地面站终端 App
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

336 lines
12 KiB

/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield
* This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
* the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
* (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file
* included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.
#include <osg/Drawable>
#include <osgText/String>
#include <osgText/KerningType>
#include <osgText/Font>
namespace osgText {
class OSGTEXT_EXPORT TextBase : public osg::Drawable
TextBase(const TextBase& text,const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
//virtual osg::Object* cloneType() const { return new Text(); }
//virtual osg::Object* clone(const osg::CopyOp& copyop) const { return new Text(*this,copyop); }
virtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const { return dynamic_cast<const TextBase*>(obj)!=NULL; }
virtual const char* className() const { return "TextBase"; }
virtual const char* libraryName() const { return "osgText"; }
void setColor(const osg::Vec4& color);
const osg::Vec4& getColor() const { return _color; }
/** Set the Font to use to render the text.
* setFont(0) sets the use of the default font.*/
virtual void setFont(Font* font=0) { setFont(osg::ref_ptr<Font>(font)); };
/** Set the Font to use to render the text.*/
virtual void setFont(osg::ref_ptr<Font> font);
/** Set the font, loaded from the specified front file, to use to render the text,
* setFont("") sets the use of the default font.
* See the osgText::readFontFile function for how the font file will be located. */
virtual void setFont(const std::string& fontfile);
/** Get the font. Return 0 if default is being used.*/
const Font* getFont() const { return _font.get(); }
/** Set the text style.*/
void setStyle(Style* style) { _style = style; }
/** Get the text style.*/
Style* getStyle() { return _style.get(); }
/** Get the const text style.*/
const Style* getStyle() const { return _style.get(); }
/** Get or create the text style.*/
Style* getOrCreateStyle() { if (!_style) _style = new Style; return _style.get(); }
/** Set the Font reference width and height resolution in texels.
* Note, the size may not be supported by current font,
* the closest supported font size will be selected.*/
void setFontResolution(unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
unsigned int getFontWidth() const { return _fontSize.first; }
unsigned int getFontHeight() const { return _fontSize.second; }
/** Set the text using a osgText::String.*/
void setText(const String& text);
/** Set the text using a std::string,
* which is converted to an internal TextString.*/
void setText(const std::string& text);
/** Set the text using a Unicode encoded std::string, which is converted to an internal TextString.
* The encoding parameter specificies which Unicode encodeding is used in the std::string. */
void setText(const std::string& text,String::Encoding encoding);
/** Set the text using a wchar_t string,
* which is converted to an internal TextString.*/
void setText(const wchar_t* text);
/** Get the text string.
* Note, if you modify the string you must call Text::update() for
* the internal glyph reprentation to be updated.*/
String& getText() { return _text; }
/** Get the const text string.*/
const String& getText() const { return _text; }
/** update internal glyph respresentation used for rendering,
* and bounding volume.*/
void update() { computeGlyphRepresentation(); }
/** Set the rendered character size in object coordinates.*/
void setCharacterSize(float height);
/** Set the rendered character size in object coordinates.*/
void setCharacterSize(float height, float aspectRatio);
float getCharacterHeight() const { return _characterHeight; }
float getCharacterAspectRatio() const { return _style.valid()? _style->getWidthRatio() : 1.0f; }
enum CharacterSizeMode
OBJECT_COORDS, /// default
SCREEN_COORDS, /// internally scale the characters to be constant screen size.
OBJECT_COORDS_WITH_MAXIMUM_SCREEN_SIZE_CAPPED_BY_FONT_HEIGHT /// text that behavaves like OBJECT_COORDS sized text when a long distance way, but has its screen sized capped automatically when the viewer gets near.
/** Set how the CharacterSize value relates to the final rendered character.*/
void setCharacterSizeMode(CharacterSizeMode mode) { _characterSizeMode = mode; }
/** Get the CharacterSizeMode.*/
CharacterSizeMode getCharacterSizeMode() const { return _characterSizeMode; }
/** Set the maximum width of the text box.
* With horizontal layouts any characters which do not fit are wrapped around.
* 0 or negative values indicate that no maximum width is set, lines can be as long as
* they need be to fit thre required text*/
void setMaximumWidth(float maximumWidth);
/** Get the maximim width of the text box.*/
float getMaximumWidth() const { return _maximumWidth; }
/** Set the maximum height of the text box.
