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// JCStorage.h
// Created by maikireton on 2017/8/11.
// Copyright © 2017年 juphoon. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "JCStorageItem.h"
#import "JCStorageCallback.h"
* @defgroup
* @{
extern const int JCStorageFileExpire;
@interface JCStorage : NSObject
* JCStorage
* JCStorage 线
* @note
* - JCStorage {@link destroy} JCStorage
* - JCClient @ref JCClient#state "state" @ref JCClientStateNotInit
* @param client JCClient
* @param callback JCStorageCallback
* @return JCStorage
* @exception "JCClient、JCStorageCallback 任意一个参数传空就会出现调用异常"
+(JCStorage*)create:(JCClient*)client callback:(id<JCStorageCallback>)callback;
* JCStorage
* JCStorage 使 JCStorage <br>
* **** JCSDK JCStorage <br>
* JCStorage @ref destroy
* @param path **/Documents/JuphoonCloud/audio.wmv**
* @param cookie
* @param expiredSeconds -1
* @return
* - JCStorageItem
* - JCStorageItem @ref JCStorageItemStateTransfering {@link JCStorageCallback#onFileUpdate: onFileUpdate}
* - JCStorageItem @ref JCStorageItemStateFail {@link JCStorageCallback.onFileResult: onFileResult}
* - null
-(JCStorageItem*)uploadFileByExpireTime:(NSString*)path expiredSeconds:(int)expiredSeconds cookie:(id)cookie;
* @param uri
* @param savePath **/Documents/JuphoonCloud/audio.wmv**
* @param cookie
* - JCStorageItem
* - JCStorageItem @ref JCStorageItemStateTransfering {@link JCStorageCallback#onFileUpdate: onFileUpdate}
* - JCStorageItem @ref JCStorageItemStateFail {@link JCStorageCallback.onFileResult: onFileResult}
* - null
-(JCStorageItem*)downloadFile:(NSString*)uri savePath:(NSString*)savePath cookie:(id)cookie;
* @param item JCStorageItem {@link uploadFileByExpireTime:expiredSeconds:cookie: uploadFileByExpireTime} {@link downloadFile:savePath:cookie: downloadFile}
* @return
* - true: {@link JCStorageCallback#onFileResult: onFileResult}
* - false:
* cookie取消正在进行的文件上传下载
* cookie JCStorageItem
* - {@link cancelFile: cancelFile}
* - false
* @param cookie cookie
* @return
* - true:
* - false:
* @}