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/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
* Qwt Widget Library
* Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen
* Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0
#include "qwt_painter.h"
#include "qwt_math.h"
#include "qwt_clipper.h"
#include "qwt_color_map.h"
#include "qwt_scale_map.h"
#include <qwindowdefs.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qframe.h>
#include <qrect.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpalette.h>
#include <qpaintdevice.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
#include <qtextdocument.h>
#include <qabstracttextdocumentlayout.h>
#include <qstyleoption.h>
#include <qpaintengine.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qdesktopwidget.h>
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
#include <qwindow.h>
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
#include <qx11info_x11.h>
bool QwtPainter::d_polylineSplitting = true;
bool QwtPainter::d_roundingAlignment = true;
static inline bool qwtIsClippingNeeded(
const QPainter *painter, QRectF &clipRect )
bool doClipping = false;
const QPaintEngine *pe = painter->paintEngine();
if ( pe && pe->type() == QPaintEngine::SVG )
// The SVG paint engine ignores any clipping,
if ( painter->hasClipping() )
doClipping = true;
clipRect = painter->clipRegion().boundingRect();
return doClipping;
template <class T>
static inline void qwtDrawPolyline( QPainter *painter,
const T *points, int pointCount, bool polylineSplitting )
bool doSplit = false;
if ( polylineSplitting )
const QPaintEngine *pe = painter->paintEngine();
if ( pe && pe->type() == QPaintEngine::Raster )
The raster paint engine seems to use some algo with O(n*n).
( Qt 4.3 is better than Qt 4.2, but remains unacceptable)
To work around this problem, we have to split the polygon into
smaller pieces.
doSplit = true;
if ( doSplit )
const int splitSize = 20;
for ( int i = 0; i < pointCount; i += splitSize )
const int n = qMin( splitSize + 1, pointCount - i );
painter->drawPolyline( points + i, n );
painter->drawPolyline( points, pointCount );
static inline void qwtUnscaleFont( QPainter *painter )
if ( painter->font().pixelSize() >= 0 )
static QSize screenResolution;
if ( !screenResolution.isValid() )
QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop();
if ( desktop )
screenResolution.setWidth( desktop->logicalDpiX() );
screenResolution.setHeight( desktop->logicalDpiY() );
const QPaintDevice *pd = painter->device();
if ( pd->logicalDpiX() != screenResolution.width() ||
pd->logicalDpiY() != screenResolution.height() )
QFont pixelFont( painter->font(), QApplication::desktop() );
pixelFont.setPixelSize( QFontInfo( pixelFont ).pixelSize() );
painter->setFont( pixelFont );
Check is the application is running with the X11 graphics system
that has some special capabilities that can be used for incremental
painting to a widget.
\return True, when the graphics system is X11
bool QwtPainter::isX11GraphicsSystem()
static int onX11 = -1;
if ( onX11 < 0 )
QPixmap pm( 1, 1 );
QPainter painter( &pm );
onX11 = ( painter.paintEngine()->type() == QPaintEngine::X11 ) ? 1 : 0;
return onX11 == 1;
Check if the painter is using a paint engine, that aligns
coordinates to integers. Today these are all paint engines
beside QPaintEngine::Pdf and QPaintEngine::SVG.
If we have an integer based paint engine it is also
checked if the painter has a transformation matrix,
that rotates or scales.
\param painter Painter
\return true, when the painter is aligning
\sa setRoundingAlignment()
bool QwtPainter::isAligning( QPainter *painter )
if ( painter && painter->isActive() )
switch ( painter->paintEngine()->type() )
case QPaintEngine::Pdf:
case QPaintEngine::SVG:
return false;
const QTransform tr = painter->transform();
if ( tr.isRotating() || tr.isScaling() )
// we might have to check translations too
return false;
return true;
Enable whether coordinates should be rounded, before they are painted
to a paint engine that floors to integer values. For other paint engines
this ( PDF, SVG ), this flag has no effect.
QwtPainter stores this flag only, the rounding itself is done in
the painting code ( f.e the plot items ).
The default setting is true.