* With horizontal layouts any characters which do not fit are wrapped around.
* 0 or negative values indicate that no maximum height is set, lines can be as long as
* they need be to fit the required text*/
void setMaximumHeight(float maximumHeight);
/** Get the maximum height of the text box.*/
float getMaximumHeight() const { return _maximumHeight; }
/** Set the line spacing of the text box, given as a percentage of
* the character height. The default value is 0 for backward
* compatibility. For longer paragraphs of text, a value of at
* least 25% (i.e. set line spacing to 0.25) is recommended. */
void setLineSpacing(float lineSpacing);
/** Get the line spacing of the text box. */
float getLineSpacing() const { return _lineSpacing; }
/** Set the position of text.*/
void setPosition(const osg::Vec3& pos);
/** Get the position of text.*/
const osg::Vec3& getPosition() const { return _position; }
enum AlignmentType
void setAlignment(AlignmentType alignment);
AlignmentType getAlignment() const { return _alignment; }
enum AxisAlignment
void setAxisAlignment(AxisAlignment axis);
AxisAlignment getAxisAlignment() const { return _axisAlignment; }
void setRotation(const osg::Quat& quat);
const osg::Quat& getRotation() const { return _rotation; }
void setAutoRotateToScreen(bool autoRotateToScreen);
bool getAutoRotateToScreen() const { return _autoRotateToScreen; }
enum Layout
LEFT_TO_RIGHT, /// default
void setLayout(Layout layout);
Layout getLayout() const { return _layout; }
enum DrawModeMask
TEXT = 1, /// default
void setDrawMode(unsigned int mode);
unsigned int getDrawMode() const { return _drawMode; }
void setBoundingBoxMargin(float margin);
float getBoundingBoxMargin() const { return _textBBMargin; }
void setBoundingBoxColor(const osg::Vec4& color){ _textBBColor = color; }
const osg::Vec4& getBoundingBoxColor() const { return _textBBColor; }
void setKerningType(KerningType kerningType) { _kerningType = kerningType; }
KerningType getKerningType() const { return _kerningType; }
/** Get the number of wrapped lines - only valid after computeGlyphRepresentation() has been called, returns 0 otherwise */
unsigned int getLineCount() const { return _lineCount; }
/** Set whether to use a mutex to ensure ref() and unref() are thread safe.*/
virtual void setThreadSafeRefUnref(bool threadSafe);
/** Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. */
virtual void resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int maxSize);
/** If State is non-zero, this function releases OpenGL objects for
* the specified graphics context. Otherwise, releases OpenGL objexts
* for all graphics contexts. */
virtual void releaseGLObjects(osg::State* state=0) const;
virtual osg::BoundingBox computeBound() const;
virtual ~TextBase();
void positionCursor(const osg::Vec2 & endOfLine_coords, osg::Vec2 & cursor, unsigned int linelength);
void computePositions();
String::iterator computeLastCharacterOnLine(osg::Vec2& cursor, String::iterator first,String::iterator last);
virtual void computePositions(unsigned int contextID) const = 0;
virtual void computeGlyphRepresentation() = 0;
// members which have public access.
osg::Vec4 _color;
osg::ref_ptr<Font> _font;
osg::ref_ptr<Style> _style;
FontResolution _fontSize;
float _characterHeight;
CharacterSizeMode _characterSizeMode;
float _maximumWidth;
float _maximumHeight;
float _lineSpacing;
String _text;
osg::Vec3 _position;
AlignmentType _alignment;
AxisAlignment _axisAlignment;
osg::Quat _rotation;
bool _autoRotateToScreen;
Layout _layout;
unsigned int _drawMode;
float _textBBMargin;
osg::Vec4 _textBBColor;
KerningType _kerningType;
unsigned int _lineCount;
// internal caches of the positioning of the text.
struct AutoTransformCache
_height(0) {}
int _traversalNumber;
int _width;
int _height;
osg::Vec3 _transformedPosition;
osg::Matrix _modelview;
osg::Matrix _projection;
osg::Matrix _matrix;
mutable osg::buffered_object<AutoTransformCache> _autoTransformCache;
mutable osg::Vec3 _offset;
mutable osg::Vec3 _normal;
mutable osg::BoundingBox _textBB;