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59 lines
1.3 KiB
59 lines
1.3 KiB
source '' |
#source '' |
#inhibit_all_warnings! |
platform :ios, '8.0' |
#use_frameworks! |
target:tongxin do |
pod 'AFNetworking', '3.1.0' |
pod 'MJExtension', '3.0.13' |
pod 'MJRefresh', '3.2.0' |
pod 'IQKeyboardManager', '4.0.10' |
pod 'SDWebImage' |
#pod 'SVProgressHUD', '2.1.2' |
pod 'Masonry' |
pod 'MQTTClient', '0.9.5' |
pod 'JLAuthorizationManager', '1.0.0' |
#pod 'XLPhotoBrowser+CoderXL', '1.2.0' |
#pod 'BaiduMobStatCodeless' #百度SDK 统计功能 |
#pod 'GDTMobSDK', '~> 4.8.7' # 广点通 和云蜻的SDK 有冲突, 解-->离-->合 -->云蜻SDK |
pod 'AgoraRtcEngine_Special_iOS', '' |
pod 'LSTPopView', '~> 0.1.08111531' |
pod 'WHToast','~>0.0.7' |
pod 'mob_smssdk', '~> 3.3.1' |
pod 'ReactiveObjC' |
#pod 'Bugly', '~> 2.5.71' |
#pod 'GWPKit', '~> 1.1.8' |
pod 'YYModel' |
pod 'YYCache' |
#pod 'BabyBluetooth' |
pod 'FSCalendar' |
pod 'WechatOpenSDK-XCFramework' |
pod 'ReactiveObjC' |
pod 'ZXNavigationBar' |
pod 'CDDGroupAvatar' |
pod 'AMapFoundation' #基础SDK |
pod 'AMap3DMap' #3D地图SDK |
pod 'AMapLocation' #定位功能 |
pod 'AMapSearch'#, '~> 6.9.0' #地图SDK搜索功能 |
pod 'EllipsePageControl','~> 0.0.4' |
pod 'EasyShowView' |
pod 'DZNEmptyDataSet' |
target 'tongxinTests' do |
inherit! :search_paths |
# Pods for testing |
end |
target 'tongxinUITests' do |
# Pods for testing |
end |
end |