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2 years ago
// XHWaterDropRefresh.m
// XHPathCover
// Created by 曾 宪华 on 14-2-7.
// Copyright (c) 2014年 曾宪华 开发团队( ) 本人QQ:543413507 本人QQ群(142557668). All rights reserved.
#import "XHWaterDropRefresh.h"
#import "XHSoundManager.h"
@interface XHWaterDropRefresh ()<CAAnimationDelegate> {
BOOL _isRefresh;
@property (nonatomic, strong) CAShapeLayer *shapeLayer;
@property (nonatomic, strong) CAShapeLayer *lineLayer;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImageView *refreshView;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSTimer *timer;
@implementation XHWaterDropRefresh
#pragma mark - Propertys
- (BOOL)isRefreshing {
return _isRefresh;
#pragma mark - Life cycle
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code
[self _setup];
return self;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];
[self _setup];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
self.refreshCircleImage = nil;
self.shapeLayer = nil;
self.lineLayer = nil;
self.refreshView = nil;
- (void)_setup {
self.deformationLength = 0.4;
self.maxOffset = 70; // 改变最大拉断距离
self.radius = 5.; // 改变圆圈的半径
self.offsetHeight = 20; // 改变线条的长度
CGRect frame = self.frame;
frame.size = CGSizeMake(30, 100); //固定 30 * 100 为什么要固定本身的大小呢?
self.frame = frame;
_lineLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
_lineLayer.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:222./255. green:216./255. blue:211./255. alpha:0.5].CGColor;
[self.layer addSublayer:_lineLayer];
_shapeLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
_shapeLayer.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:222./255. green:216./255. blue:211./255. alpha:1].CGColor;
_shapeLayer.strokeColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor];
_shapeLayer.lineWidth = 2;
[self.layer addSublayer:_shapeLayer];
self.currentOffset = 0;
#pragma mark - Publish Api
- (void)stopRefresh {
_isRefresh = NO;
CABasicAnimation* anim = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"opacity"];
anim.fromValue = @(1);
anim.toValue = @(0);
anim.duration = 0.2;
anim.delegate = self;
[_refreshView.layer addAnimation:anim forKey:nil];
_refreshView.layer.opacity = 0;
anim = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"opacity"];
anim.fromValue = @(0);
anim.toValue = @(1);
anim.beginTime = 0.2;
anim.duration = 0.2;
anim.delegate = self;
[_shapeLayer addAnimation:anim forKey:nil];
_shapeLayer.opacity = 0;
- (void)startRefreshAnimation {
if(self.refreshView == nil) {
_refreshView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:self.refreshCircleImage];
CGRect refreshViewFrame = _refreshView.frame;
refreshViewFrame.size = CGSizeMake(18, 18);
[self addSubview:_refreshView];
_shapeLayer.opacity = 0;
| = CGPointMake(15,self.frame.size.height - 20 - _radius);
[_refreshView.layer removeAllAnimations];
_refreshView.layer.opacity = 1;
CABasicAnimation* animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.z"];
animation.duration = 1;
animation.fromValue = @0;
animation.toValue = @(M_PI*2);
animation.repeatCount = INT_MAX;
[_refreshView.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"rotation"];
#pragma mark - CGMutablePathRef Help Method
- (CGMutablePathRef)createPathWithOffset:(float)currentOffset {
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
float top = self.frame.size.height - 20 - _radius*2 - currentOffset;
float wdiff = currentOffset * self.deformationLength; // 改变拉断之前,水滴的长度
if(currentOffset == 0) {
CGPathAddEllipseInRect(path, NULL, CGRectMake(15-_radius, top, _radius*2, _radius*2));
} else {
CGPathAddArc(path, NULL, 15, top+_radius, _radius, 0, M_PI, YES);
float bottom = top + wdiff+_radius*2;
if(currentOffset < 10) {
CGPathAddCurveToPoint(path, NULL,15-_radius,bottom,15,bottom, 15,bottom);
CGPathAddCurveToPoint(path, NULL, 15,bottom,15+_radius,bottom, 15+_radius, top+_radius);
} else {
CGPathAddCurveToPoint(path, NULL,15-_radius ,top +_radius, 15 - _radius ,bottom - _radius, 15, bottom);
CGPathAddCurveToPoint(path,NULL, 15 + _radius, bottom - _radius, 15+_radius,top +_radius , 15+_radius, top+_radius);
return path;
- (void)setCurrentOffset:(float)currentOffset {
[self privateSetCurrentOffset:currentOffset];
- (void)privateSetCurrentOffset:(float)currentOffset {
currentOffset = currentOffset>0?0:currentOffset;
currentOffset = -currentOffset;
_currentOffset = currentOffset;
if(currentOffset < _maxOffset) {
float wdiff = currentOffset* 0.2;
float top = self.frame.size.height - 20 - _radius*2 - currentOffset;
CGMutablePathRef path = [self createPathWithOffset:currentOffset];
_shapeLayer.path = path;
CGMutablePathRef line = CGPathCreateMutable();
float w = ((_maxOffset - currentOffset)/_maxOffset) + 1;
CGPathAddRect(line, NULL, CGRectMake(15-w/2, top + wdiff + _radius*2,w, currentOffset-wdiff + self.offsetHeight)); // 最好的+20就是线条的长度
_lineLayer.path = line;
self.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.8+0.2*(w-1), 1);
} else {
if(self.timer == nil)
_isRefresh = YES;
self.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
self.timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:0.02 target:self selector:@selector(resetWater) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:_timer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[_timer fire];
- (void)resetWater {
[self privateSetCurrentOffset:-(_currentOffset-(_maxOffset/8))];
if(_currentOffset == 0) {
[self.timer invalidate];
self.timer = nil;
// play refresh stop sound
[[XHSoundManager sharedInstance] playRefreshSound];
if(self.handleRefreshEvent != nil) {
[self startRefreshAnimation];
- (void)animationDidStop:(CABasicAnimation *)anim finished:(BOOL)flag {
if(anim.beginTime > 0) {
_shapeLayer.opacity = 1;
} else {
[_refreshView.layer removeAllAnimations];
// Only override drawRect: if you perform custom drawing.
// An empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation.
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
// Drawing code