diff --git a/src/VehicleSetup/JoystickConfigButtons.qml b/src/VehicleSetup/JoystickConfigButtons.qml
index 7fd3cb1..65c62f2 100644
--- a/src/VehicleSetup/JoystickConfigButtons.qml
+++ b/src/VehicleSetup/JoystickConfigButtons.qml
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0
ColumnLayout {
width: availableWidth
height: (globals.activeVehicle.supportsJSButton ? buttonCol.height : flowColumn.height) + (ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 2)
+ spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
Connections {
target: _activeJoystick
onRawButtonPressedChanged: {
@@ -34,16 +36,20 @@ ColumnLayout {
ColumnLayout {
id: flowColumn
- y: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
width: parent.width
- spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
+ // Note for reminding the use of multiple buttons for the same action
QGCLabel {
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- text: qsTr("Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.")
+ text: qsTr(" Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.")
Flow {
id: buttonFlow
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
diff --git a/translations/qgc.ts b/translations/qgc.ts
index 772dc86..6bc8303 100644
--- a/translations/qgc.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc.ts
@@ -8447,7 +8447,7 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_az_AZ.ts b/translations/qgc_source_az_AZ.ts
index e89158b..f0da74c 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_az_AZ.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_az_AZ.ts
@@ -8472,7 +8472,7 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.Eyni hərəkəti bir neçə düyməyə təyin etmək, hərəkət üçün bütün bu düymələrin basılmasını tələb edir. Bu, Xodlama və ya Təcili Yardım kimi kritik hərəkətlər üçün təsadüfi düymələrin basılmasının qarşısını almaq üçün faydalıdır.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_bg_BG.ts b/translations/qgc_source_bg_BG.ts
index 42066f0..8ccdf85 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_bg_BG.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_bg_BG.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_de_DE.ts b/translations/qgc_source_de_DE.ts
index ae307ed..329c609 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_de_DE.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_de_DE.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_el_GR.ts b/translations/qgc_source_el_GR.ts
index 5ce4409..235ac8c 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_el_GR.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_el_GR.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_es_ES.ts b/translations/qgc_source_es_ES.ts
index a5a64ed..2aaeed0 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_es_ES.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_es_ES.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_fi_FI.ts b/translations/qgc_source_fi_FI.ts
index 60d63a6..2f7e909 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_fi_FI.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_fi_FI.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_fr_FR.ts b/translations/qgc_source_fr_FR.ts
index 268b9c3..17d5f3c 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_fr_FR.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_he_IL.ts b/translations/qgc_source_he_IL.ts
index 5d4188d..9d25577 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_he_IL.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_he_IL.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_it_IT.ts b/translations/qgc_source_it_IT.ts
index 2008d40..e331c1c 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_it_IT.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_it_IT.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_ja_JP.ts b/translations/qgc_source_ja_JP.ts
index c9e7ffe..8407356 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_ja_JP.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_ja_JP.ts
@@ -8463,7 +8463,7 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.複数のボタンに同じアクションを割り当てる場合、アクションを実行するためには、それらのボタンすべてを押す必要があります。これはアームや緊急停止などの重大なアクションの際に、誤ってボタンを押してしまうことを防止するために有効です。
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_ko_KR.ts b/translations/qgc_source_ko_KR.ts
index 553e82e..ce40d0c 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_ko_KR.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_ko_KR.ts
@@ -8476,8 +8476,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_nl_NL.ts b/translations/qgc_source_nl_NL.ts
index dd2640f..0f33163 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_nl_NL.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_nl_NL.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_no_NO.ts b/translations/qgc_source_no_NO.ts
index 5554fbd..60b0ece 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_no_NO.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_no_NO.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_pl_PL.ts b/translations/qgc_source_pl_PL.ts
index 2ad3a0c..b7bee40 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_pl_PL.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_pl_PL.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_pt_PT.ts b/translations/qgc_source_pt_PT.ts
index db2feeb..49f5b78 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_pt_PT.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_pt_PT.ts
@@ -8469,7 +8469,7 @@ Clique em Ok para inciar o processo de auto-ajuste.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.A atribuição da mesma ação para vários botões requer que todos esses botões sejam pressionados para a ação ser tomada. Isso é útil para prevenir acidentes com ações críticas como Armar ou Parada de Emergência.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_ru_RU.ts b/translations/qgc_source_ru_RU.ts
index 5b41b25..b9a719e 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_ru_RU.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_sv_SE.ts b/translations/qgc_source_sv_SE.ts
index 2fd2a55..d07f136 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_sv_SE.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_sv_SE.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_tr_TR.ts b/translations/qgc_source_tr_TR.ts
index 00b2006..3454929 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_tr_TR.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_tr_TR.ts
@@ -8470,8 +8470,8 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.
diff --git a/translations/qgc_source_zh_CN.ts b/translations/qgc_source_zh_CN.ts
index 33fcfb8..1bae8f3 100644
--- a/translations/qgc_source_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/translations/qgc_source_zh_CN.ts
@@ -8472,7 +8472,7 @@ Click Ok to start the auto-tuning process.
- Assigning the same action to multiple buttons requires the press of all those buttons for the action to be taken. This is useful to prevent accidental button presses for critical actions like Arm or Emergency Stop.
+ Multiple buttons that have the same action must be pressed simultaneously to invoke the action.将相同动作分配给多个按钮需要按下所有这些按钮才能进行操作。 这有助于防止对诸如解锁或紧急站等关键行动的意外按键按下。