tr("Starting RC calibration.\n\nEnsure that motor power is disconnected, all props are removed, RC transmitter and receiver are powered and connected.\n\nReset transmitter trims to center, then click OK to continue"));
tr("Starting RC calibration.\n\nEnsure RC transmitter and receiver are powered and connected. It is recommended to disconnect all motors for additional safety, however, the system is designed to not arm during the calibration.\n\nReset transmitter trims to center, then click OK to continue"));
//go ahead and try to map first 8 channels, now that user can skip channels
//go ahead and try to map first 8 channels, now that user can skip channels
msgBox.setText(tr("Please center the throttle stick"));
msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("The stick should be roughly centered - the exact position is not relevant."));
msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok|QMessageBox::Cancel);//allow user to cancel upload after reviewing values
return;// abort
// Try to identify inverted channels, but only for R/P/Y/T
// Try to identify inverted channels, but only for R/P/Y/T
QMessageBox::information(0,"Trims","Ensure THROTTLE is in the LOWEST position and roll / pitch / yaw are CENTERED. Click OK to continue");
QMessageBox::information(0,"Trims","Ensure THROTTLE is in the LOW THROTTLE / MOTOR OFF position and roll / pitch / yaw are CENTERED. Click OK to continue");