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<title>QGroundControl Google Earth View</title> |
<!-- *** Replace the key below below with your own API key, available at http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html *** --> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://getfirebug.com/firebug-lite-beta.js"></script> |
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<script type="text/javascript"> |
google.load("earth", "1", { 'language': 'en'}); |
var ge = null; |
var initialized = false; |
var currAircraft = 220; |
var followEnabled = false; |
var lastLat = 0; |
var lastLon = 0; |
var lastAlt = 0; |
var currLat = 47.3769; |
var currLon = 8.549444; |
var currAlt = 470; |
var currFollowHeading = 0.0; |
var homeLat = 0; |
var homeLon = 0; |
var homeAlt = 0; |
var homeViewRange = 500; |
var homeLocation = null; |
var homeGroundLevel = 0; |
var currViewRange = 50.0; ///<< The current viewing range from this position (in meters) |
var currTilt = 40.0; ///<< The tilt angle (in degrees) |
var currFollowTilt = 40.0; |
var currView = null; |
var M_PI = 3.14159265; |
var planeOrient; |
var planeLoc; |
var aircraft = []; |
var aircraftLocations = []; |
var aircraftLastLocations = []; |
var attitudes = []; |
var locations = []; |
var trails = []; |
var trailPlacemarks = []; |
var trailsVisible = []; |
var trailColors = []; |
var waypoints = []; |
//var waypointLines = []; |
//var trailPlacemarks[id]; |
var lineStyle; |
// Aircraft class |
var planeColor = '6600ffff'; |
function isInitialized() |
{ |
return initialized; |
} |
function init() |
{ |
google.earth.createInstance("map3d", initCallback, failureCallback); |
} |
function setFollowEnabled(enable) |
{ |
followEnabled = enable; |
} |
function setCurrAircraft(id) |
{ |
currAircraft = id; |
} |
function setGCSHome(lat, lon, alt) |
{ |
homeLat = lat; |
homeLon = lon; |
homeAlt = alt; |
var placemark = ge.createPlacemark(''); |
var icon = ge.createIcon(''); |
icon.setHref('http://google-maps-icons.googlecode.com/files/blackH.png'); |
var style = ge.createStyle(''); |
style.getIconStyle().setIcon(icon); |
//style.getIconStyle().setScale(0.5); |
placemark.setStyleSelector(style); |
// Set the placemark's location. |
homeLocation = ge.createPoint(''); |
homeLocation.setLatitude(lat); |
homeLocation.setLongitude(lon); |
homeLocation.setAltitude(alt); |
placemark.setGeometry(homeLocation); |
// Add the placemark to Earth. |
ge.getFeatures().appendChild(placemark); |
homeGroundLevel = ge.getGlobe().getGroundAltitude(lat,lon); |
if (homeGroundLevel == 0) |
{ |
homeGroundLevel = alt; |
} |
} |
function updateWaypointListLength(id, len) |
{ |
// Delete any non-needed waypoints |
if (waypoints.length > len) |
{ |
for (var i=len; i<waypoints.length; i++) |
{ |
var placemark = waypoints.pop(); |
ge.getFeatures().removeChild(placemark); |
} |
} |
} |
function updateWaypoint(id, index, lat, lon, alt, action) |
{ |
// Check if waypoint exists |
if (waypoints.length > index) |
{ |
// Waypoint exists |
// Set the placemark's location. |
var location = ge.createPoint(''); |
location.setLatitude(lat); |
location.setLongitude(lon); |
location.setAltitude(alt); |
waypoints[index].setGeometry(location); |
} |
else |
{ |
// Waypoint does not exist yet |
var placemark = ge.createPlacemark(''); |
var icon = ge.createIcon(''); |
var numberstring = index; |
if (index < 10) numberstring = '0' + numberstring |
icon.setHref('http://google-maps-icons.googlecode.com/files/red' + numberstring +'.png'); |
var style = ge.createStyle(''); |
style.getIconStyle().setIcon(icon); |
//style.getIconStyle().setScale(0.5); |
placemark.setStyleSelector(style); |
// Set the placemark's location. |
var location = ge.createPoint(''); |
location.setLatitude(lat); |
location.setLongitude(lon); |
location.setAltitude(alt); |
placemark.setGeometry(location); |
// Add the placemark to Earth. |
ge.getFeatures().appendChild(placemark); |
waypoints[index] = placemark; |
} |
// Add connecting line |
} |
function createAircraft(id, type, color) |
{ |
planePlacemark = ge.createPlacemark(''); |
planePlacemark.setName('aircraft'); |
planeModel = ge.createModel(''); |
ge.getFeatures().appendChild(planePlacemark); |
planeLoc = ge.createLocation(''); |
planeModel.setLocation(planeLoc); |
planeLink = ge.createLink(''); |
planeOrient = ge.createOrientation(''); |
planeModel.setOrientation(planeOrient); |
planeLink.setHref('http://qgroundcontrol.org/_media/users/models/multiplex-twinstar.dae'); |
planeModel.setLink(planeLink); |
planeModel.setAltitudeMode (ge.ALTITUDE_ABSOLUTE); |
planeLoc.setLatitude(currLat); |
planeLoc.setLongitude(currLon); |
planeLoc.setAltitude(currAlt); |
planePlacemark.setGeometry(planeModel); |
// Write into global structure |
aircraft[id] = planePlacemark; |