\sa roundingAlignment(), isAligning()
void QwtPainter::setRoundingAlignment( bool enable )
d_roundingAlignment = enable;
\brief En/Disable line splitting for the raster paint engine
In some Qt versions the raster paint engine paints polylines of many points
much faster when they are split in smaller chunks: f.e all supported Qt versions
>= Qt 5.0 when drawing an antialiased polyline with a pen width >=2.
The default setting is true.
\sa polylineSplitting()
void QwtPainter::setPolylineSplitting( bool enable )
d_polylineSplitting = enable;
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPath()
void QwtPainter::drawPath( QPainter *painter, const QPainterPath &path )
painter->drawPath( path );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawRect()
void QwtPainter::drawRect( QPainter *painter, double x, double y, double w, double h )
drawRect( painter, QRectF( x, y, w, h ) );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawRect()
void QwtPainter::drawRect( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect )
const QRectF r = rect;
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping )
if ( !clipRect.intersects( r ) )
if ( !clipRect.contains( r ) )
fillRect( painter, r & clipRect, painter->brush() );
painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
drawPolyline( painter, QPolygonF( r ) );
painter->drawRect( r );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::fillRect()
void QwtPainter::fillRect( QPainter *painter,
const QRectF &rect, const QBrush &brush )
if ( !rect.isValid() )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
Performance of Qt4 is horrible for a non trivial brush. Without
clipping expect minutes or hours for repainting large rectangles
(might result from zooming)
if ( deviceClipping )
clipRect &= painter->window();
clipRect = painter->window();
if ( painter->hasClipping() )
clipRect &= painter->clipRegion().boundingRect();
QRectF r = rect;
if ( deviceClipping )
r = r.intersected( clipRect );
if ( r.isValid() )
painter->fillRect( r, brush );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPie()
void QwtPainter::drawPie( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect,
int a, int alen )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping && !clipRect.contains( rect ) )
painter->drawPie( rect, a, alen );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawEllipse()
void QwtPainter::drawEllipse( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping && !clipRect.contains( rect ) )
painter->drawEllipse( rect );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawText()
void QwtPainter::drawText( QPainter *painter, double x, double y,
const QString &text )
drawText( painter, QPointF( x, y ), text );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawText()
void QwtPainter::drawText( QPainter *painter, const QPointF &pos,
const QString &text )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping && !clipRect.contains( pos ) )
qwtUnscaleFont( painter );
painter->drawText( pos, text );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawText()
void QwtPainter::drawText( QPainter *painter,
double x, double y, double w, double h,
int flags, const QString &text )
drawText( painter, QRectF( x, y, w, h ), flags, text );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawText()
void QwtPainter::drawText( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect,
int flags, const QString &text )
qwtUnscaleFont( painter );
painter->drawText( rect, flags, text );
Draw a text document into a rectangle
\param painter Painter
\param rect Traget rectangle
\param flags Alignments/Text flags, see QPainter::drawText()
\param text Text document
void QwtPainter::drawSimpleRichText( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect,
int flags, const QTextDocument &text )
QTextDocument *txt = text.clone();
painter->setFont( txt->defaultFont() );
qwtUnscaleFont( painter );
txt->setDefaultFont( painter->font() );
txt->setPageSize( QSizeF( rect.width(), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX ) );
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout* layout = txt->documentLayout();
const double height = layout->documentSize().height();
double y = rect.y();
if ( flags & Qt::AlignBottom )
y += ( rect.height() - height );
else if ( flags & Qt::AlignVCenter )
y += ( rect.height() - height ) / 2;
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext context;
context.palette.setColor( QPalette::Text, painter->pen().color() );
painter->translate( rect.x(), y );
layout->draw( painter, context );
delete txt;
#endif // !QT_NO_RICHTEXT
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawLine()
void QwtPainter::drawLine( QPainter *painter,
const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2 )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping &&
!( clipRect.contains( p1 ) && clipRect.contains( p2 ) ) )
QPolygonF polygon;
polygon += p1;
polygon += p2;
drawPolyline( painter, polygon );
painter->drawLine( p1, p2 );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPolygon()
void QwtPainter::drawPolygon( QPainter *painter, const QPolygonF &polygon )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
QPolygonF cpa = polygon;
if ( deviceClipping )
cpa = QwtClipper::clipPolygonF( clipRect, polygon );
