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#ifndef __ZMF_UTILS_H__
#define __ZMF_UTILS_H__
#include <stdarg.h>
#if __GNUC__
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef enum {
ZmfLogDebug = 0,
ZmfLogInfo = 1,
ZmfLogWarn = 2,
ZmfLogError = 3,
} ZmfLogLevel;
void Zmf_LogV(int iLogLevel, const char *format, va_list argv);
* The pixel format supported by ZMF
typedef enum {
ZmfPixelFormatI420 = 1,
ZmfPixelFormatIYUV = 2,
ZmfPixelFormatRGB24 = 3,
ZmfPixelFormatABGR = 4,
ZmfPixelFormatARGB = 5,
ZmfPixelFormatARGB4444 = 6,
ZmfPixelFormatRGB565 = 7,
ZmfPixelFormatARGB1555 = 8,
ZmfPixelFormatYUY2 = 9,
ZmfPixelFormatYV12 = 10,
ZmfPixelFormatUYVY = 11,
ZmfPixelFormatMJPG = 12,
ZmfPixelFormatNV21 = 13,
ZmfPixelFormatNV12 = 14,
ZmfPixelFormatBGRA = 15
} ZmfPixelFormatType;
* utility for convert pixel from I420
* @param[in] dstFrame the buffer to save the convert result
* @param[in] dstFormat the convert result pixel format @see ZmfPixelFormatType
* @param[in] srcFrame the source I420 buffer
* @param[in] srcWidth the width of image
* @param[in] srcHeight the height of image
* @return 0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int Zmf_ConvertFromI420 (void* dstFrame, int dstFormat,
const void* srcFrame, int srcWidth, int srcHeight);
* utility for convert pixel from YV12
* @param[in] dstFrame the buffer to save the convert result
* @param[in] dstFormat the convert result pixel format @see ZmfPixelFormatType
* @param[in] srcFrame the source I420 buffer
* @param[in] srcWidth the width of image
* @param[in] srcHeight the height of image
* @return 0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int Zmf_ConvertFromYV12 (void* dstFrame, int dstFormat,
const void* srcFrame, int srcWidth, int srcHeight);
* utility for convert pixel to I420
* @param[in] dstFrame the I420 buffer to save the convert result
* @param[in] srcFormat the srouce pixel format @see ZmfPixelFormatType
* @param[in] srcFrame the source buffer
* @param[in] srcBufLen the source buffer length
* @param[in] srcWidth the width of image
* @param[in] srcHeight the height of image
* @param[in] crop_x,crop_y the crop offset at left-top
* @param[in,out] iWidth the desired width at least align 4,
* return the cropped width of dstframe.
* @param[in,out] iHeight the desired height at least align 4.
* return the cropped height of dstframe.
* @param[in] rotateAngle the clockwise rotation angle
* @return 0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int Zmf_ConvertToI420(void* dstframe,
int srcFormat, const void* srcFrame, unsigned srcBufLen,
int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int crop_x, int crop_y,
int *dstWidth, int *dstHeight, int rotateAngle);
* utility for scale i420
* @param[in] srcFrame the source buffer
* @param[in] srcWidth the source width of image
* @param[in] srcHeight the source height of image
* @param[in] dstFrame the I420 buffer to save the convert result
* @param[in] dstWidth the target width of image
* @param[in] dstHeight the target height of image
* @return 0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int Zmf_ScaleI420(void* srcframe, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
void* dstframe, int dstWidth, int dstHeight);
* utility for mirror i420
* @param[in] srcFrame the source buffer
* @param[in] dstFrame the I420 buffer to save the convert result
* @param[in] width image width
* @param[in] height image height
* @return 0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int Zmf_MirrorI420UpDown(void* src_frame, void* dst_frame,
int width, int height);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#if __GNUC__
#pragma GCC visibility pop