@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Rectangle {
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Rectangle {
QGCPalette { id: __qgcPal ; colorGroupEnabled: true }
ScreenTools { id: __screenTools }
ParameterEditorController { id: __controller }
QGCLabel { id: __charWidth ; text: "X" ; visible: false }
QGCLabel { id: __textControl ; text: "X" ; visible: false }
readonly property real __leftMargin : 10
readonly property real __rightMargin : 20
@ -56,107 +56,247 @@ Rectangle {
@@ -56,107 +56,247 @@ Rectangle {
id: __exclusiveEditorGroup
property Fact __propertiesDialogFact : Fact { }
property Fact __editorOverlayFact : Fact { }
property real __textHeight : __textControl . contentHeight
property real __textWidth : __textControl . contentWidth
Dialog {
Item {
id: editorOverlay
id: propertiesDialog
visible: false
title: "Parameter Properties"
anchors.fill: parent
visible: false
z: 100
contentItem: Rectangle {
Rectangle {
width: __textWidth * 75
height: parent . height
anchors.left: parent . left
anchors.right: editorDialog . left
opacity: 0.80
color: __qgcPal . window
implicitWidth: 500
implicitHeight: longDescription . y + longDescription . height + 20
Grid {
id: grid
x: 10
y: 10
columns: 2
spacing: 5
QGCLabel {
text: "Parameter:"
QGCLabel {
text: __propertiesDialogFact . name
QGCLabel {
text: "Group:"
QGCLabel {
text: __propertiesDialogFact . group
QGCLabel {
text: "Units:"
QGCLabel {
text: __propertiesDialogFact . units ? __propertiesDialogFact . units : "none"
QGCLabel {
text: "Default value:"
QGCLabel {
text: __propertiesDialogFact . defaultValueAvailable ? __propertiesDialogFact . defaultValue : "none"
QGCLabel {
text: "Minimum value:"
QGCLabel {
text: __propertiesDialogFact . min
QGCLabel {
text: "Maximum value:"
QGCLabel {
text: __propertiesDialogFact . max
QGCLabel {
text: "Description:"
QGCLabel {
text: __propertiesDialogFact . shortDescription ? __propertiesDialogFact . shortDescription : "none"
QGCLabel {
text: "Description (long):"
Rectangle {
id: editorDialog
width: fullMode ? __textWidth * 50 : parent . width
height: parent . height
anchors.right: parent . right
color: __qgcPal . windowShadeDark
Column {
spacing: __textHeight
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
width: parent . width
height: saveButton . height
color: __qgcPal . windowShade
QGCLabel {
x: __textWidth
height: parent . height
verticalAlignment: Text . AlignVCenter
text: "Edit Parameter"
QGCButton {
anchors.right: saveButton . left
anchors.bottom: parent . bottom
text: "Cancel"
onClicked: {
editorOverlay . visible = false
QGCButton {
id: saveButton
anchors.right: parent . right
primary: true
text: "Save"
onClicked: {
__editorOverlayFact . value = valueField . text
editorOverlay . visible = false
QGCLabel {
id: longDescription
width: 500 - 20 - x
wrapMode: Text . WordWrap
text: __propertiesDialogFact . longDescription ? __propertiesDialogFact . longDescription : "none"
Column {
spacing: __textHeight
anchors.leftMargin: __textWidth * 2
anchors.rightMargin: __textWidth
anchors.left: parent . left
anchors.right: parent . right
QGCLabel {
width: parent . width
wrapMode: Text . WordWrap
text: __editorOverlayFact . shortDescription ? __editorOverlayFact . shortDescription : "Description missing"
QGCLabel {
width: parent . width
wrapMode: Text . WordWrap
visible: __editorOverlayFact . longDescription
text: __editorOverlayFact . longDescription
QGCTextField {
id: valueField
text: __editorOverlayFact . valueString
QGCLabel { text: __editorOverlayFact . name }
Row {
spacing: __textWidth
QGCLabel { text: "Units:" }
QGCLabel { text: __editorOverlayFact . units ? __editorOverlayFact . units : "none" }
Row {
spacing: __textWidth
QGCLabel { text: "Minimum value:" }
QGCLabel { text: __editorOverlayFact . min }
Row {
spacing: __textWidth
QGCLabel { text: "Maxmimum value:" }
QGCLabel { text: __editorOverlayFact . max }