painter->drawPolygon( cpa );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPolyline()
void QwtPainter::drawPolyline( QPainter *painter, const QPolygonF &polygon )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
QPolygonF cpa = polygon;
if ( deviceClipping )
cpa = QwtClipper::clipPolygonF( clipRect, cpa );
qwtDrawPolyline<QPointF>( painter,
cpa.constData(), cpa.size(), d_polylineSplitting );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPolyline()
void QwtPainter::drawPolyline( QPainter *painter,
const QPointF *points, int pointCount )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping )
QPolygonF polygon( pointCount );
::memcpy( polygon.data(), points, pointCount * sizeof( QPointF ) );
polygon = QwtClipper::clipPolygonF( clipRect, polygon );
qwtDrawPolyline<QPointF>( painter,
polygon.constData(), polygon.size(), d_polylineSplitting );
qwtDrawPolyline<QPointF>( painter, points, pointCount, d_polylineSplitting );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPolygon()
void QwtPainter::drawPolygon( QPainter *painter, const QPolygon &polygon )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
QPolygon cpa = polygon;
if ( deviceClipping )
cpa = QwtClipper::clipPolygon( clipRect, polygon );
painter->drawPolygon( cpa );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPolyline()
void QwtPainter::drawPolyline( QPainter *painter, const QPolygon &polygon )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
QPolygon cpa = polygon;
if ( deviceClipping )
cpa = QwtClipper::clipPolygon( clipRect, cpa );
qwtDrawPolyline<QPoint>( painter,
cpa.constData(), cpa.size(), d_polylineSplitting );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPolyline()
void QwtPainter::drawPolyline( QPainter *painter,
const QPoint *points, int pointCount )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping )
QPolygon polygon( pointCount );
::memcpy( polygon.data(), points, pointCount * sizeof( QPoint ) );
polygon = QwtClipper::clipPolygon( clipRect, polygon );
qwtDrawPolyline<QPoint>( painter,
polygon.constData(), polygon.size(), d_polylineSplitting );
qwtDrawPolyline<QPoint>( painter, points, pointCount, d_polylineSplitting );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPoint()
void QwtPainter::drawPoint( QPainter *painter, const QPointF &pos )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping && !clipRect.contains( pos ) )
painter->drawPoint( pos );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPoint()
void QwtPainter::drawPoint( QPainter *painter, const QPoint &pos )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping )
const int minX = qCeil( clipRect.left() );
const int maxX = qFloor( clipRect.right() );
const int minY = qCeil( clipRect.top() );
const int maxY = qFloor( clipRect.bottom() );
if ( pos.x() < minX || pos.x() > maxX
|| pos.y() < minY || pos.y() > maxY )
painter->drawPoint( pos );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPoints()
void QwtPainter::drawPoints( QPainter *painter,
const QPoint *points, int pointCount )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping )
const int minX = qCeil( clipRect.left() );
const int maxX = qFloor( clipRect.right() );
const int minY = qCeil( clipRect.top() );
const int maxY = qFloor( clipRect.bottom() );
const QRect r( minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY );
QPolygon clippedPolygon( pointCount );
QPoint *clippedData = clippedPolygon.data();
int numClippedPoints = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++ )
if ( r.contains( points[i] ) )
clippedData[ numClippedPoints++ ] = points[i];
painter->drawPoints( clippedData, numClippedPoints );
painter->drawPoints( points, pointCount );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPoints()
void QwtPainter::drawPoints( QPainter *painter,
const QPointF *points, int pointCount )
QRectF clipRect;
const bool deviceClipping = qwtIsClippingNeeded( painter, clipRect );
if ( deviceClipping )
QPolygonF clippedPolygon( pointCount );
QPointF *clippedData = clippedPolygon.data();
int numClippedPoints = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++ )
if ( clipRect.contains( points[i] ) )
clippedData[ numClippedPoints++ ] = points[i];
painter->drawPoints( clippedData, numClippedPoints );
painter->drawPoints( points, pointCount );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawImage()
void QwtPainter::drawImage( QPainter *painter,
const QRectF &rect, const QImage &image )
const QRect alignedRect = rect.toAlignedRect();
if ( alignedRect != rect )
const QRectF clipRect = rect.adjusted( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
painter->setClipRect( clipRect, Qt::IntersectClip );
painter->drawImage( alignedRect, image );
painter->drawImage( alignedRect, image );
//! Wrapper for QPainter::drawPixmap()
void QwtPainter::drawPixmap( QPainter *painter,
const QRectF &rect, const QPixmap &pixmap )
const QRect alignedRect = rect.toAlignedRect();
if ( alignedRect != rect )
const QRectF clipRect = rect.adjusted( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
painter->setClipRect( clipRect, Qt::IntersectClip );
painter->drawPixmap( alignedRect, pixmap );
painter->drawPixmap( alignedRect, pixmap );
//! Draw a focus rectangle on a widget using its style.
