<short_desc>Maximum, minimum forward ground speed for track keeping in excess wind</short_desc>
<long_desc>The maximum value of the minimum forward ground speed that may be commanded by the track keeping excess wind handling logic. Commanded in full at the normalized track error fraction of the track error boundary and reduced to zero on track.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Enable automatic lower bound on the NPFG period</short_desc>
<long_desc>Avoids limit cycling from a too aggressively tuned period/damping combination. If set to false, also disables the upper bound NPFG_PERIOD_UB.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Multiplied by period for conservative minimum period bounding (when period lower bounding is enabled). 1.0 bounds at marginal stability.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Time constant of roll controller command / response, modeled as first order delay. Used to determine lower period bound. Setting zero disables automatic period bounding.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Multiplied by the track error boundary to determine when the aircraft switches to the next waypoint and/or path segment. Should be less than 1. 1/pi (0.32) sets the switch distance equivalent to that of the L1 controller.</long_desc>