地面站终端 App
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

129 lines
0 B

import QtQuick 1.1
import "./components"
Rectangle {
id: toolbar
property alias backgroundColor : toolbar.color
property alias linkNameLabel: linkDevice.label
property alias baudrateLabel: baudrate.label
width: 1024 < parent.width ? 1024 : parent.width
height: 72
color: "black"
border.color: "black"
Connections {
target: globalObj
onMAVConnected: {
console.log("Change Connection " + connected)
if (connect){
// connectButton.image = "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/disconnect.png"
} else {
// connectButton.image = "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/connect.png"
Row {
anchors.left: parent.left
spacing: 2
Rectangle {
width: 5
height: parent.height
color: "black"
Button {
id: flightDataView
label: "FLIGHT DATA"
image: "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/flightdata.png"
onClicked: {
Button {
id: flightPlanView
label: "FLIGHT PLAN"
image: "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/flightplanner.png"
onClicked: globalObj.triggerFlightPlanView()
Button {
id: hardwareConfigView
label: "HARDWARE"
image: "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/hardwareconfig.png"
margins: 8
onClicked: globalObj.triggerHardwareView()
Button {
id: softwareConfigView
label: "SOFTWARE"
image: "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/softwareconfig.png"
margins: 8
onClicked: globalObj.triggerSoftwareView()
Button {
id: simualtionView
image: "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/simulation.png"
onClicked: globalObj.triggerSimulationView()
Button {
id: terminalView
label: "TERMINAL"
image: "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/terminal.png"
onClicked: globalObj.triggerTerminalView()
Row {
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: 2
TextButton {
id: linkDevice
label: "none"
minWidth: 100
onClicked: globalObj.showConnectionDialog()
TextButton {
id: baudrate
label: "none"
minWidth: 100
onClicked: globalObj.showConnectionDialog()
Rectangle {
width: 5
height: parent.height
color: "black"
Button {
id: connectButton
label: "CONNECT"
image: "./resources/apmplanner/toolbar/connect.png"
onClicked: globalObj.connectMAV()
Rectangle {
anchors.right: parent.right
width: 5
height: parent.height
color: "black"