void QwtPainter::drawFocusRect( QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget )
drawFocusRect( painter, widget, widget->rect() );
//! Draw a focus rectangle on a widget using its style.
void QwtPainter::drawFocusRect( QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget,
const QRect &rect )
QStyleOptionFocusRect opt;
opt.init( widget );
opt.rect = rect;
opt.state |= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
widget->style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect,
&opt, painter, widget );
Draw a round frame
\param painter Painter
\param rect Frame rectangle
\param palette QPalette::WindowText is used for plain borders
QPalette::Dark and QPalette::Light for raised
or sunken borders
\param lineWidth Line width
\param frameStyle bitwise OR´ed value of QFrame::Shape and QFrame::Shadow
void QwtPainter::drawRoundFrame( QPainter *painter,
const QRectF &rect, const QPalette &palette,
int lineWidth, int frameStyle )
enum Style
Style style = Plain;
if ( (frameStyle & QFrame::Sunken) == QFrame::Sunken )
style = Sunken;
else if ( (frameStyle & QFrame::Raised) == QFrame::Raised )
style = Raised;
const double lw2 = 0.5 * lineWidth;
QRectF r = rect.adjusted( lw2, lw2, -lw2, -lw2 );
QBrush brush;
if ( style != Plain )
QColor c1 = palette.color( QPalette::Light );
QColor c2 = palette.color( QPalette::Dark );
if ( style == Sunken )
qSwap( c1, c2 );
QLinearGradient gradient( r.topLeft(), r.bottomRight() );
gradient.setColorAt( 0.0, c1 );
#if 0
gradient.setColorAt( 0.3, c1 );
gradient.setColorAt( 0.7, c2 );
gradient.setColorAt( 1.0, c2 );
brush = QBrush( gradient );
else // Plain
brush = palette.brush( QPalette::WindowText );
painter->setPen( QPen( brush, lineWidth ) );
painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
painter->drawEllipse( r );
Draw a rectangular frame
\param painter Painter
\param rect Frame rectangle
\param palette Palette
\param foregroundRole Foreground role used for QFrame::Plain
\param frameWidth Frame width
\param midLineWidth Used for QFrame::Box
\param frameStyle bitwise OR´ed value of QFrame::Shape and QFrame::Shadow
void QwtPainter::drawFrame( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect,
const QPalette &palette, QPalette::ColorRole foregroundRole,
int frameWidth, int midLineWidth, int frameStyle )
if ( frameWidth <= 0 || rect.isEmpty() )
const int shadow = frameStyle & QFrame::Shadow_Mask;
if ( shadow == QFrame::Plain )
const QRectF outerRect = rect.adjusted( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
const QRectF innerRect = outerRect.adjusted(
frameWidth, frameWidth, -frameWidth, -frameWidth );
QPainterPath path;
path.addRect( outerRect );
path.addRect( innerRect );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter->setBrush( palette.color( foregroundRole ) );
painter->drawPath( path );
const int shape = frameStyle & QFrame::Shape_Mask;
if ( shape == QFrame::Box )
const QRectF outerRect = rect.adjusted( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
const QRectF midRect1 = outerRect.adjusted(
frameWidth, frameWidth, -frameWidth, -frameWidth );
const QRectF midRect2 = midRect1.adjusted(
midLineWidth, midLineWidth, -midLineWidth, -midLineWidth );
const QRectF innerRect = midRect2.adjusted(
frameWidth, frameWidth, -frameWidth, -frameWidth );
QPainterPath path1;
path1.moveTo( outerRect.bottomLeft() );
path1.lineTo( outerRect.topLeft() );
