<short_desc>Heading/Yaw offset for dual antenna GPS</short_desc>
<long_desc>Heading offset angle for dual antenna GPS setups that support heading estimation. Set this to 0 if the antennas are parallel to the forward-facing direction of the vehicle and the first antenna is in front. The offset angle increases clockwise. Set this to 90 if the first antenna is placed on the right side and the second on the left side of the vehicle.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Heading offset angle for dual antenna GPS setups that support heading estimation. Set this to 0 if the antennas are parallel to the forward-facing direction of the vehicle and the rover antenna is in front. The offset angle increases clockwise. Set this to 90 if the rover antenna is placed on the right side of the vehicle and the moving base antenna is on the left side.</long_desc>