Row {
spacing: __textWidth
QGCLabel { text: "Default value:" }
QGCLabel { text: __editorOverlayFact . defaultValueAvailable ? __editorOverlayFact . defaultValue : "none" }
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
Compo nent {
id: factRowsCompon ent
Row {
spacing: 10
layoutDirection: Qt . RightToLeft
width: parent . width
Column {
id: factColumn
x: __leftMargin
QGCButton {
text: "Clear RC to Param"
onClicked: __controller . clearRCToParam ( )
QGCLabel {
height: __textHeight + ( __screenTools . pixelSizeFactor * ( 9 ) )
text: group
verticalAlignment: Text . AlignVCenter
font.pointSize: __screenTools . fontPointFactor * ( 16 ) ;
QGCButton {
text: "Save to file"
visible: fullMode
onClicked: __controller . saveToFile ( )
Rectangle {
width: parent . width
height: 1
color: __qgcPal . text
QGCButton {
text: "Load from file"
visible: fullMode
onClicked: __controller . loadFromFile ( )
Repeater {
model: __controller . getFactsForGroup ( componentId , group )
Column {
Item {
x: __leftMargin
width: parent . width
height: __textHeight + ( __screenTools . pixelSizeFactor * ( 9 ) )
Fact { id: modelFact ; name: modelData + ":" + componentId }
QGCLabel {
id: nameLabel
width: __textWidth * ( __maxParamChars + 1 )
height: parent . height
verticalAlignment: Text . AlignVCenter
text: modelFact . name
QGCLabel {
id: valueLabel
width: __textWidth * 20
height: parent . height
anchors.left: nameLabel . right
verticalAlignment: Text . AlignVCenter
color: modelFact . valueEqualsDefault ? __qgcPal . text : "orange"
text: modelFact . valueString + " " + modelFact . units
QGCLabel {
height: parent . height
anchors.left: valueLabel . right
verticalAlignment: Text . AlignVCenter
visible: fullMode
text: modelFact . shortDescription
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt . LeftButton
onClicked: {
__editorOverlayFact = modelFact
editorOverlay . visible = true
Rectangle {
x: __leftMargin
width: factColumn . width - __leftMargin - __rightMargin
height: 1
color: __qgcPal . windowShade
} / / C o l u m n - F a c t
} / / R e p e a t e r - F a c t s
} / / C o l u m n - F a c t s
} / / C o m p o n e n t - f a c t R o w s C o m p o n e n t
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
Item {
width: parent . width
height: firstButton . height
QGCLabel {
font.pointSize: __screenTools . fontPointFactor * ( 20 )
visible: fullMode
QGCButton {
id: firstButton
text: "Refresh"
onClicked: __controller . refresh ( )
Row {
spacing: 10
layoutDirection: Qt . RightToLeft
width: parent . width
QGCButton {
text: "Clear RC to Param"
onClicked: __controller . clearRCToParam ( )
QGCButton {
text: "Save to file"
visible: fullMode
onClicked: __controller . saveToFile ( )
QGCButton {
text: "Load from file"
visible: fullMode
onClicked: __controller . loadFromFile ( )
QGCButton {
id: firstButton
text: "Refresh"
onClicked: __controller . refresh ( )
@ -166,156 +306,79 @@ property Fact __propertiesDialogFact: Fact { }
@@ -166,156 +306,79 @@ property Fact __propertiesDialogFact: Fact { }
width: 5
ScrollView {
id : scrollView
width: parent . width
Item {
width: parent . width
height: parent . height - ( lastSpacer . y + lastSpacer . height )
Column {
Repeater {
model: __controller . componentIds
Column {
id: componentColumn
property int componentId: parseInt ( modelData )
QGCLabel {
text: "Component #: " + componentId . toString ( )
font.pointSize: __screenTools . fontPointFactor * ( 16 ) ;
Item {
height: 10
width: 10
Repeater {
model: __controller . getGroupsForComponent ( componentColumn . componentId )
Column {
Rectangle {
id: groupRect
color: __qgcPal . windowShade
height: groupBlock . height
width: scrollView . viewport . width - __rightMargin
Column {
id: groupBlock
Rectangle {
color: __qgcPal . windowShadeDark
height: groupLabel . height
width: groupRect . width
QGCLabel {
id: groupLabel
height: contentHeight + 5
x: __leftMargin
text: modelData
