You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// MASUtilities.h
// Masonry
// Created by Jonas Budelmann on 19/08/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Jonas Budelmann. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#define MAS_VIEW UIView
#define MAS_VIEW_CONTROLLER UIViewController
#define MASEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsets
typedef UILayoutPriority MASLayoutPriority;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityRequired = UILayoutPriorityRequired;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityDefaultHigh = UILayoutPriorityDefaultHigh;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityDefaultMedium = 500;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityDefaultLow = UILayoutPriorityDefaultLow;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityFittingSizeLevel = UILayoutPriorityFittingSizeLevel;
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#define MAS_VIEW NSView
#define MASEdgeInsets NSEdgeInsets
typedef NSLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriority;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityRequired = NSLayoutPriorityRequired;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityDefaultHigh = NSLayoutPriorityDefaultHigh;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityDragThatCanResizeWindow = NSLayoutPriorityDragThatCanResizeWindow;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityDefaultMedium = 501;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityWindowSizeStayPut = NSLayoutPriorityWindowSizeStayPut;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityDragThatCannotResizeWindow = NSLayoutPriorityDragThatCannotResizeWindow;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityDefaultLow = NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow;
static const MASLayoutPriority MASLayoutPriorityFittingSizeCompression = NSLayoutPriorityFittingSizeCompression;
* Allows you to attach keys to objects matching the variable names passed.
* view1.mas_key = @"view1", view2.mas_key = @"view2";
* is equivalent to:
* MASAttachKeys(view1, view2);
#define MASAttachKeys(...) \
{ \
NSDictionary *keyPairs = NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(__VA_ARGS__); \
for (id key in keyPairs.allKeys) { \
id obj = keyPairs[key]; \
NSAssert([obj respondsToSelector:@selector(setMas_key:)], \
@"Cannot attach mas_key to %@", obj); \
[obj setMas_key:key]; \
} \
* Used to create object hashes
* Based on
#define MAS_NSUINT_BIT (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(NSUInteger))
#define MAS_NSUINTROTATE(val, howmuch) ((((NSUInteger)val) << howmuch) | (((NSUInteger)val) >> (MAS_NSUINT_BIT - howmuch)))
* Given a scalar or struct value, wraps it in NSValue
* Based on EXPObjectify:
static inline id _MASBoxValue(const char *type, ...) {
va_list v;
va_start(v, type);
id obj = nil;
if (strcmp(type, @encode(id)) == 0) {
id actual = va_arg(v, id);
obj = actual;
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(CGPoint)) == 0) {
CGPoint actual = (CGPoint)va_arg(v, CGPoint);
obj = [NSValue value:&actual withObjCType:type];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(CGSize)) == 0) {
CGSize actual = (CGSize)va_arg(v, CGSize);
obj = [NSValue value:&actual withObjCType:type];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(MASEdgeInsets)) == 0) {
MASEdgeInsets actual = (MASEdgeInsets)va_arg(v, MASEdgeInsets);
obj = [NSValue value:&actual withObjCType:type];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(double)) == 0) {
double actual = (double)va_arg(v, double);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(float)) == 0) {
float actual = (float)va_arg(v, double);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(int)) == 0) {
int actual = (int)va_arg(v, int);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithInt:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(long)) == 0) {
long actual = (long)va_arg(v, long);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithLong:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(long long)) == 0) {
long long actual = (long long)va_arg(v, long long);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(short)) == 0) {
short actual = (short)va_arg(v, int);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithShort:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(char)) == 0) {
char actual = (char)va_arg(v, int);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithChar:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(bool)) == 0) {
bool actual = (bool)va_arg(v, int);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithBool:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(unsigned char)) == 0) {
unsigned char actual = (unsigned char)va_arg(v, unsigned int);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(unsigned int)) == 0) {
unsigned int actual = (unsigned int)va_arg(v, unsigned int);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(unsigned long)) == 0) {
unsigned long actual = (unsigned long)va_arg(v, unsigned long);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(unsigned long long)) == 0) {
unsigned long long actual = (unsigned long long)va_arg(v, unsigned long long);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:actual];
} else if (strcmp(type, @encode(unsigned short)) == 0) {
unsigned short actual = (unsigned short)va_arg(v, unsigned int);
obj = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:actual];
return obj;
#define MASBoxValue(value) _MASBoxValue(@encode(__typeof__((value))), (value))