path1.lineTo( outerRect.topRight() );
path1.lineTo( midRect1.topRight() );
path1.lineTo( midRect1.topLeft() );
path1.lineTo( midRect1.bottomLeft() );
QPainterPath path2;
path2.moveTo( outerRect.bottomLeft() );
path2.lineTo( outerRect.bottomRight() );
path2.lineTo( outerRect.topRight() );
path2.lineTo( midRect1.topRight() );
path2.lineTo( midRect1.bottomRight() );
path2.lineTo( midRect1.bottomLeft() );
QPainterPath path3;
path3.moveTo( midRect2.bottomLeft() );
path3.lineTo( midRect2.topLeft() );
path3.lineTo( midRect2.topRight() );
path3.lineTo( innerRect.topRight() );
path3.lineTo( innerRect.topLeft() );
path3.lineTo( innerRect.bottomLeft() );
QPainterPath path4;
path4.moveTo( midRect2.bottomLeft() );
path4.lineTo( midRect2.bottomRight() );
path4.lineTo( midRect2.topRight() );
path4.lineTo( innerRect.topRight() );
path4.lineTo( innerRect.bottomRight() );
path4.lineTo( innerRect.bottomLeft() );
QPainterPath path5;
path5.addRect( midRect1 );
path5.addRect( midRect2 );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
QBrush brush1 = palette.dark().color();
QBrush brush2 = palette.light().color();
if ( shadow == QFrame::Raised )
qSwap( brush1, brush2 );
painter->setBrush( brush1 );
painter->drawPath( path1 );
painter->drawPath( path4 );
painter->setBrush( brush2 );
painter->drawPath( path2 );
painter->drawPath( path3 );
painter->setBrush( palette.mid() );
painter->drawPath( path5 );
#if 0
// qDrawWinPanel doesn't result in something nice
// on a scalable document like PDF. Better draw a
// Panel.
else if ( shape == QFrame::WinPanel )
painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::NonCosmeticDefaultPen, true );
qDrawWinPanel ( painter, rect.toRect(), palette,
frameStyle & QFrame::Sunken );
else if ( shape == QFrame::StyledPanel )
const QRectF outerRect = rect.adjusted( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
const QRectF innerRect = outerRect.adjusted(
frameWidth - 1.0, frameWidth - 1.0,
-( frameWidth - 1.0 ), -( frameWidth - 1.0 ) );
QPainterPath path1;
path1.moveTo( outerRect.bottomLeft() );
path1.lineTo( outerRect.topLeft() );
path1.lineTo( outerRect.topRight() );
path1.lineTo( innerRect.topRight() );
path1.lineTo( innerRect.topLeft() );
path1.lineTo( innerRect.bottomLeft() );
QPainterPath path2;
path2.moveTo( outerRect.bottomLeft() );
path2.lineTo( outerRect.bottomRight() );
path2.lineTo( outerRect.topRight() );
path2.lineTo( innerRect.topRight() );
path2.lineTo( innerRect.bottomRight() );
path2.lineTo( innerRect.bottomLeft() );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
QBrush brush1 = palette.dark().color();
QBrush brush2 = palette.light().color();
if ( shadow == QFrame::Raised )
qSwap( brush1, brush2 );
painter->setBrush( brush1 );
painter->drawPath( path1 );
painter->setBrush( brush2 );
painter->drawPath( path2 );
Draw a rectangular frame with rounded borders
\param painter Painter
\param rect Frame rectangle
\param xRadius x-radius of the ellipses defining the corners
\param yRadius y-radius of the ellipses defining the corners
\param palette QPalette::WindowText is used for plain borders
QPalette::Dark and QPalette::Light for raised
or sunken borders
\param lineWidth Line width
\param frameStyle bitwise OR´ed value of QFrame::Shape and QFrame::Shadow
void QwtPainter::drawRoundedFrame( QPainter *painter,
const QRectF &rect, double xRadius, double yRadius,
const QPalette &palette, int lineWidth, int frameStyle )
painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
double lw2 = lineWidth * 0.5;
QRectF r = rect.adjusted( lw2, lw2, -lw2, -lw2 );
QPainterPath path;
path.addRoundedRect( r, xRadius, yRadius );
enum Style
Style style = Plain;
if ( (frameStyle & QFrame::Sunken) == QFrame::Sunken )
style = Sunken;
else if ( (frameStyle & QFrame::Raised) == QFrame::Raised )
style = Raised;
if ( style != Plain && path.elementCount() == 17 )
// move + 4 * ( cubicTo + lineTo )
QPainterPath pathList[8];
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
const int j = i * 4 + 1;
pathList[ 2 * i ].moveTo(
path.elementAt(j - 1).x, path.elementAt( j - 1 ).y
pathList[ 2 * i ].cubicTo(
path.elementAt(j + 0).x, path.elementAt(j + 0).y,
path.elementAt(j + 1).x, path.elementAt(j + 1).y,
path.elementAt(j + 2).x, path.elementAt(j + 2).y );
pathList[ 2 * i + 1 ].moveTo(
path.elementAt(j + 2).x, path.elementAt(j + 2).y
pathList[ 2 * i + 1 ].lineTo(
path.elementAt(j + 3).x, path.elementAt(j + 3).y
QColor c1( palette.color( QPalette::Dark ) );
QColor c2( palette.color( QPalette::Light ) );
if ( style == Raised )
qSwap( c1, c2 );
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
QRectF r = pathList[2 * i].controlPointRect();
QPen arcPen;
arcPen.setCapStyle( Qt::FlatCap );
arcPen.setWidth( lineWidth );
QPen linePen;
linePen.setCapStyle( Qt::FlatCap );
linePen.setWidth( lineWidth );
switch( i )
case 0:
arcPen.setColor( c1 );
linePen.setColor( c1 );
case 1:
QLinearGradient gradient;
gradient.setStart( r.topLeft() );
gradient.setFinalStop( r.bottomRight() );
gradient.setColorAt( 0.0, c1 );
gradient.setColorAt( 1.0, c2 );
arcPen.setBrush( gradient );
linePen.setColor( c2 );
case 2:
arcPen.setColor( c2 );
linePen.setColor( c2 );
case 3:
QLinearGradient gradient;
gradient.setStart( r.bottomRight() );
gradient.setFinalStop( r.topLeft() );
gradient.setColorAt( 0.0, c2 );
gradient.setColorAt( 1.0, c1 );
arcPen.setBrush( gradient );
linePen.setColor( c1 );
painter->setPen( arcPen );
painter->drawPath( pathList[ 2 * i] );
painter->setPen( linePen );
painter->drawPath( pathList[ 2 * i + 1] );
QPen pen( palette.color( QPalette::WindowText ), lineWidth );
painter->setPen( pen );
painter->drawPath( path );
Draw a color bar into a rectangle
\param painter Painter
\param colorMap Color map
\param interval Value range
\param scaleMap Scale map
\param orientation Orientation
\param rect Traget rectangle
void QwtPainter::drawColorBar( QPainter *painter,
const QwtColorMap &colorMap, const QwtInterval &interval,
const QwtScaleMap &scaleMap, Qt::Orientation orientation,
const QRectF &rect )
QVector<QRgb> colorTable;
if ( colorMap.format() == QwtColorMap::Indexed )
colorTable = colorMap.colorTable( interval );
QColor c;
const QRect devRect = rect.toAlignedRect();
We paint to a pixmap first to have something scalable for printing
( f.e. in a Pdf document )
QPixmap pixmap( devRect.size() );
QPainter pmPainter( &pixmap );
pmPainter.translate( -devRect.x(), -devRect.y() );
if ( orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
QwtScaleMap sMap = scaleMap;
sMap.setPaintInterval( rect.left(), rect.right() );
for ( int x = devRect.left(); x <= devRect.right(); x++ )
const double value = sMap.invTransform( x );
if ( colorMap.format() == QwtColorMap::RGB )
c.setRgba( colorMap.rgb( interval, value ) );
c = colorTable[colorMap.colorIndex( interval, value )];
pmPainter.setPen( c );
