Restored range limiting to the throttle channel. Now if the UAS can't reverse, the throttle can be set to only use the positive range of the axis (useful with auto-centering control sticks) or to use the full range (for sticks that hold position).
QList<float>joystickAxes;///< The values of every axes during the last sample.
QList<bool>joystickAxesInverted;///< Whether each axis should be used inverted from what was reported.
QList<bool>joystickAxesLimited;///< Whether each axis should be limited to only the positive range.
boolthrottleAxisLimited;///< Indicates if the throttle channel should be limited to mapping from a 0:1 range instead of -1:1. Useful for controlling throttle with an axis that autocenters.
quint16joystickButtons;///< The state of every button. Bitfield supporting 16 buttons with 1s indicating that the button is down.
intxHat,yHat;///< The horizontal/vertical hat directions. Values are -1, 0, 1, with (-1,-1) indicating bottom-left.
@ -233,6 +235,12 @@ public slots:
@@ -233,6 +235,12 @@ public slots: