" = "Sure you want to clear your follow messages?"; "用户(%@)申请关注【%@】的设备" = "User (%@) requests to follow the device of [%@]"; "您已同意用户(%@)关注设备" = "You have given permission for the user (%@) to follow the device"; "用户(%@)申请关注【%@】的设备 \n %@" = "User (%@) requested to follow the device \n %@ of [%@]"; "设备(%@)的管理员同意您关注设备" = "The administrator of the device (%@) approves your attention to the device"; "用户(%@)申请关注【%@】设备,记录未及时处理,已失效" = "The user (%@) applied for attention to the device [%@], but the record was not processed in time and became invalid"; "申请关注设备记录" = "Request attention to device records"; "%@申请关注【%@】的设备" = "%@ request to follow the device of [%@]"; "确认%@用户关注【%@】?" = "Confirm that %@ user follows [%@]?"; "关注(%@)设备审核中" = "Attention (%@) equipment audit"; "设备(%@)的管理员%@关注设备" = "The administrator %@ of the device (%@) pays attention to the device"; "审核中" = "Under review"; "您%@用户(%@)申请关注【%@】的设备" = "Your %@ user (%@) applies to follow the device of [%@]"; "没有通知消息" = "No notification message"; "确认要清空通知消息?" = "Are you sure you want to clear notification messages?"; "%@的管理员%@把管理员转让给您" = "%@'s administrator %@ transfers the administrator to you"; "您将%@的管理员转让给%@" = "You transfer the administrator of %@ to %@"; "管理员转让记录" = "Administrator transfer record"; "%@的管理员%@把管理员转让给您" = "%@'s administrator %@ transfers the administrator to you"; "管理员转让记录" = "Administrator transfer record"; "系统通知" = "System notification"; "没有通话记录" = "No phone records"; "【%@】(%@)给您视频来电了" = "【%@】(%@) I'm calling you for video"; "【%@】(%@)给您视频来电了" = "【%@】(%@) I'm calling you for video"; "视频来电" = "Video call"; "无效的二维码/条码,请重新扫描" = "Invalid QR code/bar code, please rescan"; "周末" = "Weekends"; "工作日" = "Weekdays"; "每天" = "Every day"; "您还没有绑定设备" = "You have not yet bound the device"; "赶快去绑定一个设备体验一下吧!" = "Go bind a device to experience it!"; "上一次" = "Last time"; "添加联系人" = "Add a contact"; "请至少选择一个要提交的联系人" = "Please select at least one contact to submit"; "确认提交当前所选联系人?" = "Are you sure to submit the currently selected contact?"; "容我想想" = "Let me think"; "请允许访问通讯录,并打开权限" = "Please allow access to address book and enable permission"; "添加的通讯录号码不能为空" = "The address book number cannot be empty"; "上传联系人不能超过50个" = "A maximum of 50 contacts can be uploaded"; "修改联系人" = "Modifying a contact"; "联系人" = "Contact person"; "获取验证码成功" = "Obtaining the verification code succeeded. Procedure"; "是否清除聊天信息" = "Whether to clear chat messages"; "是否保存修改" = "Whether to save the changes"; "编辑电子围栏" = "Editing electronic fence"; "当前范围%ld米" = "Current range %ld m"; "编辑" = "edit"; "周一" = "Monday"; "周二" = "Tuesday"; "周三" = "Wednesday"; "周四" = "Thursday"; "周五" = "Friday"; "周六" = "Saturday"; "周日" = "Sunday"; "闹钟" = "Alarm clock"; "启用" = "enable"; "已启用" = "hasEnable"; "测量中(%ds)" = "measurement(%ds)"; "注销成功" = "Logout success"; "正在退出登录" = "Logging out"; "管理员转让成功" = "Administrator transfer success"; "该设备自己已经绑定了" = "The device itself is already bound"; "您已将设备管理员转让给【%@】" = "You have transferred the device administrator to 【%@】"; "前往" = "Goto"; "挂断" = "HangUp"; "静音" = "mute"; "转换摄像头" = "ConversionCamera"; "接听" = "answer"; "未添加电子围栏" = "No electronic fence was added"; "学校" = "school"; "家" = "home"; "朋友" = "friend"; "公园" = "park"; "超市" = "supermarket"; "广场" = "square"; "温馨提示:设备资料可以设置更改设备头像,设备号码" = "Tips: You can set and change the profile picture and number of the device"; "请选择关系" = "Please select relationship"; "关系名称不能为空" = "The relationship name cannot be empty"; "扫一扫二维码,关注我" = "Scan the QR code and follow me"; "二维码" = "QR code"; "请选择体重" = "Please select your weight"; "请选择身高" = "Please select the height"; "提交" = "submit"; "热门问题" = "Hot issue"; "语音最长15秒" = "The longest voice is 15 seconds"; "录音时间太短" = "The recording time is too short"; "请先绑定设备" = "Bind the device first"; "确认要删除%ld个联系人?" = "Are you sure you want to delete %ld contacts?"; "用户(%@)" = "user(%@)"; "操作成功" = "Successful operation"; "设置设备的定位模式:频次间隔越久,设备续航时间越长。" = "Set the positioning mode of the device: The longer the frequency interval, the longer the battery life of the device."; ":%ld分钟/次" = ": %ld minute/once"; "设备已被%@绑定,请选择关系后向管理员申请关注!" = "The device has been bound with %@. Please select the relationship and apply to the administrator for attention!"; "手机号不能为空" = "The mobile phone number cannot be empty"; "密码应该为6-16位数" = "The password should be 6 to 16 digits long"; "开始体验" = "StartExperience";