verticalAlignment: Text . AlignVCenter
font.pointSize: __screenTools . fontPointFactor * ( __qgcPal . defaultFontPointSize + 2 ) ;
ScrollView {
id : groupScroll
width: __textWidth * 25
height: parent . height
Column {
Repeater {
model: __controller . componentIds
Column {
id: componentColumn
readonly property int componentId: parseInt ( modelData )
QGCLabel {
height: contentHeight + ( __screenTools . pixelSizeFactor * ( 9 ) )
text: "Component #: " + componentId . toString ( )
verticalAlignment: Text . AlignVCenter
font.pointSize: __screenTools . fontPointFactor * ( 16 ) ;
Repeater {
model: __controller . getGroupsForComponent ( componentColumn . componentId )
Column {
QGCButton {
x: __leftMargin
width: groupScroll . width - __leftMargin - __rightMargin
text: modelData
onClicked: {
factRowsLoader . sourceComponent = null
factRowsLoader . componentId = componentId
factRowsLoader . group = modelData
factRowsLoader . sourceComponent = factRowsComponent
Repeater {
model: __controller . getFactsForGroup ( componentColumn . componentId , modelData )
Row {
spacing: 10
x: __leftMargin
Fact { id: modelFact ; name: modelData + ":" + componentColumn . componentId }
QGCLabel {
text: modelFact . name
width: __charWidth . contentWidth * ( __maxParamChars + 2 )
QGCLabel {
text: modelFact . valueString + " " + modelFact . units
width: __charWidth . contentWidth * 20
height: contentHeight
color: modelFact . valueEqualsDefault ? __qgcPal . text : "orange"
Menu {
id: rightClickMenu
visible: false
MenuItem {
id: resetToDefaultMenuItem
text: "Reset to default"
enabled: modelFact . defaultValueAvailable
onTriggered: modelFact . value = modelFact . defaultValue
MenuItem {
text: "Set RC to Param..."
onTriggered: __controller . setRCToParam ( modelData )
MenuItem {
text: "Properties..."
onTriggered: { __propertiesDialogFact = modelFact ; propertiesDialog . open ( ) }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt . LeftButton | Qt . RightButton
onClicked: {
if ( mouse . button == Qt . LeftButton ) {
editor . checked = true
editor . focus = true
} else if ( mouse . button == Qt . RightButton ) {
rightClickMenu . popup ( )
FactTextField {
id: editor
y: ( parent . height - height ) / 2
width: parent . width
visible: checked
focus: true
fact: modelFact
showUnits: true
onEditingFinished: checked = false
/ / W e u s e a n E x c l u s i v e G r o u p t o m a n a g e v i s i b i l i t y
property bool checked: false
property ExclusiveGroup exclusiveGroup: __exclusiveEditorGroup
onExclusiveGroupChanged: {
if ( exclusiveGroup )
exclusiveGroup . bindCheckable ( editor )
QGCLabel {
text: modelFact . shortDescription
visible: fullMode
} / / R o w - F a c t v a l u e
} / / R e p e a t e r - F a c t s
} / / C o l u m n - F a c t r o w s
} / / R e c t a n g l e - G r o u p
Item {
height: 10
width: 10
} / / C o l u m n - G r o u p
} / / R e p e a t e r - G r o u p s
Item {
height: 10
width: 10
} / / C o l u m n - C o m p o n e n t
} / / R e p e a t e r - C o m p o n e n t s
} / / C o l u m n - C o m p o n e n t
} / / S c r o l l V i e w
Item {
width: 1
height: __screenTools . pixelSizeFactor * ( 3 )
} / / C o l u m n - G r o u p
} / / R e p e a t e r - G r o u p s
Item {
height: 10
width: 10
} / / C o l u m n - C o m p o n e n t
} / / R e p e a t e r - C o m p o n e n t s
} / / C o l u m n - C o m p o n e n t
} / / S c r o l l V i e w - G r o u p s
ScrollView {
id: factScrollView
anchors.left: groupScroll . right
anchors.right: parent . right
height: parent . height
Loader {
id: factRowsLoader
width: factScrollView . width
property int componentId: __controller . componentIds [ 0 ]
property string group: __controller . getGroupsForComponent ( __controller . componentIds [ 0 ] ) [ 0 ]
sourceComponent: factRowsComponent
} / / S c r o l l V i e w - F a c t s
} / / I t e m - G r o u p S c r o l l V i e w + F a c t s
} / / C o l u m n - O u t e r