diff --git a/src/ui/toolbar/GimbalIndicator.qml b/src/ui/toolbar/GimbalIndicator.qml
index 4e204c9..77d5dfa 100644
--- a/src/ui/toolbar/GimbalIndicator.qml
+++ b/src/ui/toolbar/GimbalIndicator.qml
@@ -65,12 +65,17 @@ Item {
// These are simple buttons that can be grouped on this Repeater
Repeater {
+ id: simpleGimbalButtonsRepeater
+ property var hasControl: gimbalController && gimbalController.activeGimbal && gimbalController.activeGimbal.gimbalHaveControl
+ property var acqControlButtonEnabled: QGroundControl.settingsManager.gimbalControllerSettings.toolbarIndicatorShowAcquireReleaseControl.rawValue
model: [
- {id: "yawLock", text: activeGimbal.yawLock ? qsTr("Yaw
Follow") : qsTr("Yaw
Lock") },
- {id: "center", text: qsTr("Center") },
- {id: "tilt90", text: qsTr("Tilt 90") },
- {id: "pointHome", text: qsTr("Point
Home") },
- {id: "retract", text: qsTr("Retract") }
+ {id: "yawLock", text: activeGimbal.yawLock ? qsTr("Yaw
Follow") : qsTr("Yaw
Lock") , visible: true },
+ {id: "center", text: qsTr("Center") , visible: true },
+ {id: "tilt90", text: qsTr("Tilt 90") , visible: true },
+ {id: "pointHome", text: qsTr("Point
Home") , visible: true },
+ {id: "retract", text: qsTr("Retract") , visible: true },
+ {id: "acqControl",text: hasControl ? qsTr("Release
Control") : qsTr("Acquire
Control"), visible: acqControlButtonEnabled }
QGCButton {
@@ -79,13 +84,18 @@ Item {
{"center": function(){ gimbalController.centerGimbal() } },
{"tilt90": function(){ gimbalController.sendPitchBodyYaw(-90, 0) } },
{"pointHome": function(){ activeVehicle.guidedModeROI(activeVehicle.homePosition) } },
- {"retract": function(){ gimbalController.toggleGimbalRetracted(true) } }
+ {"retract": function(){ gimbalController.toggleGimbalRetracted(true) } },
+ // This button changes its action depending on gimbal being under control or not
+ {"acqControl": function(){ simpleGimbalButtonsRepeater.hasControl ?
+ gimbalController.releaseGimbalControl() :
+ gimbalController.acquireGimbalControl() } }
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
Layout.preferredHeight: buttonHeight
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
text: modelData.text
+ visible: modelData.visible
fontWeight: Font.Medium
pointSize: ScreenTools.smallFontPointSize
backRadius: panelRadius * 0.5
@@ -306,6 +316,15 @@ Item {
checkedValue: 1
uncheckedValue: 0
+ FactCheckBox {
+ id: showAcquireControlCheckbox
+ text: " " + qsTr("Show Acquire/Release control button")
+ fact: QGroundControl.settingsManager.gimbalControllerSettings.toolbarIndicatorShowAcquireReleaseControl
+ Layout.columnSpan: 2
+ checkedValue: 1
+ uncheckedValue: 0
+ }