pmPainter.drawLine( x, devRect.top(), x, devRect.bottom() );
else // Vertical
QwtScaleMap sMap = scaleMap;
sMap.setPaintInterval( rect.bottom(), rect.top() );
for ( int y = devRect.top(); y <= devRect.bottom(); y++ )
const double value = sMap.invTransform( y );
if ( colorMap.format() == QwtColorMap::RGB )
c.setRgb( colorMap.rgb( interval, value ) );
c = colorTable[colorMap.colorIndex( interval, value )];
pmPainter.setPen( c );
pmPainter.drawLine( devRect.left(), y, devRect.right(), y );
drawPixmap( painter, rect, pixmap );
static inline void qwtFillRect( const QWidget *widget, QPainter *painter,
const QRect &rect, const QBrush &brush)
if ( brush.style() == Qt::TexturePattern )
painter->setClipRect( rect );
painter->drawTiledPixmap(rect, brush.texture(), rect.topLeft());
else if ( brush.gradient() )
painter->setClipRect( rect );
painter->fillRect(0, 0, widget->width(),
widget->height(), brush);
painter->fillRect(rect, brush);
Fill a pixmap with the content of a widget
In Qt >= 5.0 QPixmap::fill() is a nop, in Qt 4.x it is buggy
for backgrounds with gradients. Thus fillPixmap() offers
an alternative implementation.
\param widget Widget
\param pixmap Pixmap to be filled
\param offset Offset
\sa QPixmap::fill()
void QwtPainter::fillPixmap( const QWidget *widget,
QPixmap &pixmap, const QPoint &offset )
const QRect rect( offset, pixmap.size() );
QPainter painter( &pixmap );
painter.translate( -offset );
const QBrush autoFillBrush =
widget->palette().brush( widget->backgroundRole() );
if ( !( widget->autoFillBackground() && autoFillBrush.isOpaque() ) )
const QBrush bg = widget->palette().brush( QPalette::Window );
qwtFillRect( widget, &painter, rect, bg);
if ( widget->autoFillBackground() )
qwtFillRect( widget, &painter, rect, autoFillBrush);
if ( widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_StyledBackground) )
painter.setClipRegion( rect );
QStyleOption opt;
opt.initFrom( widget );
widget->style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Widget,
&opt, &painter, widget );
Fill rect with the background of a widget
\param painter Painter
\param rect Rectangle to be filled
\param widget Widget
\sa QStyle::PE_Widget, QWidget::backgroundRole()
void QwtPainter::drawBackgound( QPainter *painter,
const QRectF &rect, const QWidget *widget )
if ( widget->testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
QStyleOption opt;
opt.initFrom( widget );
opt.rect = rect.toAlignedRect();
QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, painter, widget);
const QBrush brush =
widget->palette().brush( widget->backgroundRole() );
painter->fillRect( rect, brush );
\return A pixmap that can be used as backing store
\param widget Widget, for which the backinstore is intended
\param size Size of the pixmap
QPixmap QwtPainter::backingStore( QWidget *widget, const QSize &size )
QPixmap pm;
#define QWT_HIGH_DPI 1
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 && QWT_HIGH_DPI
qreal pixelRatio = 1.0;
if ( widget && widget->windowHandle() )
pixelRatio = widget->windowHandle()->devicePixelRatio();
if ( qApp )
pixelRatio = qApp->devicePixelRatio();
pm = QPixmap( size * pixelRatio );
pm.setDevicePixelRatio( pixelRatio );
Q_UNUSED( widget )
pm = QPixmap( size );
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
if ( widget && isX11GraphicsSystem() )
if ( pm.x11Info().screen() != widget->x11Info().screen() )
pm.x11SetScreen( widget->x11Info().screen() );
return pm;