attitudes[id] = planeOrient; |
aircraftLocations[id] = planeLoc; |
aircraftLastLocations[id] = ge.createLocation(''); |
//planeColor = color; |
createTrail(id, color); |
console.log(color); |
} |
function createTrail(id, color) |
{ |
trailPlacemarks[id] = ge.createPlacemark(''); |
// Create the placemark |
// Create the LineString; set it to extend down to the ground |
// and set the altitude mode |
trails[id] = ge.createLineString(''); |
trailPlacemarks[id].setGeometry(trails[id]); |
trails[id].setExtrude(false); |
trails[id].setAltitudeMode(ge.ALTITUDE_ABSOLUTE); |
// Add LineString points |
//lineString.getCoordinates().pushLatLngAlt(48.754, -121.835, 700); |
// Create a style and set width and color of line |
trailPlacemarks[id].setStyleSelector(ge.createStyle('')); |
lineStyle = trailPlacemarks[id].getStyleSelector().getLineStyle(); |
lineStyle.setWidth(5); |
trailColors[id] = color; |
lineStyle.getColor().set('00000000'); // aabbggrr format |
trailsVisible[id] = false; |
// Add the feature to Earth |
//ge.getFeatures().appendChild(trailPlacemarks[id]); |
} |
function clearTrail(id) |
{ |
trailsVisible[id] = false; |
ge.getFeatures().removeChild(trailPlacemarks[id]); |
} |
function showTrail(id) |
{ |
ge.getFeatures().appendChild(trailPlacemarks[id]); |
trailsVisible[id] = true; |
} |
function setViewRange(dist) |
{ |
currViewRange = dist; |
} |
function addTrailPosition(id, lat, lon, alt) |
{ |
trails[id].setExtrude(false); |
trails[id].setAltitudeMode(ge.ALTITUDE_ABSOLUTE); |
// Add LineString points |
trails[id].getCoordinates().pushLatLngAlt(lat, lon, alt); |
// Create a style and set width and color of line |
trailPlacemarks[id].setStyleSelector(ge.createStyle('')); |
lineStyle = trailPlacemarks[id].getStyleSelector().getLineStyle(); |
lineStyle.setWidth(5); |
lineStyle.getColor().set(trailColors[id]); // aabbggrr format |
//lineStyle.getColor().set(color); // aabbggrr format |
// Add the feature to Earth |
if (trailsVisible[id] == true) ge.getFeatures().replaceChild(trailPlacemarks[id], trailPlacemarks[id]); |
} |
function initCallback(object) |
{ |
ge = object; |
ge.getWindow().setVisibility(true); |
ge.getOptions().setStatusBarVisibility(true); |
ge.getOptions().setScaleLegendVisibility(true); |
//ge.getOptions().setFlyToSpeed(5.0); |
ge.getOptions().setFlyToSpeed(ge.SPEED_TELEPORT); |
ge.getNavigationControl().setVisibility(ge.VISIBILITY_AUTO); |
ge.getLayerRoot().enableLayerById(ge.LAYER_TERRAIN, true); |
ge.getLayerRoot().enableLayerById(ge.LAYER_BUILDINGS, true); |
ge.getLayerRoot().enableLayerById(ge.LAYER_BORDERS, true); |
ge.getLayerRoot().enableLayerById(ge.LAYER_TREES, true); |
initialized = true; |
} |
function setAircraftPositionAttitude(id, lat, lon, alt, roll, pitch, yaw) |
{ |
if (id == currAircraft) |
{ |
if (lastLat == 0) |
{ |
lastLat = currLat; |
lastLon = currLon; |
} |
currLat = lat; |
currLon = lon; |
currAlt = alt; |
// Interpolate between t-1 and t and set new states |
lastLat = lastLat*0.8+currLat*0.2; |
lastLon = lastLon*0.8+currLon*0.2; |
lastAlt = lastAlt*0.8+currAlt*0.2; |
//currFollowHeading = ((yaw/M_PI)+1.0)*360.0; |
// FIXME Currently invalid conversion from right-handed z-down to z-up frame |
planeOrient.setRoll(((roll/M_PI))*180.0+180.0); |
planeOrient.setTilt(((pitch/M_PI))*180.0+180.0); |
planeOrient.setHeading(((yaw/M_PI))*180.0-90.0); |
currFollowHeading = ((yaw/M_PI))*180.0; |
planeLoc.setLatitude(lastLat); |
planeLoc.setLongitude(lastLon); |
planeLoc.setAltitude(lastAlt); |
planeModel.setLocation(planeLoc); |
if (followEnabled) updateFollowAircraft(); |
} |
} |
function enableDaylight(enabled) |
{ |
if(enabled) |
{ |
ge.getSun().setVisibility(true); |
} |
else |
{ |
ge.getSun().setVisibility(false); |
} |
} |
function goHome() |
{ |
var currView = ge.getView().copyAsLookAt(ge.ALTITUDE_ABSOLUTE); |
currView.setLatitude(homeLat); |
currView.setLongitude(homeLon); |
currView.setAltitude(homeAlt); |
currView.setRange(homeViewRange); |
currView.setTilt(currTilt); |
ge.getView().setAbstractView(currView); |
} |
function setCurrentAircraft(id) |
{ |
currAircraft = id; |
} |
function updateFollowAircraft() |
{ |
currView = ge.getView().copyAsLookAt(ge.ALTITUDE_ABSOLUTE); |
currView.setLatitude(lastLat); |
currView.setLongitude(lastLon); |
currView.setAltitude(lastAlt); |
currView.setRange(currViewRange); |
currView.setTilt(currFollowTilt); |
currView.setHeading(currFollowHeading); |
ge.getView().setAbstractView(currView); |
} |
function failureCallback(object) |
{ |
} |
</script> |
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<body onload='init()' id='body'> |
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<div id='map3d' style='margin: 0; spacing: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%'></div> |
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