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// StepModel.h
// LekangGuard
// Created by ecell on 2022/12/9.
#import "BaseModel.h"
@interface StepModel : BaseModel
/// string example: 创建时间
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *createTime;
/// string example: 主键Id
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *Id;
/// string example: 设备imei
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSString *imei;
/// number($double) example: 腕表今日/消耗卡路里(单位:小卡)
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSNumber *walksCalorie;
/// number($double) example: 腕表今日行走总距离(单位:米)
@property (nonatomic ,copy) NSNumber *walksDistance;
/// integer($int32) example: 腕表今日步数总数
@property (nonatomic ,assign) NSInteger walksNum;