<short_desc>Permanent stabilization in fw mode</short_desc>
<long_desc>If set to one this parameter will cause permanent attitude stabilization in fw mode. This parameter has been introduced for pure convenience sake.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Minimum pitch angle during hover landing</short_desc>
<long_desc>Overrides VT_PTCH_MIN when the vehicle is in LAND mode (hovering). During landing it can be beneficial to allow lower minimum pitch angles as it can avoid the wings generating too much lift and preventing the vehicle from sinking at the desired rate.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Overrides VT_PITCH_MIN when the vehicle is in LAND mode (hovering). During landing it can be beneficial to allow lower minimum pitch angles as it can avoid the wings generating too much lift and preventing the vehicle from sinking at the desired rate.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Minimum pitch angle during hover</short_desc>
<long_desc>Minimum pitch angle during hover flight. If the desired pitch angle is is lower than this value then the fixed-wing forward actuation can be used to compensate for the missing thrust in forward direction (see VT_FW_TRHUST_EN)</long_desc>
<short_desc>Pusher throttle ramp up window</short_desc>
<long_desc>Defines the time window during which the pusher throttle will be ramped up linearly to VT_F_TRANS_THR during a transition to fixed wing mode. Zero or negative values will produce an instant throttle rise to VT_F_TRANS_THR.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Minimum pitch angle during hover</short_desc>
<long_desc>Minimum pitch angle during hover flight. If the desired pitch angle is is lower than this value then the fixed-wing forward actuation can be used to compensate for the missing thrust in forward direction (see VT_FW_TRHUST_EN)</long_desc>